
New Assignment

 Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Nexus. Its Seven-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.

"Captain's log, Stardate 87030.8. Captain Anzyl Praxas reporting. I am currently en route to Starbase 1 in the Sol System to meet with other members of the Khitomer Alliance. Apparently, a big announcement is about to be made, and Admiral Quinn wants me there well in advance of the ceremonial hoopla. What it is I cannot say; all I know is the tone he made, this may be goodbye for me and the USS Hemmer. I'm not getting my hopes up or psyching myself out, but he said I had to hear this in person."

Captain Anzyl Praxas materialized into Starfleet headquarters in the utopia orbiting Earth. This massive space dock served as the main port of entry and hub for Earth and much of the United Federation of Planets.

Anzyl, by looks, was rather young for a Captain, 36 years old, prime of his life. However, underneath his Trill spots and well-groomed looks, was his Trill symbiote, Praxas, who was well over 480 years old. Thus, Anzyl Praxas carried 6 lifetimes of memories, experiences, and knowledge that spanned centuries. His red and black Starfleet uniform, with four pips on the collar signifying his rank of Captain, conveyed authority and respect. Despite his calm, relaxed, and charismatic demeanor, his collected smile welcomed all.

In a sleek and very Federation-style office, the door chimed, and an older Trill, Admiral Quinn, sat at his desk.

"Come in. Come in, have a seat, good to see you again Captain!"

Anzyl shook his hand and took a seat.

"Ok Admiral, what's going on?" He opened bluntly, "We have secure channels for a reason, and there had to be a good reason you called me to meet you in person after the Hemmer was in the Delta Quadrant. I had to take two Dyson Sphere gates just to get here."

Understanding his lengthy journey across the Milky Way to get here, the Admiral began, "The Khitomer Alliance is doing well, it's an unprecedented time of peace for us all. The Alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Republic, and with the recent inclusion of the Dominion, things have never been better."

"I sense a 'but' coming." Anzyl winced.

"Tensions are ever-present. Old feuds, culture clashes, and an all-around mishmash of peoples make things messy." The Admiral went on. "However, that's where you come in."

"Me?" Anzyl was taken aback.

"You were instrumental in stopping the Iconian War, and that made you, well, rather famous amongst the races of the Alliance. Which is why you were unanimously chosen to lead this next endeavor."

"What endeavor would this be exactly?"

"Here's your next assignment." Quinn handed him a data pad "and Ship."

Anzyl read the pad, "Project Unity, to continue the galactic charter of exploration, on a ship composed of races from all factions in the Khitomer Alliance. Cpt Anzyl Praxas presiding." He looked up at the Admiral, "So I run a ship, but with a non-Starfleet crew?"

"Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan, Dominion, Lukarri, Cardassian, Collective, if it has a ship, has worked with the alliance, assume your new crew will have a representative."

"Again… Why me?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Praxas, (signaling he was talking to the Symbiote sitting in front of him) but you were an Ambassador and a Diplomat before, yes?"

Then the reason sank in, "Yes, my 4th host Yairee served with Picard as a Trill Diplomat, and Milan, my 5th and previous host, was an Ambassador for the Federation."

"An Ambassador, a Diplomat, AND a Starfleet Captain? Seems pretty self-explanatory to me." Quinn grinned.

"I was also an artist, stellar cartographer, and a Cellist…" Anzyl's face was unamused.

Quinn grinned, "All the better! Adds to your spice and flavor."

"But what about the Hemmer?"

"I believe you have already submitted a recent personal review for your current first officer to be promoted to Captain." Quinn explained, pulling up the image of a middle-aged Aenar woman. "I don't see why not, and I think Alia would make a great captain."

Anzyl nodded in agreement.

"As for your crew, many were nominated and selected by members of the Khitomer Alliance from their respective allegiances, but as for your First Officer, I moved that you pick. You will need someone you trust and know will get the job done as a first officer."

Anzyl couldn't help but acknowledge the logic of the Admiral's reasoning. For him being chosen now, who to be his replacement, and knew exactly who he wanted as a first officer, "All those races and cultures on one ship… I'm going to need more than just good memories and experiences…" he stated, scrolling through the ship's roster.

"The USS Nexus, huh, interesting ship name."

"HAH!" Quinn belted, "Just wait till you see her?! She's at the Planitia Shipyard on Mars. Once you get your things, hop on the nearest shuttle and go see her! I'm not going to lie Captain, I'm a little jealous." Quinn grinned enviously.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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