
Chapter 41 : The girl slipped between his kicks

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Well, that's what he says!

Leaving the little 'bit' aside, it's great to see you once again Crestowl. Let's see what you've commented this time around.

Yeah, the last chapter was a bit shorter than the others, but hey, it got what I wanted to convey just fine. My method for determining when to stop a chapter is up to when I think the point of the chapter has been shown; in truth, if there's a chapter where one major thing happens, then there's no need to continue onto a completely unrelated topic in the next chapter. I like to write chapters with a focus on one specific event or 'action beat', what happens in that chapter? How should I convey it? It's these micro-goals I set for myself when writing each chapter, like a little checklist for what should go into the chapter as I write it. The only other thing that determines when a chapter ends is the final line or paragraph. It has to have a snappy, conclusive ending. You can't simply end off a chapter on a line where people will just immediately think 'Wait, that's it?'

Thanks for believing in me and my ability to write Vin in a convincing and interesting way! He's no Superman, that's for sure. I'm also super glad that overall, no one's actually voiced any negative critique of Vin as a character. It kind of proves to me that the DxD fandom does actually have an interest in seeing a character who doesn't immediately grow all-powerful and attractive. It's… nice.

Once again, thank you so much for leaving a review, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, since it's a little longer, and potentially has a greater balance of character writing and action. Have a great day, Crestowl.

Well, that wraps up another great round of the Review Roundup! I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to leave a follow, favorite or review (or all of the above) if you enjoyed what you read.

And lastly, reminders that if you want to have your comments, critiques, theories or more about this story answered, to just leave a review on this chapter, and I'll make sure to answer your question at the end of the next chapter!

Have a great day everyone, and rock on!


October 9th, 2012

At long last, it was over.

Three long weeks of being able to do nothing productive, three intense, painful, mind-numbing days. For someone like Vin, who was always focused on being productive each and every day, the bland drawl of the three weeks was near maddening.

But hey, it was finally over, and he was ready to get back on the horse.

Which is what led him here…

"Erm, Vin…" Irina looked across the training room sheepishly, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Vin tightened the straps on his padded gloves, "Sure, why not?"

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect you to challenge me so feverishly," Her steps echoing across the hall, Xenovia walked up to Vin and Irina, her own pair of gloves secured firmly on her hands, "Still, I welcome your enthusiasm for training."

"See?" Vin turned to Irina, "Even Xenovia thinks this is a good idea!"

Irina shook her head, "My lord, please show mercy upon these two foolish souls."

Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence, Irina.

"So, rules are simple, right?" Vin turned back to Xenovia, "First person to pin the other for three seconds, or first person to tap out?"

Xenovia nodded, "No biting or poking; otherwise," She dropped down into a stance, "Anything goes."

Vin attempted to remember his basic combat training he picked up from Xenovia, raising his arms into a basic stance of his own.

"Irina, give us a countdown."

Irina let out a sigh, "Fine, three…"

Vin and Xenovia locked eyes, emerald and amber eyes glistening with steely determination, and a dangerous tinge of manic excitement.


Vin clenched his hands into fists, as he swallowed a dry gulp of air down his throat.


Both combatants tensed their legs, shoes making small squeaks on the material of the floor, as they braced to lunge at each other at any second.


As soon as Irina waved her hand up into the air, both teens darted towards each other, Xenovia already having a punch prepared, as she jabbed straight towards Vin's chest. A basic move that Vin had experienced numerous times before from Xenovia, so he was able to quickly pivot to his right, letting the punch sail through the air.

Not wasting a potential opening, Vin lashed out his right foot in an attempt to kick in the back of Xenovia's knee, but even when making contact, the toned, muscled legs were like trying to kick out a pillar of concrete.

Without giving him any time to try harder, Xenovia continued to lay on the pressure, as she twisted to face Vin, all while forcing the boy to duck under a round-house kick, and then clumsily back pedal away from a potentially devastating uppercut that unfortunately, Vin caught on the corner of his chin, causing his jaw to clack together, sending a shockwave upward that nearly scrambled his brain. Not losing the advantage, Xenovia blitzed for Vin, before sliding down, and attempting to sweep out his legs with a kick.

Thankfully for him, Vin saw the attack coming, and was able to give a short hop up, letting Xenovia's sweep swish by harmlessly. As soon as his feet met the floor once more, Vin finally began his retaliation, sweeping kicks and punches at Xenovia as the bluenette handspring several times to get clear.

Finally righted, Xenovia rushed back towards Vin, keeping her body low to the ground as she advanced, forcing Vin to limit himself to at most, kicks; one advantage of their size discrepancy, Vin couldn't throw any punches at Xenovia like this without bending down and leaving himself way too open.

As the girl slipped between his kicks, Vin's analytical brain flared into overtime, he couldn't afford to try and grab her, she'd easily break free while probably rupturing something in him in the process. He could try dodging, and then counter-attacking right as she tried to hit him; that could work, but it'd probably be too obvious.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters

