
A Chaotic First Day Part II

“Don’t worry. I’ve already created a soundproof force field. Nobody will be able to hear us.”

Jordan said when he saw Arias glancing around. He knew that if Viscount Stoker was that anxious, then it must be something serious, and for Arias, it must be a secret that he didn’t want to reveal to anyone either. That was why he decided to create a force field around them so that no one would be able to overhear this conversation.

“What if I tell you that I know nothing?”

Arias smiled slightly. He was contemplating, still unsure of how much he could trust Jordan. If he told the man about the Fosso Clan’s slave-trading business, it meant he would also be admitting that he was really the thief that Stoker accused him of being.

“You think you can really fool me, Arias? A lot of the professors know you’re the one who did it. Even Charlotte knows that you’re the thief Stoker was talking about. We’re professors of Porius Magic School. Do you think we really won’t be able to tell?”
