
Chapter 246: Workhorse Hans


"Kiddo." Hans slapped his forehead and slowly smudged his face with his palm as it sunk downwards. "Speak a language I understand. What's this hoo-ha about going into space?"

"Yeah yeah! What he said!" Aejaz poked out from behind Hans' seat and also demanded answers because he hadn't heard anything about this bonkers plan either. 

Ares pulled over a seat and sat down as he went about explaining himself. "Not the entirety of Red Sun, just this town. I want to turn it, and the sect, into a pocket utopia of sorts. I want to bring this chunk of Red Sun with me basically wherever I go. I will cut out the landmass and, when it comes time to ascend to Vraizon, I will store this place in a treasure I own. When I get up there, I will find a suitable place to leave it so that it may be safe and have access to nearby planets. While I'm off adventuring the sect can take onboard new disciples and elders and the town can expand its range of business to richer individuals in a higher domain. The sect benefits because its disciples and elders can have access to better cultivation resources and increase their cultivation base. The town benefits because magical engineering only becomes more and more prevalent the higher up you go through the domains. This isn't a one time thing either. When I go past Vraizon I'll pull the same trick and drag everyone with me to the next domain up. Everyone who opts to stay on this landmass will eventually be carried to the upper echelons of cultivation society and gain access to all the readily available benefits this moving city will provide. Being under my protection ought to keep it relatively safe as well and the fundamental organisation will certainly help in that regard. This way I get to stay in charge of the sect without abandoning it for extremely long periods of time.

I'm going to have to keep climbing through the domains but I have no interest in leaving the sect I've already started working on behind. Of course there will be periods where I'm visiting dangerous locations and I won't take the sect with me then but, for the most part, I'll be bringing this chunk of Red Sun on my domain hopping journey. There's a lot to gain but also a lot to lose. Some people might not want to go on such a journey, some might be attached to Sheryashka, and some businesses might be hesitant to risk sticking with us. When this idea just starts out, we'll be a small town and sect floating through space with little to offer. I'm hoping the stuff I find on my travels can help to turn it into a commercial hub that becomes the centre of every domain I plop it in. Being portable means I can place it in strategic locations wherever we end up. My magic will hopefully be able to turn this landmass I plan on cutting out into a highly advanced and convenient location that becomes the envy of the world. I can already envision a future in which I use my nothingness magic to create instantaneous transport from place to place as well as a robust security system to keep everyone safe. It's not a matter of 'if' this place becomes something impressive, it's a matter of when.

I plan on doing all of this with the sect regardless but if I take just it, and not this city, then expanding from nothing will be a painfully long endeavour. If I could take this city along with it then there would a way to hit the ground running, making it easier to transition into a sprint that never ends. In summary, eventually I want this place to resemble a planet all unto itself that can take advantage of the mobility and reputation I can afford it. My presence alone will bring a great many people to this place and drastically increase the business and cultivation opportunities for everyone who lives here. Some people and clans with minimal ambition might even be able to make something of themselves just by tagging along for the ride as I plan on extending benefits to everyone who stays long term. The wealth I acquire, of which there's guaranteed to be a lot, will be distributed and the sooner people come aboard the more I'll be offering them. Anyone who doesn't want this will be left behind as we go out into the wider world and make a name for ourselves while exploring the universe and attaining immeasurable riches.

That's why I'm here. I'll be in charge of the sect, you'll be in charge of everything else... If you agree to this proposal anyway. Your say is final so if it's a no then this place will be staying right here for the rest of time. I won't be coming back for it ever, keep that in mind. When I'm three, four, five, six, maybe even seven or more cultivation realms higher than everyone else here I will have already founded, and brought up to standard, my landmass so this place will no longer serve any purpose nostalgic though it may be. This is a once in a lifetime offer so I would recommend you think it through and get the opinions of as many people as possible, maybe even hold a city wide vote if that's they way you feel it should go. There's a lot of ups and down to this plan that I haven't outright mentioned, because I would be here all day if I even tried, but you're a smart man and I know you can piece together a picture of what's a stake here. There will be good times, there will be bad times, but, regardless, I can assure you things will be vastly different to what they are now throughout it all."


