
Chapter 84: Tickled Pink (18+)

Back in the waiting room, the other four team members looked at Ares without saying a word, silently judging him and his actions.

"Whaaa~aaat? We get the day off! You are very welcome." The silent stares doubled in intensity so Ares just threw his hands in the air and sighed. "Look, I'm just being selfish here, I wanted to go home early today. Sue me! I am not apologetic and I will show you no remorse!"


Enyo advanced steadily towards Ares while cracking her knuckles. "Your fiendish ways must be punished and your uncouth ways corrected!"

"Oh really?" Ares smirked. [I guess you must not want to play around today. I thought because today was an important day you would want to go back to the room as soon as possible. My bad, I guess I can go out there and apologise. If I beg hard enough, we might even get to do the fight after all! All of our fun time at home can wait, I suppose. How unfortunate...] Ares smiled devilishly as he walked past Enyo and towards the arena. He was halted by Enyo's arm as she fiercely stared him in the eyes.

"I... Will not punish you this time on account of... Various reasons. However I demand you explain yourself to me in great detail... Back at home..." Enyo grabbed Ares collar and dragged him backwards out of the room, leaving the other three feeling betrayed. Where was all the justice in the world? Li Li had no idea why Enyo gave Ares a free pass, Aejaz couldn't fault his brother's expert manipulation, and Esme just kissed her teeth in jealousy. Esme wanted a man too damnit! She would have to redouble her efforts and scour the sect yet again for a boytoy. Apparently, according to Li Li, there was a rich, single, sly businessman living on her street in the sect and that was a nice trinity of personality traits as far as Esme was concerned; maybe she would go searching there.

Outside the coliseum, Ares could hear Enyo's panting behind him as she sprinted towards the sect. She'd put her helmet on to avoid passer-by's seeing her flushed and giddy face. From outside, it looked like a villainous rogue was being detained by a righteous warrior, but the truth was far from it. If anything, the righteous rogue was being detained by the villainous warrior! Enyo's panting was 100% not because she was tired unless being tired of waiting also counted. To Ares' surprise, Enyo came to a sudden halt while still in the city. Ares was curious as to why, but when he realised what part of town he was in and what shop he was slumped outside of, the reason became self-evident. The shop's name was 'My Fair Lady' and on the off chance that, combined with Enyo's piqued interest, wasn't a dead enough giveaway as to what manner of shop this was, there was all sorts of lingerie on display in the window. Of course some of the spicier items would be towards the back end of the store, but it was apparent that this was a sex shop. Not just any either, but it was the one Ares had mentioned to Enyo before they went to go visit Transmit way back when. Ares still had yet to come here and he'd been planning on it, but to think Enyo would accidentally drag him right past it. Ares could imagine Enyo hyperventilating at the thought of going inside and running wild like a bull in a China shop, but she just wasn't comfortable with the thought of being seen in a place like it yet. With the way she was progressing, though, that very well may just be a matter of time. With a shake of her head to refocus herself on her current mission, Enyo took off and went galivanting back to Ares' house, still dragging him all the way. After a journey that took longer than necessary, Ares looked up at Enyo and made that last point clear to her as she opened the door to their room.

"You know... I could have Shifted us here immediately... Oh well, it looked like you were having fun so I left you to it."

Enyo didn't respond as she didn't care. It was a foolish mistake that failed to optimise her time, meaning she would have Ares to herself today for a few minutes less than she would have otherwise, but all that meant was that she would have to make up for some of that lost efficiency in the bedroom!

Enyo threw Ares onto the bed and slammed the door shut as she frantically began taking off her armour and clothes. She didn't know what was going to happen today, but she wanted it! Especially after all the teasing in the morning. She had been in the mood, but resisted the urge in preparation for this very moment; this also made her realise that maybe Ares was right to wait for a later date to go all the way... Maybe.


Enyo pulled the last of her undergarments down her legs before stepping out of them and flicking them backward with her foot, leaving her completely naked for Ares' viewing pleasure. She moved towards Ares, tidying up her hair and pushing it out of the way behind her as he took his own clothes off. All that was left for Ares were his shorts but he was interrupted as Enyo pushed him down onto his back. He looked up as he felt Enyo's hands roaming across his bare upper body and was treated to the sight of Enyo bent over him with her chest dangling over his. As Enyo sat on Ares' crotch and began grinding slowly, he reached out and grabbed both her breasts and massaged them firmly, making sure to occasionally rub her nipples between his fingers until they became hard. Enyo bit her lower lip and tilted her head upwards, groaning as Ares fondled her.

