
Chapter 460 The Beginning_2

Ling Menglu nodded and said, "I can draw up the restoration arrays in advance based on the route of our operation. Once we begin our action, we'll try to break the firmament and attract the Power of Luminosity through us to bestow blessings upon everyone and enhance recovery."

Long Dangdang nodded, "I can also store some Spiritual Power in the Clear Moon Vast Ocean Spirit Furnace and transfer it to everyone when the time comes."

Ming Xi rubbed his hands together and said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's do this. Who knows, once we pull this off, we might have enough demon hunter merits to advance to an Emperor Class demon hunting team when we return."

A chill passed over Long Dangdang's face, "So, now it depends on how ambitious we are. How many altars we want to destroy." As he spoke, he picked up a pen and started to mark the map. This time, he was going to be a master of time management.

Three days later.