Hans closed his eyes and his brain was immediately flooded with hundreds of questions. Not even just those he wanted to ask Ares but also about those entailing what kind of obstacles he would face whether he agreed or disagreed. The most pressing issue was 'what would happen to this town if Ares took the sect and left?' Without a sect here this place would struggle as there would be no reason for cultivators to bring their clans here... There would need to be a new sect installed but, even then, it would be brand new, have no reputation, and have basically no talented cultivators unless the Nick and Li clan were willing to dump all their young into it... Which wasn't likely. Ares would be training up anyone worth stealing away from Red Sun and then taking the cream of the crop on his space journey, leaving Red Sun with nothing. Sure Hans could defend the place but without a sect here he couldn't stop an invading army or anything. From a safety perspective, agreeing was the correct decision in the short term... But what about long term if he agreed? What if Ares formed enemies? Would they come target Red Sun as well as the sect? They'd be joined at the hip so Ares' messes would become everyone else' problem too... Unless he had a means to defend everyone? Maybe he could just shove this entire place into his treasure at lightning speed and run off with everyone in his back pocket? But what if he wasn't nearby when it happened? Would they have to fend for themselves? But what if he did hire new and stronger elders in the higher domains or get aid from that organisation he mentioned? Could they hold the fort while he was out and about?


So many questions, not enough answers! And this was just regarding safety. What about commerce, economics, setting up businesses and farm land, expanding the landmass, law of the land, jails and dungeons, trade relations, the Cultivation Organisation who would surely have feelings on part of this planet's landmass up and leaving! What about the people who would be displaced because of this and lose their homes? Ares had underestimated how much work he was giving Hans here, it wasn't quadruple what he currently had, it was nigh infinite times more! How was he supposed to sort through all these variables and come to a conclusion that benefitted everyone?! The simple answer was that he couldn't. Some people would have to lose out here one way or the other, it was just a matter of being forced to pick who would suffer and apologising profusely to them.

There was no way Ares was changing his mind about the sect, Hans knew that. Why on earth would Ares give up a sect he'd sunk so much time and effort into already? He'd geared up the disciples, improved their reputation, helped them improve the situation with their coffers, enabled them to hire good quality cultivators, and gotten a fair few disciples worth keeping around on side no doubt. He had powerful experts, powerful disciples in training, powerful gear, and a powerful base of operations. Ares wouldn't give it up even if Hans begged and he couldn't blame him for doing as such. Still, Hans wanted to pry a little deeper. Given the circumstances he believed he was owed a more detailed explanation than the quick run down he'd just been given. "I won't ask you too many questions but I do have some pressing ones. For now, how exactly are you going to pull this off and, second of all, when are you planning on leaving? How much time do I have to figure out my own plan of action at the bare minimum?"

"... Hm." Ares was going over his plans in his head before making his statement. He gave it due consideration and finally gave an estimate. "Let's say earliest is six months. I'd be willing to wait a year if need be but that's as far as my patience stretches for confirmation of everyone's intent. As for how I'm going to pull this off... Well I can clue you into a little treasure of mine called the Primordial Blade but you have to keep it under wraps for now. I might have to unveil it when the time comes but at least until then I ask that you keep it on the down low. Hell I may even be able to get away with keeping it hidden even then so, really, don't share this with anyone."

Ares then brought out the Primordial Blade and went through that same whole spiel for what felt like the umpteenth billionth time. It was supposed to be a small secret and yet so many people were finding out about it... But it needed to be done. There were some people Ares didn't want to hide it from and, while Hans may have been one of those people, right now he fell more into the 'can't withhold from' group. How was Ares supposed to convince Hans this was all manageable if he didn't show off the Blade? What was he going to do? Carve up this landmass by hand and carry it on his back up to Vraizon?... Well... Actually... Maybe Garmr could kinda do it if he had another four or so cultivation realms with annihilation pressure fuelling him. At the very least, half this city was definitely doable under those circumstances. Garmr's brute strength was a thing of beauty and the more Ares remembered that it would soon all be his to control, the more excited he was for it.

"Kiddo..." Hans wasn't entirely sure how to react to all this new information. "Why do you have so many crazy secrets? When I was your age I didn't have half the aces up my sleeve you do and I was considered a once in a generation talent... Man, times a changing... Or maybe it's just that fundamental stuff... Then again, Aejaz is pretty crazy too right? I heard he can steal fundamental pillars... I think I'm getting too old to compete with the young'uns, pains me though it does to say it. That doesn't mean I'm giving up on cultivation though, quite the opposite. I should hang onto my life and make the most of it. Taking care of this city is my goal and the longer I live, and the stronger I get, the better job I can do of it... Which is why I'm down to go along with your idea. It tickles my fancy and does everything I, on a personal level, need it to do. I can cultivate in new environments, get access to better resources, get a bigger influx of influential people visiting this town, still protect it, and increase my life expectancy all in one. If it were just a matter as simple as saying 'hell yeah kiddo' then everything would already be sorted and we'd all be well on our way to Vraizon in six months time.

