
Tales of Brutality

Ram sat at his desk, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. He had tasked his subordinate with compiling a report on the atrocities committed by the Western colonizers, determined to expose their cruelty to the world. As he picked up the thick stack of papers, he braced himself for the horrors contained within.

1. **Rajesh's Story:**

Rajesh, a farmer from a remote village in India, recounted his harrowing experience at the hands of the colonizers. One day, as he worked in his fields, a group of British soldiers descended upon his village, wielding their rifles with impunity. They set fire to homes, destroyed crops, and rounded up the villagers like cattle. Rajesh watched in horror as his family was torn apart before his eyes, his wife and children dragged away to God knows where. He was beaten mercilessly, left for dead in the smoldering ruins of his once peaceful home.

2. **Meera's Ordeal:**

Meera, a young woman from a bustling city, spoke of the nightmarish ordeal she endured at the hands of the colonizers. While walking home from market one evening, she was accosted by a group of British soldiers who had been drinking heavily. They grabbed her roughly, tearing at her clothes and laughing as she screamed for help. Meera fought with all her strength, but she was no match for their brute force. She was violated in the most degrading manner imaginable, left battered and broken on the cold, unforgiving ground.

3. **Karthik's Desperation:**

Karthik, a laborer working on the construction of a colonial railway, shared his tale of desperation and despair. Forced into backbreaking work for meager wages, he toiled day and night under the scorching sun, his body wracked with pain. The British overseers showed no mercy, driving the workers relentlessly and punishing any sign of weakness with cruel brutality. Karthik witnessed his fellow laborers succumb to exhaustion and injury, their pleas for respite falling on deaf ears. He knew that escape was impossible, trapped in a cycle of exploitation from which there was no reprieve.

4. **Anita's Anguish:**

Anita, a teacher at a local school, recounted the horror of witnessing her students torn from their families and forced into servitude by the colonizers. The British authorities implemented harsh policies aimed at eradicating indigenous culture and language, seeking to impose their own ideals upon the native population. Anita watched helplessly as her beloved pupils were stripped of their identity, their innocence shattered by the callousness of their oppressors. She resolved to fight for their freedom, to preserve what little remained of their heritage in the face of overwhelming adversity.

5. **Vikram's Rebellion:**

Vikram, a young revolutionary, spoke passionately of his defiance against the colonial regime. He had seen firsthand the suffering inflicted upon his people, the indignity of their subjugation burning like a fire in his soul. Vikram joined the resistance movement, risking life and limb to strike back against the oppressors. He led daring raids on British outposts, sabotaging their supply lines and disrupting their operations at every turn. Though he knew the odds were stacked against him, Vikram refused to back down, his unwavering resolve a beacon of hope for his beleaguered countrymen.

6. **Sarita's Sacrifice**: Sarita, a young woman from a small village, recounted how British soldiers raided her home, plundering everything in sight. When her father attempted to intervene, he was mercilessly beaten before her eyes. In a desperate attempt to protect her family, Sarita offered herself to the soldiers, enduring unspeakable horrors to spare her loved ones.

7. **Lalita's Loss**: Lalita, a mother of three, watched helplessly as her children were torn from her arms and sent to work in the coal mines. Denied even the comfort of knowing their fate, she endured endless nights of anguish, praying for their safe return. With each passing day, her hope dwindled, replaced by a simmering rage against the oppressors who tore her family apart.

As Ram read through the accounts of horror and despair, his heart filled with righteous anger. These were not just stories; they were the harsh realities faced by countless individuals at the hands of merciless oppressors. He vowed to use every means at his disposal to expose the truth and bring an end to the tyranny of colonization once and for all.

After seeing all of this things he have no mercy towards britisher innocent Britishers not innocent Britishers it does not matter all the Britishers are equally guilty.

With his future knowledge he can really destroy britisher completely and they will have no futures they are so call glorious history which was upon the colonies will soon going to end.

After all if there is no colony there is no resource to such a tricky country which have no work legacy.

Ram cannot help but laugh out loud this was the country who talks about humanity in his previous life.

Ram do not know how they got such a thick skin that day had forgot. What day have done in the past.

Ram really heated this type of people the most whose say lot of b******* about humanity but their past is full of killing and plundering the resources of the countries this is the fact of European countries so called wealth so called economy so called GDP and its all begins from plundering from other countries.

He really angry and when he was angry he make sure that colonization will suffer he already started to sell large amount of guns to the colonies countries and soon the large scale rebellion will start on all the furnish and with the help of modern comes he want to see what this calling his country will do he want to see what angry crowd will do when they will see how there suppresses tied front of their eyes.

With a steely resolve burning within him, Ram wasted no time in setting his plans into motion. He knew that to dismantle the oppressive system of colonization, he had to strike at its very foundation—the British Empire itself. As he orchestrated the distribution of advanced weaponry to the colonies, he relished the thought of the imminent rebellion that would soon engulf the colonizers in chaos and upheaval.

Ram's laughter echoed through the halls of his headquarters as he envisioned the downfall of the British, their once proud empire crumbling before the wrath of the oppressed. He had no sympathy for the so-called innocent Britishers, for in his eyes, they were all complicit in the crimes of their forefathers. Their cries for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the screams of those who had suffered under their tyranny.

In his fury, Ram spared no thought for diplomacy or negotiation. He saw only justice, swift and unyielding, delivered by the hands of those who had been wronged. With each weapon sold and each rebellion sparked, he reveled in the chaos he had unleashed upon the colonizers, knowing that their downfall was inevitable.

As the flames of revolution spread across the colonies, Ram watched with satisfaction as the once mighty British Empire struggled to maintain its grip on power. He had no doubt that their legacy of plunder and exploitation would soon be consigned to the annals of history, replaced by a new era of freedom and sovereignty for those who had been oppressed for far too long.

And as the angry crowds gathered, their voices raised in defiance against their oppressors, Ram stood at the forefront, a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and oppressed. For he knew that true liberation could only be achieved through the dismantling of the colonial system, brick by brick, until not a trace remained of the tyranny that had held sway for centuries.
