
Chapter 16

[Third Person's PoV]

Tears streamed down Lucian's cheeks as his mother turned into golden dust, he dropped to his knees as tears kept on falling.

He knew he would get to see if went towards the Underworld and speak to his father but that doesn't change the fact that she's dead and he will miss her greatly. And who even knows when he would get the chance to go to the Underworld.

Lucian spent minutes mourning the loss of his mother, to the point he popped a blood vessel in his eyes.

Lucian kept on crying until he ran out of tears. After catching his breath from his heavy crying Lucian grabbed a handful of the golden dust and carried it inside without an ounce of an expression on his face.

The only thing discernible about him was his puffy red eyes and red lining on his face showing the trails of which his tears took.

While inside Lucian started looking around the house for a small bag, once he found a small leather bag inside his mother's he emptied what was inside and put the golden dust inside of it and closed it.

When he finished he turned to what was in the leather bag. It appears to just be a shiny jewel which Lucian picked up. After looking at it for a few seconds he just put it on the nightstand next to her bed.

He picked the leather bag and tied a small string to it and turned it into a little necklace which Lucian put on.

He took a hold of the little bag that was on his neck and closed his eyes as his lip trembled slightly.

He knew he had to do one more thing before his strength left him and he collapses and falls asleep hoping this would all be a nightmare.

He went into the kitchen and started making a meal, as he was making it tears started forming in his eyes. He started to feel alone once again. A feeling he was really starting to hate.

After a couple of minutes of cooking his offering he was done and started cleaning the kitchen and everything he used. When he was done with that he went with the food outside and set up a fire.

He threw the entire meal into the fire and prayed like he never prayed before, "Dad… Please, I beg of you, take care of my mother"

Lucian then heard a grunt inside his head causing his eyes to widened "Mmm, she's is going to be put to work for her crimes of escaping death but don't worry I'll make sure she's treaty fairly"

Lucian just stared at the fire in shock, that's the first time his dad has ever talked to him, which was something he didn't expect.

Lucian's expression gained a small soft smile, feeling thankful, "Thank you" was all he said to that. Hades didn't respond to that.

After putting out the fire, Lucian reluctantly turned around and headed inside. When he closed the door, he took a few quick breaths to calm his breathing and went towards his room.

When he got into bed he wrapped himself in his blankets, closed his eyes tightly, and took a hold of the small bag.

"Happy Birthday to me" Lucian whispered to himself before falling into a deep sleep feeling tired after his stressful day…

One month Later… Bartholomew flew around Lucian's room before he started peeking Lucian in the face, waking him up from his slumber.

He swatted Bartholomew out of his face while muttering, "Okay Okay I get it already you stupid bird you can leave me alone now I'm awake now"

Lucian then slowly sat up on his bed and sighs. It has been a month since Medea's departure from this world, and the pain doesn't get easier. It's not a pain that simply goes away or lessens, Lucian has simply started getting used to the feeling.

He wakes up and does his daily routines, when he is done he starts eating breakfast by himself.

After he was finished, he cleaned his plate, and sighed to himself while doing it. When he put the plate away he looked around and realized how dirty the house was becoming.

"I should just get this over with. Mom would have definitely yelled at me if she realized how dirty I let the place become" Lucian said to himself with a small smile.

And he went and started cleaning the entire house, going room by room making sure everything was spotless until he stood in front of his mother's room, the only place he hasn't entered throughout the entire month.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before entering the room. It looked the same as when he last left it, he then started to clean it, as he was cleaning he took a step which caused the floor to make a creaking noise.

Hearing this Lucian intentionally stepped on it again causing the floor to creak again. Lucian put down the broom he had in his hands and knelt on the floor on one knee.

He then started examining the floor and noticed an empty space to the side of a floorboard. The space was only wide enough where one could fit their finger inside.

Curious he fit his finger inside and lifted the floorboard and moved it to the side, what he saw inside left him somewhat speechless

"That's right… she did say she left me money so I can make my way towards camp half-blood didn't she."

Lucian said after looking at the multiple bags of gold, which were Drachma. As Lucian picked one of the bags to examine them, he saw that underneath the Drachmas laid stacks of dollars all neatly arranged.

Lucian couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle at his mother choices "Why didn't she just buy a safe or something, why are they on the floor, hahaha"

As he held the bag of coins in his hands he sighed once again "I guess this is a sign, it's time I made my way to camp"

"But how in the Underworld am I supposed to carry all this"

Bartholomew then came flying and perched himself on Lucian's shoulders, "Not now Bartholomew I'm thinking here, why don't you go and rest in my Sha…."

Lucian snapped his fingers "That's right! My shadow!" Lucian looked down onto his shadow and dropped the bag he was holding.

The bag just fell and made some noise before just staying there. Lucian just looked at the bag with an awkward expression, "Right I'm supposed to activate it"

Lucian controlled his shadow, making it take a hold on the bag of money and pull it inside his shadow.

Lucian let out a sigh of relief when he realized he could feel it in his shadows. He made more tendrils of shadows appear and wrap themselves around the other bags of coin and pull them inside.

Lucian nodded his head when he felt all 20 bags of gold Drachma, he then willed his shadow to consume the dollar bills leaving the floor bear without anything inside.

Lucian made the shadow tendrils wrap themselves around the floorboard and move it back in place. When he was done he resumed cleaning leaving the place spotless then went to pack what he would need.

Lucian went to his room and grabbed a bag and started filling it up with clothes and all utilities he would need, when he was done with that he went and took a shower.

When he was done he got dressed and stood in front of the mirror in his room, he was wearing long black saggy pants, a white shirt underneath with a black hooded over hit.

He tied his long black hair into a messy bun and smiled at himself in the mirror, "Looking good! Must be another power of being a demi-god" he said to himself while looking at his four canine like teeth giving him a tiny bit of a savage look.

When he was done admiring himself, he slowly exited the house looking at everything on more time to remember it. Lucian stood in front of his childhood home and looked at it for a bit before sighing and looking ahead.

He slowly walked towards the edge of the ward Medea made to keep them safe and stood in front of the boundary line.

He took a deep breath and took a step outside… finally leaving the safety of his home.

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Shadow_D_Monarch3creators' thoughts