
Chapter 26: Central Asian Exit Plan

Alma-Ata, 13 March 1990, late morning 

In the room at Hotel Otrar, Maxine and her team gathered to finalize their escape plan from Alma-Ata with the assistance of the enigmatic smuggler gang. The gang had answered Ashur's contact, and were ready to take them back to Horgos. They were instructed to go a certain place. 

As they prepared to depart, Maxine took a moment to assess her own condition. She had lost all her equipment after the confrontation at the Alma-Ata TV Tower, including her gun and shortwave radio communicator. However, her other belongings remained in her hotel room, including her fake identity documents. 

Valerie, having noted the vivid bruises left by the stopped gunshots during the firefight with Sofya Vedenina on Maxine's body, checked her physical condition. "You're in surprisingly good shape, Maxine," she remarked. 

However, Maxine couldn't deny the gnawing hunger in her stomach. "I'm so hungry from all the action. I could eat a horse," Maxine remarked, a touch of humor lacing her words. 

Ashur chuckled and replied, "Well, Kazakhs eat horse meat, so you can actually do that here, Maxine." 

The smuggler gang had given them specific instructions, but Maxine knew they had some time to spare. "Let's grab a quick bite to eat before we meet the gang," she suggested, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. Her team agreed, and they made their way to the hotel's dining area. 

As they exited the room, Maxine cast a lingering glance at the space that had been the scene of her captivity just hours ago. The memories of being bound and threatened with death still haunted her, a chilling reminder of the precarious nature of her espionage work. 

Downstairs in the hotel's bar, Maxine and her team settled into a corner table, trying to blend in with the few patrons who hung out there that early in the day. Maxine noticed that the bartender was not the same one who had delivered the Crimson Lady's message earlier, adding another layer of mystery to the unfolding situation. 

After a quick breakfast, the team left the hotel, making their way to the alleyway where they were to meet the smuggler gang. The gang was already there, their faces obscured by hats and scarves to protect their identities. They exchanged a few words, confirming their identities, and the gang members quickly led them to a waiting vehicle, hidden in the shadows. Ashur handed over half of the agreed-upon payment to secure the gang's services. 

With the arrangements finalized, they boarded the vehicle, and the journey to Horgos began. As they sped through the streets of Alma-Ata, the silhouette of the Alma-Ata TV Tower loomed, visible from virtually every corner of the city. Maxine's gaze remained fixed on it as they passed, her mind flooded with memories of the events that had transpired there. The daring attempt to thwart the blackmail plot by igniting the photographs with a Molotov cocktail, the intense firefight against Sofya Vedenina, and her brief, harrowing captivity at the hands of Hasima. The TV Tower grew smaller in the distance and Maxine couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of their actions. Had they truly disrupted Hasima's plans, or had they unwittingly become pawns in a larger game of espionage and intrigue? 

As Maxine and her team left Alma-Ata behind, a sense of unease settled over them. The smugglers guiding their escape operated with an unusual degree of openness, and their journey was eerily smooth. They no longer traveled through the harsh desert terrain they had navigated on their way in. Instead, they followed regular roads, a stark departure from their previous route. These circumstances seemed to confirm Maxine's suspicions about the gang's affiliations, particularly their potential ties to the local KGB, and the enigmatic figure known as the Crimson Lady, Hasima Qaiyrbek. 

During the drive, they discussed the enigmatic circumstances surrounding their brief stint in Alma-Ata. The pieces of the puzzle didn't quite fit together, and Maxine couldn't shake the feeling that they had been manipulated in ways they couldn't yet comprehend. "This has been strange from the beginning," Maxine mused, her eyes scanning the landscape beyond the vehicle's windows. "How did you end up in Alma-Ata at just the right time?" 

Her team members exchanged concerned glances, acknowledging the peculiar circumstances surrounding their arrival and Maxine's rescue in Alma-Ata. "It's as if someone knew exactly where we would be and when," one of them remarked, voicing the suspicions that had been gnawing at them. 

