

I've seen many questions and comments that come up frequently, so I'm going to take the time to respond now.Firstly, I don't know why everyone thinks that the great houses don't have enough gold to recruit armies of 30,000 or even 50,000 soldiers, this is completely FALSE.ALL the great houses can, IF they need to, recruit as many soldiers, proof of this is Tywin Lannister who has a standing army of 30k plus the other houses from the Westerlands that bring the number to 70k.If the other great Houses really wanted, they could also do it but there's a more important reason, the recruited soldiers are serfs taken from the fields or workers taken from their jobs.The Reach doesn't have a problem in terms of population because they have about 12 million smallfolk living in that region, the army of the Reach can thus send hundreds of thousands of soldiers, not because the Tyrells are richer than the Lannisters but simply because the demographics of the Region they govern dwarfs all the other territories of the Seven Kingdoms in terms of population.Aegon capitalizes on the fact that King's Landing is a city abandoned by its king to take in the beggars and young orphans without a future who risk becoming mercenaries, assassins, or beggars, and make them work for him.I saw somewhere that the entire North would have a total population close to 4 million inhabitants in the books, so taking into account these numbers try to imagine a city with 500,000 people starving, how could he not find willing people to escape misery simply by asking them to wear armor and train because at the start of the story the gold cloaks are nothing more than a useless army since the kingdom has been at peace for more than a decade.At that time, being part of such an institution is an honor for a simple commoner, such an honor that some might even pay for it, and even if a war broke out it would not stop the recruitments, just take the example of World War II.How many people enlisted to serve their nations?Then I saw that many are disappointed that I made the Boltons dukes and I understand why but now we come to a part of the story where the MC kills Jon Snow and is reborn as Aegon VI and for that, he must start thinking as the head of House Targaryen and not as a bastard son or nephew of the Warden of the North.The North is too large and too detached from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms and Aegon tries to assert himself as an authority by starting to separate them using the oldest strategy in the world.'Divide and conquer'The title of Queen that Valeria has is a posthumous and more symbolic title than anything else but she is dead.Also, I saw that many people think the Martells would rather die than shake hands with a Lannister let me correct you with facts, firstly the Martells did not launch a war despite the decline of royalty throughout Robert Baratheon's reign regardless of the plans they may have devised the facts are there...they did nothing.Secondly, in the Game of Thrones series Gregor Clegane exploded Oberyn Martell's head like a watermelon and again Doran Martell did nothing.And lastly, he betrothed his son to Myrcella.Although in the books some things are different and although most Dornishmen scream for vengeance in the book and the series, the SUPREME AUTHORITY of Dorne, meaning Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne is the ONLY one who can declare war never did anything because he KNOWS that Dorne would end up losing in a war whether it ends in victory or defeat.Guys one last thing I saw in the comments is that Aegon pulls armies out of nowhere but in fact, you forget too easily that all the soldiers he recruits are not necessarily trained soldiers or soldiers requiring training they are simply people to whom we give a spear a shield armor and who are asked to get up every morning to walk run jump and learn to maintain a military combat formation like a shield wall.In the last chapter, I wrote that each Legion commander commands 10,000 legionnaires but it's a MISTAKE that I will correct, in fact, they receive the authority to recruit and train 10,000 legionnaires but it will take time for now the army only counts 25,000 legionnaires.