"Ah." Enyo whimpered softly as Ares put more pressure on her chest, sinking his fingers deeper into her spongy mounds. When she felt Ares harden under her in response to her moan, she moved to the side before re-straddling Ares while facing the other direction. She lowered her ass between Ares' pecs and leant down near his groin to push of his shorts, exposing his erect cock directly in front of her face. Their hot beaths tickled each other's nether regions as they both reached forward to start mutually masturbating.

Placing his hands on Enyo's thighs, Ares rubbed her legs before sliding one hand up and onto her round butt and the other next to her vulva. His grip on Enyo's ass was rough as he stroked Enyo's vaginal lips to excite her. She was a slut who liked it when Ares gripped her ass and spanked her after, so Ares raised his hand high and brought his palm down heavily onto the cheek he'd been ravaging.


"Mm.Enyo's legs twitched and her ass clenched in response to Ares' smack. To return the favour, she spit on her hands and wrapped one around his shaft while cupping his balls with the other. She rotated her wrist to push both his balls in a circular pattern across her palm with the thumb applying a bit of pressure on every rotation. As her thumb gently pushed down, her other hand stroked upwards on Ares' dick, stretching the skin on the shaft and causing Enyo's grip to tighten on his glans just the way Ares liked it.

"haaa" Ares sighed in pleasure as Enyo serviced him. He once again grabbed the same part of Enyo's ass cheek, now with a slight red marking in the shape of his hand, and squeezed. Enyo could feel the heat in her ass where she'd been spanked and swayed her hips side to side to encourage Ares to do it again. Anticipation filled her mind as the elasticity of her ass made its shape return to normal when Ares' hand was removed in preparation to smack her again.


Enyo recoiled in delight as Ares hand slipped off her ass and spanked her again.


And again,


And again,


Multiple overlapping handprints decorated her ass cheek as Ares clutched it between his fingers, sending a jolt of both pain and pleasure through Enyo's spine. The ecstasy doubled when Ares finally inserted two fingers into her vagina and rubbed her inner walls, causing Enyo to let out an involuntary yelp. "AH!"


Enyo's pussy dribbled all over Ares' chest. His finger's were wet as he dragged them out of Enyo's pink cave and over her clit. He repeated the motion in reverse, shoving his two fingers back inside Enyo's warm pussy and satisfying Enyo's freshly teased clit with his thumb. Scratching the top walls of Enyo's vagina by bending his fingers repeatedly earned him a slew of sweet cries from Enyo who's legs were trembling. Her toes curled and her back arched when Ares dug deeper and tormented her G-spot, bringing her close to orgasm. Enyo's hand pleasuring Ares' dick focused on the head and sped up as glistening pre cum dripped onto her nails.

The bedroom was filled with sounds of sloppy, wet flesh and ragged breathing as both Ares and Enyo were close to bringing their lover to orgasm and making them cum. "Fuck!" Ares legs spread wide and his knees bent slightly as he came first, throbbing between Enyo's dextrous fingers and letting out his cum onto onto her lips and chin. "Oh, fuck!" Enyo kept grinding her fingers over his sensitive, pulsing cock to ramp up the pleasure as the heels of his feet lifted off the bed.



Ares brought a third finger into Enyo's snatch as he spanked Enyo's ass a few more times. He used one finger to push against the swollen G-spot and the other two to scrape it as his other hand moved down and toyed with Enyo's puffy clit.

"I'm cumming!" were Enyo's last words before she buried her head into Ares crotch and screamed in delight as she squirted. Enyo's pussy squirted over Ares hand, chest, and face with every stroke of his thick fingers.


Enyo gushed and her hips bounced, throwing her marked ass into the air before her leaking cunt landed back on Ares chest. She squirmed a few more times, making small splashes on Ares' chest and causing her squirt to wet the bed with every twitch. Just as she started to calm down, Ares jammed a finger into her anus. "AHHHHHH!" Enyo had no choice but to let out another spray as she squealed like an animal. Ares enjoyed the sensation of Enyo's rosebud expanding and contracting around his finger as their orgasms tapered off.