As she glanced at her team members, their faces reflecting a mix of tension and determination, Maxine realized that they were on the same emotional rollercoaster. Their journey was fraught with uncertainties, and her team's loyalty and resolve inspired her. They may be soldiers in the shadows, but they were also human, each with their own fears and hopes, all bound by a shared mission. 

The journey stretched on for about five hours. Maxine, her body weary from the recent events, found herself drifting into sleep during the uneventful trip. When she awoke, it was to the sight of Horgos, the border town between Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China. Relief washed over her as she saw fellow CIA agent Percy Szeto waiting at the border post, a trusted face in a sea of uncertainty. Percy's presence signaled that their passage had been secured, a reassuring beacon in a tumultuous sea of espionage. 

Percy greeted them with a subtle nod, his demeanor calm and composed. He wasted no time in assisting them through the border post, his familiarity with the procedures and personnel proving invaluable. 



Horgos, Xinjiang, 13 March 1990, evening 

After helping Maxine and team reenter Chinese territory, Percy Szeto took them back to his place at Horgos. Gathered around a small table, they wasted no time in providing Percy with a comprehensive debrief of the tumultuous events that had unfolded in Alma-Ata, recounting the thwarted blackmail plot and Maxine's encounter with the enigmatic Crimson Lady, Hasima Qaiyrbek. Percy then asked, "Maxine, what's your next move?" 

Maxine contemplated for a moment, weighing the options. "In theory, the mission's over, and I could head back to Langley to report to headquarters," she replied. "But there are some loose ends to tie up in Istanbul. More importantly, I need to meet Pyotr Rozagin in Moscow, as instructed by the Crimson Lady. He deserves to know that he's been saved from the blackmail plot." 

Percy nodded in understanding. "Istanbul and Moscow it is, then. How do you plan on getting there?" 

Maxine's brow furrowed in thought. They couldn't simply repeat the steps they had taken before: hitching a ride on a US military plane from Kabul. That was a one-time opportunity. "That's where we'll need your suggestions," she finally said. 

Percy offered a solution. "We could use my usual method of going in and out of Xinjiang, through the land route from and to Pakistan. The CIA has some presence there, mainly for operations in Afghanistan. The local agents can help you get into a regular flight from Islamabad to Istanbul." 

Maxine and her team exchanged glances, recognizing the practicality of Percy's suggestion. It seemed like the most viable, if not the only way to continue their journey. Maxine nodded decisively. "That's the plan, then. We'll follow your route. Lay it out for us, Percy." 

Percy outlined the route: "We'll go from Horgos to Urumqi, then to Kashi, and from there, we'll pass through the Khunjerab Pass into Pakistan." 

Xavier saw a map at Percy's table. He traced the planned route and began calculating the distance of their journey from Horgos to the Pakistan border. As the numbers added up, he realized the vastness of the distance they were about to cover. XL turned to Percy, concern in his eyes. 

"Percy, this route is incredibly long. It's like traveling from one coast of the United States to the other. Is it even feasible for us to make this journey?" XL's voice carried a note of uncertainty. 

Percy leaned over the map, studying the distance. "It's a considerable journey," he replied, his tone measured. "We're looking at a trip of at least a week, given the road conditions and the distance. It will be long and exhausting, but it's our best option right now." 

Maxine sighed, understanding that they had no other viable options. "It seems we have no choice. Let's proceed with the plan." 

Percy offered some reassurance. "Don't worry, guys. I'll be accompanying you at least to Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Province. Once we're there, I'll see what I can do with my contacts in the region and elsewhere. We'll make this journey as smooth as possible." 

Maxine appreciated Percy's support and nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Percy. Your presence and expertise are invaluable." 



Xinjiang, 14 March 1990 

The discussions at Percy's residence in Horgos concluded swiftly. Percy promptly arranged for a vehicle to transport Maxine and her team to Urumqi, the initial stage of their expedition through Xinjiang. The vehicle was prepared and awaiting them the following day, with Percy accompanying them to Urumqi. 

