
The next level

They got on a lift that lowered them slowly to the next level.

When the lift finally stopped they entered an empty corridor. 

Miguel showed no indications of acting like a tour guide so Charm drew her own conclusions. 

Charm was perplexed by Miguel's abrupt change in behavior.

On the island he had been chatty with them but now that he was at home on the warship he seemed less inclined to talk.

Puzzled, she glanced down the long, winding corridor, it brought home how massive the warship was and it felt like they could get lost easily. 

Miguel started walking faster and Charm found herself out of breath and struggling to keep pace with him.

While Zinc looked unbothered and was his usual stoic self. 

The warship was a huge, gigantic space that looked like it no longer followed its original floor plan and had been remodeled into something else entirely.

Walls were freshly coated with white paint in contrast to the all black above deck.

They passed numerous sealed doors and she could hear the humming coming from machinery stored inside. 

Then they passed what seemed to be a huge room filled with bunk beds.

"How many are on this ship?" she questioned.

"We can hold up to 4500 passengers comfortably but only half of that is onboard currently," replied Miguel.

"Why so many?"

"This is a haven for Spirit Warriors across the globe."

"Half the bunks seemed unused though."

"That's because we stop at various ports all over the world to conduct business so people always come and go."

"What kind of business?"

"You'll learn about it eventually if you officially become one of us."

After that there were single rooms, for those with higher ranks.

Inside she could see that each room was standardized with a single bed.

A small study desk with matching chair, a closet and mini fridge. 

Utilitarian glass lamps hung at intervals on the walls illuminated their path.

Even below deck she could smell the sea, and a faint trace of beeswax and lysol. 

There was no dust as the warship seemed to be well maintained and cleaned regularly. 

Finally they came to a fork in the corridor and Miguel turned right. 

They walked for a few more minutes before they paused in front of another closed door. 

Miguel put his hand on a some type of door sensor.

It read his palm, made a series of beeping sounds before the door opened. 

They eventually entered an office.

There was even a massive desk stacked high with paperwork. 

Hidden by all that paperwork sat Miguel's leader. 

He didn't even look up from what he was working on until Miguel cleared his throat.

Only then did he look up, Charm placed him as late forties, muscular and very handsome which was unexpected. 

He didn't look military or at home on the warship.

The leader seemed more the business executive type.

Charm could imagine him leading a large conference and delegating responsibilities. 

"They are so young," he noted over the rims of his glasses, "you didn't tell me that Miguel."

"You weren't listening. Clearly, I told these two were different, their spirit readings were off the charts."

"Do you think they are compatible?"

Miguel shrugged. 

"It seems I'm being impolite to our guests. Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Lucien Rodriguez. I'm one of the leaders currently aboard the warship, the others you will meet with time. I have many responsibilities but you can think of me as the leading Recruitment and Public Relations Officer. Welcome aboard."

His whole demeanor was so candid that Charm found herself relaxing in Lucien's presence.

"I'm Charm Alysham. Pleased to meet you," she smiled shyly.

When Zinc was certain that Charm was done he also introduced himself and accepted Lucien's outstretched palm for a handshake.

 "I'm Zinc Fearon."

"Hmm…Fearon… Are you by chance the only son of Adam Fearon?"

"Yes, I am."

"That's wonderful. We served together, where is he working now?"

"He's dead," was Zinc's clipped reply.

"As much as I'm honored to make your acquaintance, I'm saddened to hear about your father, he was a good man," said Lucien.

He continued, "I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It seems that you are destined to be even greater than your father, now it makes sense how someone so young and untrained was able to kill a General Locust demon with his bare hands, truly commendable."

Charm interrupted, "I saw everything. It wasn't with his bare hands. I saw a light coming from his hands. Zinc isn't human."

Finally she put it out there, she said it, she wasn't aware of how much it had been bothering her.

This wasn't like her and she knew she had mixed feelings about Zinc.

She saw him as the source of her discomfort but how could she blurt out that about him. 

When he had been nothing but kind to her and she blurted it out to a stranger at that.

Charm was beginning to think that Lucien must have spirit powers of his own.

Perhaps, it was the type that made people open up and tell their truths.

Or was she just looking for another excuse to ease her guilty conscience. 

She glanced over at Zinc; he hadn't moved a muscle even after her unjust accusation.

Zinc was still reeling from the shock that he met someone who knew his father. 

He should have been more careful before releasing such information as he knew that the people his father was involved with in the past were not to be trusted. 

"As for you Charm, even I can sense your spirit power from here. I can see why General Locust was attracted to you."

"I don't fully understand why it was drawn to me either. I just thought I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time."

"I see," said Lucien. "You are very special Charm, your body contains spirit power. It's something innate, you have to be born with the ability to possess it naturally."

"Lucien's right. Not many humans can and without it they would find themselves at a disadvantage against the supernatural forces that threaten our world," added Miguel.

Raising her voice, Charm asked, "I don't want it. How do I get rid of it?"