Ares, after he'd swiped clean his face, reached back over his head and massaged the soles of Enyo's feet as she kissed his thighs. They relaxed for a minute, during which Ares couldn't resist rubbing Enyo's soft butt, before Enyo leant to the side and asked, "So what's different about today?" Up until now, it had been pretty similar to most other days with nothing out of the ordinary. That was great and all, but Enyo wanted more!

Ares winked at Enyo and simply responded with, "Clean me up."

Enyo's curiosity was sparked so she shifted back into position and went to swipe up the bits of cum that were dripping down his shaft.

"With your mouth. Clean me with your tongue, not your hands." Ares' demand came ringing into Enyo's ear from behind and she paused momentarily as she realised what was about to happen. As if to confirm her suspicions, she felt both of Ares hands grip and spread her ass as something moist rolled over her lower lips.

"Yes!" A wild and lustful smile appeared on her face as she giggled at the sensation of Ares spitting on her pussy before wiggling his tongue inside and spanking her. Enyo immediately rubbed her face along Ares shaft and inhaled deeply.

Ares had been hesitant to let Enyo put her head anywhere near his nether region lest she gobble him up before they'd gotten to this point and, as a result, Enyo was borderline desperate to finally satiate her curiosity and smell his dick. She didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised by a rather intoxicating scent. It was like sweet, burnt wood. Like someone had taken a blowtorch to a slab of firewood and added a small touch of vanilla. It was a pungent, manly scent that had a shot of mellow sweetness hidden underneath. Enyo was addicted to trying to get a clearer whiff of the light undertone that just barely kept escaping her every time she thought she had it, leading to her taking more and more deep breaths. Ares' dick was like an aphrodisiac incense to Enyo who was utterly obsessed with tracking down that hint of sweetness but kept getting overwhelmed by the musky tide whenever she got close. The sweet smell was taunting her as it grazed the inside of her nostrils but disappeared immediately every time, causing only the raw essence of the smell of burnt wood to remain ingrained in her psyche. "Mm?!" If it wasn't for the light orgasm Ares just gave her with his tongue, she probably could have remained lost in thought for hours trying to find that damn smell! Still, Ares was dutifully pleasuring her and she'd been greedily catering to her own whims all the while. Even still, a part of her reasoning was wholly selfish as she wondered if she could finally get a clearer picture if she tasted him directly.

Ares ignored the fact that Enyo had been sniffing him like an excited dog for the past minute and just kept enjoying the taste of Enyo's honeypot. It was metallic but not even remotely unpleasant. Quite the opposite, he loved it. It was like a room full of pristine silver ingots all laced with coconut shavings. In one word, Enyo's taste was 'clean'. It made Ares want to dig deeper and get a better taste, just like how Enyo was fawning over his cock. He licked every bump and crevice in every wall but had to stop and moan when he felt Enyo's tongue at the base of his dick. He felt Enyo roll her tongue over the length of his shaft, up and around the glans, and back down the shaft again. He was left breathless when he felt the insides of Enyo's mouth and the back of her throat wrapped around his cock.


"Haaaah." Ares' hip spasmed and his hands sunk deeper into Enyo's ass as he groaned aloud. His natural male instincts took over as he raised his lower body and pushed his cock deeper into Enyo's heavenly mouth.


Enyo's spit and drool lathered Ares fully erect dick as she allowed Ares to push it into her throat. She wiggled her tongue on the underside of his shaft to treat him as he slowly started to move his dick up and down, fucking Enyo's mouth.




With every thrust, Ares trained Enyo's throat to take in more and more of his length. If she wanted to be such a massive, unrelenting whore, Ares would use her in such a capacity. Right now, she could only take about half of his dick. It was impressive considering she'd never done it before, but it wasn't impressive enough for a slut of her calibre. She would learn to take his shaft as deep as she could, and then she would be taught how to take it deeper. Enyo's luscious lips that were firmly wrapped around his burly cock that was jammed into her small. wet mouth had sealed her fate. Ares was going to make Enyo his bitch today. He was going to be rough and push her head down on his dick and she was going to accept her place between his legs. It seemed Enyo knew this too as she made no effort to resist when Ares placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed her a little further down, choking her on a part of his shaft she hadn't been able to reach on her own.