But then there's everybody else, ya know?

I can't just make this decision on behalf of everyone living in this town without their permission, the resentment would go through the roof! Maro was bad but he never abducted the entire population to go along with his own little ambitions and joy rides... Although maybe that was just because he didn't have a chance too otherwise he very well might have... Whatever, that's not the point. I'm gonna have to have a lot o' words with a lot o' people about this. And I'm gonna have to be honest too. I won't mention the Blade, that's a given, but I will have to explain your plan in order for people to come to the correct conclusions about what they want out of this situation. I think you'll wind up seeing a more positive reception to this idea than you were initially bargaining for though. There aren't actually many people who would say no to it. You might think people wouldn't want to lose their homes but that's mostly old folk with nostalgia and attachments. Provided their houses stay in one piece, they don't really care where this town is. Plus they might live a little longer if they can start cultivating thanks to the higher quantity of mana in the air. For some people on the brink, just getting a whiff of Vraizon mana would be all it takes to set them on the cultivation path and save their lives. Getting to Vraizon from Sheryashka with no support is the hard part but what you're offering these people is invaluable.

Then there's the businesses. Local ones will thrive, that's for sure. If they make their own products then getting a supply of materials will be a hassle but in the short term there won't be any other competition really. If it's just our little landmass, people who can't fly through Vraizon will be forced to spend money at their shops instead of heading out of Red Sun so the local businesses will be on board too I think. Who else... Clans? Don't even need to ask 'em really. Only the most die hard loyalist members would cling to this planet in a bid to spread their influence. You know, like leave some guys behind so the clan can grow in multiple domains at once. Even then, the main branches will jump at this chance to gain access to everything a new domain brings. More mana, more resources, more treasures, more disciples, more diplomatic relations, more monsters to kill, and more cultivation in general is never anything they'd scoff at. They might even be your most avid support group in all of this. Same goes for individual cultivators without a backing. Hell you might even see some people move here from abroad just to get aboard the hype train.

Actually, that's another thing.

When rumours of this spread, there's gonna be a lot of people who want in on this shindig. We need to keep them away from any levers of power and refuse a lot of negotiations but some may be worth taking... I'll keep an eye on that for you so let me handle it. I can sniff out who wants the best for this place and who's trying to make a quick escape into Vraizon so they can abandon us later. This town is going to become kinda massive the second this info gets out there... Should we start spreading rumours now or after the tournament? If we do it now, we risk too many people crowding around us for information we might not have in these early stages. Plus all the opportunistic vultures will try and strike while we're getting our sea legs. If we wait, however, it may take too long for the info to spread properly and be considered anything more than preposterous rumours. Some valuable opportunities with foreign entities may be lost as a result... It's not an easy choice. This one I'll leave up to you but... Do bare in mind I'm the guy that's gonna have to talk to these lot and I'm already swamped as is... Don't get me wrong, pick the best choice and don't worry about these old bones, but if you do want to get word out now then at least let me handle dissemination of the information. The last thing I want is a buncha old grannies coming up to my doorstep and complaining 'cos they ain't gotten the full picture and only overheard half of it from some twat with a loud mouth walking by their homes. Once news of this gets out there, it will spread like wildfire and the people who actually live here will demand answers. They need to know first and then we let the rabble get in on it."

Ares scratched his head, put on a light smile, and gave his verdict on the matter. "Then I'm sorry to give you even more work... But could you please let everyone know? I know there'll be people with bad intentions but the risk is worth it for the reward. If we get some major players in various industries to hop aboard, those that can smell blood in the proverbial water and seize this chance to ride the coattails of a fundamental, then that would be the icing on the cake for this plan to really shine. Again, sorry. I know it's a pain in the neck and I'm not really helping much with anything on my end."

"Ah kiddo, pay it no mind. You've done more than enough already anyway. Merely allowing this to happen in the first place is a huge deal. Throw in all the benefits that will come later down the line thanks to you and, if anything, I still don't feel like I'm doing enough. If the massive growth the sect has undergone recently proves anything, it's that this city is going to become a massive deal at some point and I want to be there to see it happen. Having to work a little harder for the next six months is a small price to pay in comparison so, really, don't sweat it. Actually, I can use this opportunity to hire some more people. Being able to work for the mayor of this place is gonna have some serious allure to it after this info spreads. More hands on deck is welcome, especially now. Even those with evil plans can be exploited a bit and let go before they become a problem! Gotta know how to use every tool at your disposal after all, even if some of them are a little crooked.

