
Blind devotion

Shouts of "Yess Boss!" filled the night air, some were excited while others stood around looking miserable. 

Zinc's only focus was Charm since he stared at her while he answered with such blind devotion.

For some strange reason his shared look only made her feel guiltier. 

They say that your eyes are the windows to the soul and in the moment such words never rang more true with all of Zinc's unwavering faith in Charm.

His chocolate brown eyes were trying to tell her something but Charm didn't want any part of it. Too many emotions were coming at her while she struggled to get some rest.

Blatantly ignored by Charm, ZInc went over to talk to Lucien privately for a few minutes.

Charm whispered to Miguel, "Do you think I'm being too harsh with ZInc?"

Normally Miguel wouldn't get caught up in gossip but even he thought so.

Miguel nodded his head slowly in agreement, "Yes."