After a much-needed day of rest, they embarked on their journey from Horgos to Urumqi. Covering a considerable distance of more than 700 kilometers, they anticipated an eight-hour voyage. As the landscape rolled by outside the car's windows, Maxine couldn't help but sense the gravity of their mission and the uncertainty looming on the horizon. The expedition proved arduous, with the road winding through desolate terrain. Nevertheless, their resolve drove them onward. 

Late at night, Maxine, Percy, and their team arrived in Urumqi, Xinjiang's provincial capital. Urumqi's atmosphere was markedly different from Horgos: it was a major city with over a million people, the majority of which were Han Chinese and Uighur, and the presence of the Chinese government was palpable. As foreigners in a city teeming with inhabitants from varying backgrounds, Maxine and her team couldn't help but feel exposed. Their illegal entry into the People's Republic of China carried risks, especially if their true identities as CIA agents were discovered. 

Despite the late hour, Percy had a plan in place. He led them to a local church, explaining, "I have contacts among the local Christian community. They can provide us with a safe place to rest and regroup. Besides, people won't be that suspicious to see Westerners in a church." 

The weary travelers found respite within the church for the night. As they settled in, Maxine couldn't help but notice a few peculiarities. The churchgoers were predominantly ethnic Han Chinese, a contrast to the Uighur population that dominated Xinjiang. Furthermore, the absence of crosses within the church caught Maxine's attention. She raised this matter with Percy, who explained, "The authorities forbid the display of crosses, even though they allow limited church service." 

Morning arrived, and Percy made a request to the church staff. He approached them, asking if he could use their telephone to make a call to someone in Hong Kong. Maxine observed Percy's conversation closely, trying to pick up on any details despite the language barrier. While Percy and the person on the other end spoke in Chinese, Maxine couldn't understand the conversation. However, she did notice Percy mentioning "CIA" several times. 

After finishing the call, Maxine's curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to Percy with questions. "Percy, who were you talking to on the phone? You mentioned 'CIA'. What's going on?" 

Percy's expression turned somewhat contemplative as he began to share. "I just called my Uncle Wah. He's a distant relative of mine, and he's also a parliament member in Hong Kong. He's involved in some rather delicate operations there." 

Maxine leaned in, intrigued by this revelation. Percy continued, "You remember the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing last year, right?" 

Maxine nodded, her memory drifting back to the events of 1989. "Yes, I know a bit about it. It was a major student demonstration in Beijing that ended in violent suppression by the Chinese army. I remember that iconic image of a student standing in front of a tank." 

Percy continued, " Exactly. Those protests led to numerous individuals being sought by the Chinese government. Uncle Wah, along with other prominent figures in Hong Kong, is involved in helping them escape. It's a massive operation involving Hong Kong parliament members, businesspeople, actors, and even some underworld figures, not to mention British diplomats. And yes, we're involved too. I sent them some equipment to aid the fugitives." 

Percy then revealed his own intentions, saying, "I'm attempting to call in a favor from Uncle Wah, to see if he can facilitate our departure from China. I believe this operation might be able to reach Xinjiang because some of the student leaders are Uighur, and Uncle Wah had previously aided one of them in escaping to France." 

Maxine, eager to know if Uncle Wah can indeed assist them to leave China, turned to Percy with a question. "Percy, do you think your Uncle Wah can actually help us get out of here?" 

Percy, who had initiated the contact with Uncle Wah, replied with a sense of cautious optimism. "We'll have to wait for his answer, Maxine. These operations are quite intricate, and we must tread carefully." 

Left without immediate answers, they settled into a day of anxious waiting. The hours crept by slowly, fraught with both anticipation and uncertainty, as they clung to the hope of receiving a positive reply from Percy's contacts. This waiting period underscored the unpredictable nature of their mission and the intricate web of relationships and favors they needed to navigate in pursuit of their objectives. 

