
Chapter 273: Skyrocketing

"Subscribe, please..."

As the movie ended, Martin-Smith and Anderson-Williams, mixed in with the crowd, walked out of a side exit of the Hollywood Chinese Theatre.

"Deadpool's mouth really is something else, the way he teased David Beckham."

As they walked and talked, Martin-Smith, who often watched British football, imitated Deadpool's tone, "Have you heard David Beckham speak? It's like he's just made out with a helium tank..."

Anderson-Williams seemed not to hear Martin-Smith's words, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, taking a deep inhale right next to his nose, completely immersed in the tobacco's aroma, "Definitely need one tonight."

Many around them felt similarly, as if Deadpool's lines had spoken directly to their hearts.

Ahead of Martin-Smith and Anderson-Williams, Daisy led a group of IMDB discussion members outside. Her team was quite large, around fifty people, all emotionally charged by the movie, engaging in animated discussions.

However, with a large group, some troubles inevitably arose, especially when everyone's heads were buzzing with excitement.

While urging her group forward, Daisy suddenly heard noisy squabbling ahead.

She quickly squeezed forward, but the crowd was too dense to get through. Moreover, the source of the noise was encircled by onlookers. Luckily, they were already outside the Hollywood Chinese Theatre, or the congestion would have been worse.

Through gaps in the crowd, Daisy saw one of her group members arguing with an unfamiliar-faced Black man.

"What are you bumping into me for?" The Black man looked threatening.

The person from her group was not to be trifled with either, responding defiantly to the hostile words, "So what if I bumped into you? You think I wanted to bump into you? Look at your ugly mug, like an avocado that was molested by an even older, more disgusting avocado! Your face would give anyone nightmares!"

This quick learning and application of insults from the movie immediately infuriated the Black man, who retorted with movie-inspired sarcasm, "You're like a testicle with teeth! You're Freddy Krueger from 'Nightmare on Elm Street' if he made the Utah geological map with his face!"

The two instantly turned into Deadpools, hurling the freshly learned curses and insults at each other as if they were free.

"Excuse me!" Daisy finally made her way through the crowd, "Let me through!"

The crowd parted for her, some expecting this pretty girl to intervene in the escalating fight.

But a girl fascinated by the various twisted killing methods in "Saw," who wrote letters discussing innovation in killing with the director, wasn't there to play peacemaker.

Daisy, as the discussion leader of the Murphy-Stanton section on IMDB, certainly had significant influence and authority, or else she wouldn't have been able to organize such a group movie-watching event.

She glanced at the man who had been insulted as a molested avocado, raised her hand, and pointing at his dark face, loudly declared to the other group members still watching, "I want this guy to perform the 'nasty dog eating shit' act, he deserves it!"

This command seemed to mobilize several Deadpool-costumed members, who unsheathed prop swords and rushed forward, the Black man becoming the target of a group beating.

Feeling unsatisfied, Daisy put her hands on her hips and loudly proclaimed, "We might be twisted tooth fairies, but we only knock out the teeth from testicles with teeth!"

The chaos quickly drew the theater staff's attention, a critical path for exiting the theater, and the blockage was disrupting the dispersal order.

"What are you doing?" someone yelled.

Daisy, wise enough to know continuing would attract the police, shouted, "This disgusting avocado has already felt our hard part in the most tragic way possible, let's go!"

In just a few minutes, Daisy and her group quickly left, disappearing into the streets of Hollywood.

This minor incident slowed down the exiting process. At another exit, Clark Brown was in the midst of his busiest phase.

He was an employee of Cinema.Score in Los Angeles, tasked this weekend with conducting firsthand surveys of audiences just out from watching "Deadpool."


Clark Brown stopped a male viewer, aged between twenty-five and thirty, and offered him a pen capped with a Deadpool hat, "Could I ask you a few questions about the film?"

The viewer took the pen, nodding immediately, "Of course."

"If you were to grade the film with A, B, C, D, plus and minus," Clark Kent pressed the record button on a small recorder, "what grade would you give 'Deadpool'?"

"A+!" The viewer didn't hesitate to respond, "Definitely A+!"

Clark Brown continued, "Can you provide a few comments?"

