


"Hold on for a minute. I'm here to help you", I told Lucidity.

Lucidity suddenly stopped her finger from zapping me when she heard me. Out of curiosity, she wanted to know about the reason of my outburst.

"What did you just say?" Lucidity asked me.

"I came to the castle to help you my lady", I replied to her.

Lucidity thought for a second before she interrogated me.

"Huh, then why did you kill my beautiful worms if you came to help me?", Lucidity asked me.

"The worms didn't let me come to see your beautiful self and they attacked me without asking, so I had no choice but to kill them. They would not listen to me despite my many urgings and explanations", I replied to her.

"That is true they will not let you pass even if you have a good reason. They couldn't speak, hahaha", Lucidity replied to me and laughed.

"You see, we have no choice in the matter", I explained to Lucidity again.

Lucidity was curious about me and my offer of help, but she didn't need it. She was more concerned about revenge for her pet worms.

"Nah, I'll kill you anyway because you killed so many of my pets", Lucidity told me, but I stopped her lifting her fingers again when I said to her, "I can lift your curse".

"Curse? How? how can you lift my curse?" Lucidity asked me, surprised and at the same time excited about what I had to offer.

Finally, I've said something that Lucidity would consider.

"By killing Delirium of course", I told her.

"Really? Just as I thought. But I already know that. How can you help me with what I already know?", she asked me.

"But you might not know that killing Delirium is not enough to lift your curse", I explained to her.

"What? What more do I need?" she asked me.

"After killing Delirium, you will get a magical seed from his body. The seed contains all the magic of Delirium, and you must plant that seed in your heart to free yourself from your curse", I told her.

"Is that so? I never heard about that before", she told me and asked.

"It's the truth, it's the only way to break your curse by using the seed of Delirium", I told Lucidity truthfully.

Lucidity was suspicious of my proposal, but she was interested in it, nevertheless.

"I have a way to make you tell the truth", she told me suddenly.

"I'll prove it to you my lady", I replied to her.

Lucidity pointed her fingers at my forehead as if to read my mind.

"Damnit, does she have a lie detector? Can she read my mind?" I asked myself worriedly.

"I shall cast a spell on you. If you lie to me, it will turn you into a worm", she told me as she cast a powerful spell on me.

"Curse of the Liar"

Suddenly a strange mark appeared on my forehead that grew veins that reached into my brain. Those magical veins would destroy my brain immediately if I told a lie to Lucidity.

"Damnit it's really a lie detector. I'm in deep trouble. Would I be turned into a worm?", I asked myself.

"Now speak", she told me.

"Planting the Seed of Delirium inside your heart shall lift your curse", I told Lucidity the truth while being very careful with my every word.

Lucidity waited a minute, and I hadn't turned into a worm yet, so she believed me. A little.

"You are still alive. Perhaps there is some truth in your words", Lucidity told me.

"Damnit, that was really lucky", I told myself.

"Of course, I would not fail your test", I replied to her.

I was lucky that Lucidity cast a lie detecting spell on me instead of a truth spell which would make me spill the beans. A lie detector was something that I could maneuver with.

I was also lucky that this Lucidity was arrogant but not so intelligent.

Lucidity now gained some trust in my words and proceeded to talk to me.

"But it's not easy to kill Delirium. He's never around. Even after I killed his precious sprites, he still failed to turn up to meet me", Lucidity complained to me about Delirium.

Lucidity's mind turned into another character because of Delirium's curse, and she forgot all about herself before the curse. In her mind, she was cursed by Delirium and the only way to end the curse was to get rid of him.

"Don't worry I've caught the cat for you", I told Lucidity as Cassandra came out with a box in her hands, wearing a tall hat and long flower pantyhose while Sara brought out a gramophone before cranking it.

Music from a carnival magic show filled the castle to the tunes of excitement and suspense.

"Who is this?" Lucidity asked me.

"This is Cassandra. She is my assistant", I told her truthfully, and she bowed to Lucidity before she lifted open the box she brought out and a cat with blue and yellow stripes was inside wearing a bell on his neck.

"Oh, did you really catch the cat? Delirium?", Lucidity asked me.

"Damnit, must I truthfully answer you?" I asked myself.

"Yes, I brought out the bloody cat", I replied to Lucidity omitting any mention of Delirium.

The cat that I brought out wasn't Delirium. As to the second part of Lucidity's question, I couldn't answer because the cat isn't Delirium, and I couldn't tell her that.

When I thought I would die for telling a lie to Lucidity, it seemed she wasn't interested in my answer. She was more interested in the cat or killing him.

"Great now I'll zap the cat to death and that will break my curse", Lucidity told me.

"No, zapping the cat to death won't break your curse, we must get the seed of Delirium from him to do that", I told Lucidity the truth.
