
Chapter 113: Wrong opponent.

Rigel went to the 11th floor and it was as the Players said about the 11th floor up to the 30th floor that those floors belonged to the 3 major guilds. He thought there were only 3 guilds, but he didn't expect there to be dozens of them out there, trying to achieve what the 3 major guilds did.

He could see Players proudly wearing the emblems of the guilds they represented. Unlike the 3 major guilds, the smaller guilds were competing against each other both in power and wealth which made it a toxic environment on those floors. They would fight each other to prove who was the stronger and tried to show dominance over the others.

"Have you heard?" A man asked his friends who walked next to him.

"About the 3 major guilds? Who hasn't heard about it? Something is going on up there and I have seen it myself the Players from those guilds are busy preparing to go somewhere," The friend answered.