"Good girl." Ares rewarded Enyo for being submissive by sticking his tongue back inside her and spanking her.

"Haa, haa, haa." Enyo resurfaced for air as a concoction of drool and precum spilled over her lips and back onto Ares' manhood. She stared down at Ares' tool with cocklust as she'd finally gotten the taste she was after. Having her mouth be treated like a convenient sex toy for Ares' needs was thrilling and she was overjoyed when Ares' strong hand pushed her head back down onto his cock again.

Enyo let Ares guide her mouth onto his cock which resulted in the tip rubbing against the inside of her cheek and swelling it up, after which Ares lightly slapped the bulge on her face a couple times to pleasure himself using her gums and the mucus on the smooth, inner lining of her cheek.



When he was satisfied, Enyo opened her jaw further to avoid grazing him with her teeth as he placed his cock along her tongue. Ares gripped Enyo's hair by the base and rocked her head up and down. She gagged on his cock as he repeatedly poked her throat with the tip of his dick and she loved every second of it. She acclimated quickly thanks to her affinity and could take the punishment Ares was doling out on her. As her head bobbed up and down, she felt Ares tongue come creeping out of her snatch and start savouring her clit. Next came the fingers on her G-spot which caused her to grunt and gargle on Ares' cock as she moaned with her mouth full. Her previous orgasm had been big, but this one was going to be bigger as Ares' tongue writhed over her clit with force. Blood rushed to her lower half and she was once again ready to let it all out as she fervently sucked on Ares' manhood. She inched further down Ares' cock and found the furthest point she could go for now. As the cock she dedicated herself to rested in her throat, the outline of which could be seen from outside, she waggled her tongue to help Ares cum inside her. Ares was on the verge of orgasm so held Enyo's head in place and pushed a little deeper.

"Be a good girl and swallow it."

The convulsion of Enyo's throat and her steadfast determination to obediently obey his order and not move her head, enabling his perfect orgasm, sent Ares over the edge. Ares came directly down Enyo's throat as she gagged on his throbbing manhood. Ares moaned in euphoria as his dick slid out of Enyo's mouth but he quickly went back to finishing off Enyo. With a combination of spanks, raking his fingers over her G-spot, and a tongue lashing on her clit, Enyo was squirting for the second time today, this time mostly into Ares' mouth.

Enyo was aroused by the sounds of her husband gulping down her pussy juices so she played with Ares' sensitive dick by kissing the tip. She made gentle love to his glans, giving it passionate kisses and throwing in a bit of tongue every now and then. Ares was doing the same as he kissed Enyo's ass cheeks and eventually her lower lips. When he was done, he licked clean Enyo's wet pelvis while Enyo did the same to him. Thus they finished as they started, cleaning each other up. They both lay in silence for a while as they caught their breath.

Sniff Sniff

Ares was astounded that this woman was still smelling his God damn penis! He almost wished he could smell it himself to see what had driven his crazy wife-to-be up the wall. He chuckled and just accepted his fate as he let Enyo have the time of her life sniffing away.

Sniff Sniff

"Enyo, you are the woman of my dreams but I may never truly understand the way you think. You are aware that thing isn't a popsicle, right?"


Did she just lick it because I called it a popsicle?

"Ares, you don't understand! Your stupid dick is going to drive me mad if I can't find that damn smell!"

"... You may already be mad, darling."


With a huff and a puff, Enyo gave up and turned around. She got comfortable as she lay on Ares' chest and rubbed one of his nipples. "I'm warning you now, I'm sitting on your face next time. There's no escaping it, so you may as well look forward to it."

"Why on earth wouldn't I? Sounds good to me. Better than the whip at least..."

"I haven't given up on that either."

"Of course not... Today was fun." Ares played with Enyo's hair and rubbed her back as the two conversed.

"Today was incredible."

"By the way, you missed a spot." Ares scooped up a bit of semen that had gone unnoticed on Enyo's shoulder and held it in front of her. Enyo's tongue picked up the treat and retreated back into her mouth.