"The plot is somewhat simple, just revolving around Deadpool's background," the viewer pondered, then added, "But no one can deny how uniquely 'Deadpool' stands out. Let's put it this way, the verbal battles in this movie are even more exciting than the fights! The jokes about X-Men and Robert Downey Jr. with Leonardo DiCaprio were just brilliant!"

Clark Brown turned off the recorder, thanking him, "Thank you for your rating."

"You're welcome." The viewer walked away, satisfied with the Deadpool pen.

Clark Brown approached other fans.

"The movie is so filthy, and the dialogue is incredibly funny. The plot and dialogue are humorous; dark humor runs throughout, many lines are thought-provoking! Although the cast isn't large, the scenes are still spectacular. The movie is pretty good overall, it's just that the X-Men cast is too small, but their powers are definitely not weak! That little egg, really strong!"

This viewer also gave an A+ rating.

Another viewer was even more enthusiastic about the film, "It's been a long time since I saw a movie that kept me captivated and reminiscing about certain scenes all at once. The pace is great, it's cheeky, genuine, and down-to-earth. Adding the king of sarcasm, crazy for love, and personal heroism isn't that annoying."

He said directly, "I give 'Deadpool' full marks! If possible, 120 out of 100!"

However, Clark Brown also encountered viewers who didn't like this style, "The movie felt quite average, not as fun or interesting as Murphy-Stanton's previous films. Deadpool was weird, the big villain was weird, Colossus was weird, the whole movie was weird. I can only give it a B."

But these were a minority among the few, with over ninety percent of Clark Brown's collected ratings being positive.

"I can only say, Murphy-Stanton really blew it up this time!"

"When an immortal body meets slick talking, dirty jokes, and brutal violence, the story indeed becomes interesting."

"The director knows how to make an action-light superhero movie interesting and fun on a tight budget. It's almost all jokes from start to end, and it tells a particularly filthy love story on the side. After getting used to those commercial blockbusters that at the lightest blow up buildings and at the heaviest destroy cities, watching something like this is truly excellent..."

"This is a joyous hero, truly classic! Slow-motion coolness, car flips at the start, a mix of flashbacks and narration, both righteous and evil, lowly and chatty, Deadpool with self-healing disfigurement, wins his girlfriend's true love, smart black humor and dirty jokes, striptease nudity, headshots with splattering blood, limbs flying everywhere, heavy taste violence, brilliant satirical commentary on Star Wars and various famous movies, hilarious spoofs with Leonardo DiCaprio's photo…"

After completing the field survey, approaching midnight in Los Angeles, Clark Brown didn't head home to rest but instead went to the Cinema.Score office in Los Angeles to send the collected data and comments to the company's headquarters in Las Vegas immediately.

He wasn't sure about the other advance screenings, but the premiere at the Hollywood Chinese Theatre's audience overall rating was definitely an A+!

The Santa Monica valley area was unusually quiet. A black Mercedes van slowly stopped, and Murphy stepped out of the car, nodding through the window to the driver, who then drove away.

Murphy glanced back in the direction he had come from, where the faint flashes of paparazzi cameras could be seen. However, without a female companion and having already given interviews earlier, there was little for the press to sensationalize, and few paparazzi had followed him.

Most paparazzi and reporters had chased after Robert Downey Jr. and Jessica Alba, especially Robert Downey Jr. It was clear to any observer that following the release of "Deadpool," this former prodigal might indeed be on the brink of a significant breakthrough, skyrocketing to new heights.

Those brilliant roasts… Murphy shook his head, Robert Downey Jr.'s performance was beyond perfect.

Deadpool combined with Robert Downey Jr. was simply a match made in heaven.

In the Marvel Comics universe, there are three great talkers and masters of sarcasm, with Deadpool recognized as the foremost, followed of course by Spider-Man and Iron Man.

Entering his home, which was plunged in darkness, Murphy navigated by moonlight to the main building's glass door.

It was Thursday, and Gale Gadot usually came over on Friday nights to spend the weekend together, returning to school early Monday.

Murphy sighed, "Looks like it's another night of sleeping alone."

As he opened the glass door and entered the dark main building, reaching for the light switch, he suddenly felt something long and flat with a distinct metallic feel against his neck, like a very long knife…


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