
The Couple’s Way

** Harper **

It took Harper an embarrassingly long moment to realize why Eli had frozen, and another embarrassingly long moment to realize what she had just done.

She wasn't trying to seduce him … She really wasn't! Under the calming spell of the bath, all she was thinking was how to make things more comfortable for the both of them. In a completely innocent way. But now that her brain had finally been reminded of the not-innocent direction of thought … She noticed belatedly how precariously close she was lying to his groin, and how palpably the muscles in his lower body had tightened beneath her stomach.

Then it took her yet another embarrassingly long moment to figure out what she was supposed to do next.

"… Oops. Am I too heavy for lying on top of you like this? Should I move?" She smiled sheepishly, though she didn't move off of him. Her hand slid down from the tub rim into the water, resting casually over his thigh.