As evening descended upon Urumqi, the church's phone rang, shattering the silence. A member of the church staff picked it up and then called for Percy. Maxine and her team observed with bated breath as Percy answered the call, his expression oscillating between hope and anticipation. Again, Maxine could not understand the conversation which was done in rapid Chinese, yet she didn't require comprehension to discern the emotional undertones. As Percy continued to speak, a sense of relief and optimism washed over his features. He nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips, and the tension in the room seemed to dissipate. 

After concluding the call, Percy turned to Maxine and her team, wearing a triumphant expression. "Great news," Percy exclaimed with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Uncle Wah can help us. He'll arrange for cover so you can move freely and leave Urumqi."

Maxine couldn't hide her elation. This breakthrough was the moment they had been anxiously awaiting. Percy continued, "You'll be flying to Hong Kong. It's the safest and most discreet way out." 

Maxine and her team couldn't hide their relief and gratitude. At least they could avoid a perilous overland journey across Central Asian desert and mountains, equivalent to traversing the entire width of America. Hong Kong might be halfway across the globe from their current location, but it offered a secure starting point for their next moves. 

With the support of Percy's contact, Uncle Wah, their escape plan was set in motion. Maxine and her team would be provided with cover courtesy of one of Uncle Wah's front trading companies, experts in assisting fugitives in their escape to Hong Kong. They'd be depicted as a group of Western partners of a Hong Kong trading company who had been exploring business opportunities in Urumqi and were now returning home via Hong Kong as part of an international trade mission. This cover story would facilitate their departure from Urumqi with minimal complications. It was a safer and more discreet option than any land journey they could have embarked upon. Their escape was beginning to take shape. 



16 March 1990 

After another day of waiting, representatives sent by Uncle Wah arrived at the church. They had been tasked with escorting Maxine and her team to safety. The group immediately made their way to Urumqi's airport, where they boarded a flight to Hong Kong via Beijing. Percy Szeto accompanied them on this leg of their journey, ensuring their smooth transition. Uncle Wah's men helped Maxine and the others passed customs and immigration, their cover story unchallenged. 

The flight from Urumqi to Hong Kong was quite lengthy, spanning eight hours, which included a two-hour layover in Beijing. A mix of relief and anticipation enveloped them as they left behind the perils of Central Asia, bound for a place that felt like a sanctuary compared to the dangers they had faced. 

Finally, they arrived at the bustling city of Hong Kong, a place that seemed like a world away from the desolate landscapes of Xinjiang. Their first destination was the US Consulate in Hong Kong, where they would prepare for the next steps of their mission. 

After their arrival in Hong Kong, Percy, having played a crucial role in facilitating their escape from Xinjiang, explained that he had his own duties and mission to attend to. He would be waiting for further instructions from the headquarters at the CIA's Hong Kong station. Maxine and her team expressed their heartfelt thanks to Percy for his invaluable assistance in managing their travels through the treacherous terrain of Central Asia. 

Maxine had a crucial decision to make. Her teammates had effectively accomplished their mission, and they had the option to return home directly if they wished. She turned to them, asking for their input on the matter. "You've all been through a lot, and your part in this mission is essentially complete," she said. "If any of you wish to head back home, I completely understand. It's been a long and perilous journey, and your safety is a top priority." 

As she awaited responses from her teammates, Maxine also took the opportunity to contact Lloyd, who was still stationed in Istanbul. Her intention was to arrange for Lloyd's return home after wrapping up the situation with the participants who had been arrested. She received an update from Lloyd indicating that Isabelle and Koray were still in custody, but Canan had been released due to pressure exerted by Cemile Furat and her husband's mafia organization. Maxine acknowledged the circumstances and instructed that the release of the other two be arranged. 

With their immediate tasks in Hong Kong addressed, Maxine shifted her attention to the next phase of her mission. Her journey was far from over; she needed to travel to Moscow to meet with Pyotr Rozagin. Maxine approached the consulate staff to solicit advice on the best route for flying from Hong Kong to Moscow. 