There is one more matter to discuss with you though. It just occurred to me but, if this place is gonna undergo such a drastic change then I think the name ought to go through the ringer 'n' all. We just refer to this city as Red Sun, and that ain't so bad, but it's a reference to how this was the only city that existed in this region way back when. Nowadays it's kinda confusing and there have been all sorts of people clamouring to change it regardless of all this stuff we have planned. I think this is a perfect opportunity to switch up the name of the city. Speaking of, are you planning on changing the name of the sect? I think you should. Heaven's path was a name concocted by the original sect master who didn't really have anything specific in mind when making it. He sorta just stuck two words together and called it a job well done. As far as I know, none of the elders or disciples have any attachment to it so you should think about that. In the meantime, I'll start thinking about what to do with the name of this city. Perhaps we can do like a grand unveiling of the names before we head up to Vraizon? Ah but I'm getting ahead of myself, we still need to get everyone's opinions first. I feel confident, however, and you should too, I have a sneaking suspicion our high hopes will be met."

"If you're sure it will go well then so am I. As for renaming the sect... Yeah, I think I'll give it a whirl. God only knows what I'll call it..."

"No stupid names! I know you well kiddo! Don't fuck around with this!"

"I know I know! If it's important, I won't play silly games! Or maybe I will but, by the end of my chicanery at least, I'll have a proper answer when all is said and done. I'll spend some time envisioning what I want the sect to be and become before I nail down a name so, yeah, we can unveil the names later." Ares slumped back in his seat and wearily rested his hand above his beating heart. "You have no idea how much of a relief it is to know you're going along with this. I trust you with managerial stuff and I know you'll be arguably the best possible person I could recruit for helping this project succeed. It's not even been ten minutes since I mentioned the idea and I already feel like it's a stone's throw away thanks to everything you're willing to do to help out. Seriously, thanks Hans. I owe you big time. f you ever need anything then feel free to ask. Not that it's any different from usual but, you know, might as well throw it out there."

Hans shook his head, stood up, picked up Aejaz who was still hiding behind him, and plopped the bandit on the other side of the desk. "No worries kiddo, you know I'm here to help to the best of my ability always. Plus I stand to gain a lot from this so I won't pretend this partnership is entirely selfless. Ah but now I'm running the good mood so I'll just shut my mouth and get back to work. You got anything planned for the rest of the day or you gonna tag along with 'Jaz for the mission I'm sending him on?"

"Nope! I got me a date with the two prettiest ladies in Red Sun."

"Hah, well go out and enjoy yourself then. Don't be getting stuck around here with a old geezer like myself and a bunch of workaholics, that'll just kill the vibe. Tell the family I said hi though, been a while since I've seen the Enyo lass. Also never met the other chick but if you're committed then I have full faith she's got a good head on her shoulders."

"Pft, you can say that last part again. Anyway, I'll give them your greetings." Ares stood up and used his annihilation enhancement to sling his brother over his shoulder. He was going to make sure to stop off on the way back and teach this mug a lesson about whining to others about him behind his back! "Take care Hans! Enjoy the phoenix blood!"

Hans waved goodbye as he fiddled with the vial. "Supposedly this thing tastes like orange juice so, yeah, I'm sure I will actually. Could do with a nice refreshing drink. No real clue what it does after it's gone down my gullet but I'm sure I'll figure out eventually! See ya round kiddo... Oh! And next time you visit, please don't bring anymore work! A cordial chit chat's great enough on its own, thank you very much!"

"I'll keep that in mind, until then!" Ares left the building, making sure to jump scare Hugo on the way out by draping his arm around the guy's shoulder and patting him on the head while telling him to sleep with one eye open.

And with that, his business here today was done! A positive response was a huge step forward and now Ares was in the clear. All he really needed to do was discuss this with Yulo and some of the elders, spread knowledge of it to the disciples when Hans started letting the general public know, and come up with a name for the sect for when he took over. What originally would have taken an eon to sort out had just become that much simpler thanks to Hans' involvement. What a guy! And the best part? Now that all that stuff was taken care of, after dropping off Aejaz near his mission target, Ares could go on a date with two beautiful women to cap off a fantastic day!
