
Hero Apprentice

As the core absorbed more energy, a crack suddenly appeared. The moment it did, Leon felt as though a bomb had gone off in his chest. He coughed up blood but remained motionless, steadfast in his position.

Seeing the first crack, Solomon pressed on, pouring even more energy into the core. Another crack emerged, and another wave of pain shot through Leon, but he stayed strong, enduring the intense agony.

One by one, eight more cracks appeared, each causing Leon immense pain. His bones were crushed into powder, his muscles torn apart from the continuous shockwaves, and his veins ruptured. It was a miracle he was still alive.

[A critical step, Master,] Solomon's voice reached Leon, who was now barely conscious, his vision blurry. Leon, in his weakened state, focused on his core and dropped a single drop of his own blood into it—pure human blood, without any Fantasia bloodline.

As the drop touched the cracked core, a soft light began to emit from the cracks, sealing them one by one. Soon, the core, now glowing a brilliant red, settled in Leon's body.

Within seconds, the red core began to rotate, slowly forming a golden lake-like substance inside Leon's body. The energy flowed smoothly, creating a small, circular lake in the center of his being.

From the middle of the lake, a seedling emerged—tiny but distinct, with two platinum-colored leaves, glowing faintly with power. The Hero King seed had been born.

Leon sat there, his body battered and broken, but the energy within him radiated with a new, unstoppable force.

Soon, the energy released by the Seedling become to spread in his body, as it began to heal as well as fortify his boy, his body was now 10 times more stronger then the intially it was.

After a few minutes, the healing process was complete, and Leon stood up. On the surface, nothing had changed in his appearance, but his overall strength and power had improved by tenfold.

[Master, you even surprised me there. I thought your limit would be six cracks, but you made it to ten,] Solomon remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone.

Leon nodded, his face calm but his thoughts more intense. Only I know how I managed to endure those cracks, he thought to himself, recalling the sheer agony he had faced during the process.

[Master you are now in Hero Apprentice Stage] Solomon said and Leon nodded and then entered the UVR.

Leon shook his head in disbelief as he tested his newfound powers in the training ground within the UVR. "I've really improved by ten times," he mumbled, still astonished by the extent of his growth. At first, he had doubted it, especially after enduring the painful cracks, but now he fully believed in the magnitude of his enhancement. The difference was undeniable.

Leon nodded as he walked back to the hall, spotting Amelia and Lana chatting. Lana still had her fluffy ears and tail, while Amelia looked different. Now, she had feathered wings sprouting from her back and two horns emerging from the sides of her head.

"Did you change your bloodline?" Leon asked, noticing her new appearance.

Amelia glanced at him and nodded. "Yes, I've now reached the 2nd Replacement Realm."

Leon nodded, realizing his clone had probably overseen her progress. "What's your integration?"

"At peak. I'm ready for the 3rd Replacement Realm," she said smugly.

"Cool," Leon said, sitting down casually.

"Let's fight," Amelia suddenly said, standing up with determination.

"I don't want to," Leon replied, sensing that he could easily defeat her in this state.

"No, I want to fight!" she insisted, shaking her head.

Leon shrugged, and after about 15 minutes of sparring, Amelia was shouting in frustration.

"What the heck are you made of? I trained for three years, and I still can't beat you!" she exclaimed, clearly annoyed.

Leon rolled his eyes and replied, "Go and join the individual SG. We'll bet on you."

The mention of betting immediately perked Lana up. Her tail began swaying left and right with excitement.

Leon chuckled, noticing how expressive Lana had become, her emotions easily displayed through her tail's movements. She was clearly eager to place another bet.

Amelia snorted, but she quickly began checking out the Individual Supremacy Games and filled in the form to join.

"Now, I'm going to spin my first game," she said, as Leon and Lana moved to her sides.

"Should I spin it?" Lana asked eagerly. "I always win in luck-based games," she added with a grin.

Amelia, hearing this, nodded and let Lana take over the spin.

The formal wheel began to spin rapidly, and when Amelia said "stop," it slowed down and landed on Fighting Format.

"You lucked out, really," Leon remarked. Amelia, now literally a war goddess, had fused with all the memories of his clone, so he fully understood just how much she had improved.

Amelia smiled confidently as she allowed Lana to spin for the game format too. Lana, excited, gave the wheel another spin, and when Amelia said "stop," it rested on Battle Royale.

Leon shook his head, amused. "I wonder how those poor guys will handle it, fighting against a monster like you," he mused, already imagining the chaos Amelia would bring to the battlefield.

Amelia grinned, her mind already envisioning the chaos she'd bring to the battlefield.

"When's the game?" Leon asked.

"One week from today," Amelia replied.

"Hmm, so what are you planning to do for the next six days?" Leon inquired.

A dangerous glint flashed in Amelia's eyes as she considered Leon's question. "I guess you've already decided," Leon added, sensing her intentions.

"I've waited three years for this," she said, glancing at Lana. "I can wait one more day."

Lana, seeing the intensity in Amelia's gaze, turned to Leon and said, "Send me where you sent Amelia to train."

Leon nodded and, with a simple command to Elara, the portal appeared again. Lana bid them farewell, stepping through the portal and disappearing into the Existence realm.

Leon looked at her as he said " I am going for my second game, bet all money on me" 

Amelia nodded, as he Leon gets inside the VR pod.

It was delivered this morning, as for his contract with Nini, she said, if he wins three more games , she will make an exclusive contract with him.
