

** Eli **

The words felt surreal, the sound of them something that Eli had never expected to hear out of his own voice. But when he saw the smile it brought to Harper's face, the misty look in her eyes that spoke more than any love songs, he could only wonder why he had never confessed any of this to her sooner.

It was truly the greatest favor from fate that he hadn't completely and forever missed the chance to do it.

"Oh my God. You're gonna make me cry." Harper suddenly looked away from him, sniffling, and the abrupt rush of pink blooming over her cheeks was … insanely adorable. "I'm ridiculous, I know. It's not like you are proposing or anything! And I'm already about to tear up! This is not how it's supposed to go."

Hmm, good reminder. Make sure Harper actually cries when he proposes — item added to the top of his checklist.
