
Afterglow 1


I stayed with Elijah despite the cruel things I'd heard from him. As evening fell, the ward door opened, and Lana Rossi waltzed in, her perfectly coiffed hair and designer outfit a stark contrast to the sterile hospital room.

When she saw Elijah, she broke down, rushing to his bedside. "Oh, my darling boy," she cried, her manicured hands hovering over his bandages. "Who did this to you? My sweet boy doesn't deserve any of this."

I stood up, feeling out of place in this family moment. "I'll give you some time alone," I said quietly, moving towards the door.

Lana's head snapped up, as if she'd just noticed my presence. "Nonsense, Imogen. You're family. You should stay."

I hesitated, my hand on the doorknob.