Ares burst out laughing as Enyo narrowed her eyes in his direction. If he could imbue food with annihilation magic to make it pop, he could do the same with his sperm! It wasn't popping candy, it was popping cum-dy!


"Ares... I do love you, really I do, unconditionally even... But what the hell is wrong with you?" Enyo's admonishment just made Ares laugh harder so she was forced to give up and admit defeat before his childishness.

"Enyo, do you want to celebrate our relationship taking another step?"

"What do you have in mind? More fun time?"

"Jesus Christ, we just did it twice in a row and your still fiending for more?! I mean, sure, but later. Right now there's something else I want to do with you."

"Spit it out. If it's you, it's either something incredibly stupid, or something that will be genuinely a good idea. I don't want to get my hopes up and expect something romantic, though, so hit me with your dumb idea."

Ares shook his head with a wry smile on his face. "Aw, come on. You know I take my relationship with you seriously. I might toy with your sanity, but never your heart; and that's how you know a revenant truly loves you! Anyway, I just want to take you out on a date; that's all."

"... A... Date?" The thought of it clearly never occurred to Enyo who was running through what exactly it entailed in her head.

"Yeah, I've never been on one with you. All I want is to go out with you and enjoy a nice walk, have some good food, buy you a gift or two, and maybe just watch the night sky for a while. A date is such a basic thing for a couple but we've somehow not ticked it off the list. I know we've been busy, and we fell in love in complicated circumstances, but I think it's a shame we haven't had a chance. The only problem is that I want to go out with you, not a tin can. You said Bellona bought you some casual clothes a while ago, right? I want to see you in them. I understand if its too difficult for you, though, I just would really like spend time with you. Not the horny bedroom freak. Not the incredibly talented cultivator. Not the holy maiden that vanquishes evil. You. Because at the end of the day, it's you that I love. Those other things are great, but they're just small parts of the woman I love. Ha, this is just me slowly turning this into a favour of some kind, but that's really not what I'm going for, I just..."


Enyo put her finger on Ares' lips and shushed him mid ramble. "I'll do it. I'll do it because I want to. It's not because it's you that's asking, but it's because I love you and want go on a date with you too. You don't need to explain yourself to me Ares, I know hiding behind that armour all the time is awkward for a relationship. I want to go on dates with you, I want to dance in a dress at the international party with you, and I want to one day wear a wedding dress by your side. None of that involves the armour... For the next two days we'll be busy with the national. After that we'll be training for the international. Today's really our best option, so let's do it. Let's go on a date. Just you, me, and that silly thing poking me down below."

"Ha, no, really, you can seriously just ignore him. I promise he'll leave us alone eventually."

"Not for good I hope. I'm gonna be honest, it's a very large part of why I love you."

"He's glad to hear that."

"I'm sure he is. That aside, another part of why I love you is because you can cook really damn well. You're concerned about what I'm going to wear, but I'm concerned about what we're going to eat. It'll just be disappointing if it's not your food..." 

"Not that I'm not flattered, but I'm not the only good cook in existence... Don't worry, I know a few incredibly talented chefs in the area. I didn't learn all by myself, you know? There are a handful of cooks in Red Sun who are better than me at specific dishes and one of them in particular owes me a favour. I can guarantee us good seats and good food. Also, I didn't mention it earlier but I may now have a way of sneaking you into 'My Fair Lady'."

"Well then what on God's green earth are we waiting for?! Hurry up and get dressed you fool! The sooner we leave the better!"

Ares just shook his head with a smile on his face. What a simple woman. Then again, I'm a simple man. I just can't not be happy when she is. Enyo, I'll never get tired of spoiling you.

There will be one more 18+ chapter this arc, maybe two, but there won't be any more for the next three arcs after. To reiterate what I mentioned in chapter 0, I will not be writing these scenes for the fun of it; so if there's no reason to, or if it wouldn't make sense contextually, I won't be doing it. I apologise in advance for the people who are here for that specifically, but it was never that kind of novel to begin with. That being said, the next three arcs probably won't be as long as this one is shaping up to be, so take that as you will.

TWC_Guycreators' thoughts