
Chapter 86 : Enemy or ally(3)

Hey guys consider Reading my new work , Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the mercenary king


As Neil lunged forward with his sword, his movements telegraphed his intentions like a novice bard announcing the climax of a tale too early.


His feint was as transparent as a tavern window on a sunny day, and I couldn't help but smile at his predictable strategy.


With a fluid motion, I sidestepped his blade, allowing it to whistle harmlessly through the air. As Neil extended his hand in a desperate attempt to touch me with his skill, I seized the opportunity With a smirk playing on my lips, I reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his elbow, yanking him off balance and pulling him closer with a yank pull.



With lightning speed, I delivered a precise hook to his side,my knucles hitting his stomach as I targeted the vulnerable spot just below the kidney. The impact reverberated through Neil's body like a drumbeat, knocking the wind out of him and leaving him gasping for breath like a landed fish flopping on the deck of a ship. As he staggered backward, clutching his side in agony, I couldn't help but chuckle at the simplicity of his tactics. "Too predictable," I taunted, my voice dripping with amusement as I watched him struggle to regain his composure.


As Neil's defeated sword clattered to the ground, I couldn't resist the urge to pick it up, after all it was better to keep my distance from my opponent. Gripping the hilt, I felt a surge of triumph coursing through my veins.


It was too easy..


But then Neil's smile caught my eye, and suddenly the sword felt like an entire tree in my hand. The weight was crushing, overwhelming, threatening to send me toppling to the ground like a felled oak. I struggled to maintain my balance, but it was a losing battle.I immediately dropped the sword, causing it to fall from my hand as it cracked the stony pavement.


In that brief moment of weakness, Neil seized his opportunity. With a swift lunge forward, he extended his hand at my neck, his fingers grazing my chainmail like the cold kiss of death.


The realization dawned on me too late—I had let my guard down, and Neil had capitalized on my moment of weakness.


As Neil's touch lingered on my chest, a heavy weight descended upon me, as if I were suddenly dealing with the weight of a house. Every breath became a struggle, my chest constricted as if encased in stone.


Before I could gather my wits, Neil was upon me, his movements swift and relentless. His fingers darted out, repeatedly touching my shoulder and sleeve with a precision that bordered on supernatural. The weight on my arm grew heavier with each touch, threatening to drag me down like an anchor sinking into the depths.


But then I realized something—the weight on my arm was lower, more manageable. It caused only a slight discomfort, nothing compared to the crushing pressure on my chest. Neil's strategy became clear—he was trying to pin me to the ground, just as he had done with his previous opponent.



Summoning all of my strength, I launched myself forward with my free leg, using the fact that it was still free to drive it into his side with all the force I could muster. Unfortunately, the blow was too shallow as my torso was still trapped under his weight.

Neil staggered backwards, his balance faltering for a moment before he quickly recovered. He lunged for my leg again, his fingers closing around my ankle in a tight grip.

I felt myself falling, the ground rushing up to meet me with alarming speed. My leg slammed into the earth,luckily I did not fall to the ground . Neil stood in front of me , a glint in his eyes.


The crushing weight that had burdened my chest vanished into thin air, leaving me feeling strangely light and unencumbered. For a moment, confusion clouded my thoughts, but I quickly seized the opportunity that presented itself.

With renewed vigor, I scrambled to my feet, my movements fueled by adrenaline and instinct as I created some distance . As I glanced back at Neil, I saw his hand grasping at empty air where I had just been moments before. His expression twisted into a scowl of frustration, his curses echoing in the air as his eyes bore onto me




A sudden realization washed over me like a bolt of lightning illuminating the darkness. As I dodged Neil's attempts to touch me once more, a smile crept across my lips, tinged with a hint of admiration for his cunning.


"I finally understood your ability," I muttered, my voice edged with determination as I locked eyes with Neil. His expression flickered with surprise as his eyes widened

Before he could react, I surged forward, delivering a punch straight to the side of his face with precision and force. The impact reverberated through the air, eliciting a grunt of pain from Neil as he stumbled backward.


But Neil was no pushover. With a swift and calculated response, he retaliated with a sharp blow to my face, his fist connecting just above my nose. The impact caught me off guard, sending a fiery pain coursing through my entire head.


Despite the throbbing in my nose and the fact I was feeling as if I had a finger lodged inside the nostril , I refused to let it hinder me. My movements were fluid and swift as with fluid precision, I swung my leg over his chest and unleashed a powerful kick, like a battering ram, straight into his torso. The force of my attack was enough to knock him back several steps, leaving him reeling from the impact.

