
Noland's Giveaway!

Galen sighed in relief after leaving the market, those two were dangerous. He didn't have to return to this place anymore.

"Now, I can head toward the South Sea and see if I can sign into it." Galen hastened his pace and was filled with anticipation.

He had already wasted time dealing with those two back at the market. Galen was scheduled to meet his siblings at 1 O'clock. 

In this window of time, he wanted to head toward the South Sea before meeting up with them.

Galen walked through the town, which was quite lively despite the rain. Kids played in the rain, stomping in puddles and playing tag.

Most of the adults just sat on their porches watching the rain while drinking something hot.

In no time, Galen had arrived at the South Sea where he saw many stores selling equipment. They were selling fishing rods, medicines, incense, potions, etc.

Next to these shack-like structures was a dock where fisherman parked their boats. These boats range from massive to small. 

"Hehe, we've caught several Krabby this time!"

"I can only imagine the amount of money we'll make! Spring season is the best time because they simply love the rainy weather."

Galen could see and hear the fisherman's conversation. From their conversation, Galen could make out they caught a huge haul of Krabby. They were standing next to their ship's board ramp, which, upon inspection—was huge! 

'Sign In to the South Sea!' Galen turned to the South Sea and said.

[Ding! Detecting Six Sign-ins for the South Sea! Do you still want to Sign in? y/n?]


[Congratulations, Host, you've received Seven Diveballs!]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received Three Netballs!]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received the TM-Bubblebeam!]

[Host Sign-in rewards will be transferred to the inventory!]

Galen checked his inventory and saw that they were indeed present.

"Not bad, these are pretty good against Water and Bug types." Galen opted to save the Netballs, they may come in handy for Viridian Forest. Though, catching Weedle and Caterpie was said to be easy—one couldn't be too cautious. 

He also spotted a new tab at the top of the virtual screen. The tab was labeled Sign in History.

"Hmm..." Galen clicked it and a new screen came up that showed the South Sea's picture.

-South Sea

-Sign Ins: 1 / 6

-Cooldown Time: 23h / 58m / 34s /

"This system is really nice, I can even keep track of the time now." This would make his job easier, he would come back tomorrow and continue the process. 

'Bubblebeam is a decently strong move, especially against the Pewter City Gym Leader.' If Galen remembered correctly, this move had 65 base power—which was no laughing matter in the early game. 

"Brat, are you okay? Why are you mumbling to yourself?" Right then, a voice reverberated through Galen's ears. 

He looked over only to see a man wearing a fisherman's outfit smiling at him. This fisherman's outfit was blue and the man seemed to be in his forties or late thirties.

Galen recognized this man.

"... ..."

"Well, look at you, you've grown up, huh? If I calculated this year, you should be fourteen or fifteen... I think." The man rubbed his chin with uncertainty. 

This man knew Galen's father, in fact, his father had helped him start his Fishman business. 

"I'm doing just fine, just admiring the sea which got me talking to myself." Galen smiled and waved his hand while making up some excuse.

"Haha, the sea can be like that. Trust me, I would know after so many years." The man smiled and continued. "It's been a while, so I can't recall your name; all I know is it started with a G. Was it Gabriel?"

"No. It's Galen." Galen spoke politely and corrected the man.

"Ah, okay, and you should be wanting to start your Pokémon journey, correct? You should be around that age, at least fourteen I'm guessing."

"Yes, but me and my siblings don't have any Pokémon at the moment. We're all fourteen and will be turning fifteen on June Fifth."

Galen remembered this guy hanging out with his father often, they were surely good friends back then. 

"Hehe, kid, I have something for you and your siblings. My business is right over there and this is my fishing boat." 

The man pointed to his businesses, which sold fishing rods, tranquilizers, and nets, etc. Most were fish-related items or ones that aided in capturing Pokémon.

He also pointed to a restaurant across the way from the shop that served seafood. Afterward, he pointed to that massive ship that Galen had seen those two sailors next to—not too long ago. 

"What? You own this massive boat?" Galen was a bit flabbergasted and said.

"Hehe, indeed I do. Your father has helped contribute greatly to this cause. I have some Pokémon on board that I can give you and your siblings to start with. I don't have much and they're all water type Pokémon; of course, so you can choose your favorite, or what you like."

"... ..."

Galen wouldn't just go onto a stranger's boat. Well, he wasn't a stranger, but Galen didn't know him like that.

"Ah, right, my name is Noland." He knew Galen's worries, so he called one of his crewmen over and had him bring a certain someone here.

Two minutes later, a man came down from the ship's ramp wearing a white and blue suit. He sported an arrogant smile as he came down the ramp.

On the chest of his suit was an all-black badge that said PA on it. 

This was a Pokémon Alliance badge!

Judging from the color, he was a rank-two official. Rank-one officials had white badges, which were the lowest ranking members. 

"So we've finally made it to Pallet Town. I'll be stationed here until I'm moved to Pewter City in three months. This farmer's town looks so boring that I might become depressed just looking at it."

Hearing the man's words, Galen could confirm that he was a staff member from the Alliance. Behind him followed two men wearing black suits and shades, with Pokéballs strapped to their waists.

These were clearly bodyguards.

After all, Galen had seen these badges before on television. The suited men nodded toward Noland before they were picked up in a car and driven away.

"What an arrogant fellow." Noland sighed. This guy didn't put anyone in his eyes—these were the type of people he despised the most. 

Noland explained that he was instructed to escort the young man to this town. They were coming back from Fuchsia City. The guy often complained about the fishing smell and demanded chefs to cook for him often.

Threatening that he would put in a bad report for 'terrible hospitality' and poor escort service.

'There were just some people that couldn't be given power, or their darkest human nature of arise.' Galen shook his head, he believed he wouldn't have to deal with that guy anyway.

In any case, Galen boarded the ship

Karp... Karp!

The first thing he saw was a net filled with Magikarp, who were constantly repeating their names and flailing about. Galen inspected them and found that they weren't anything special.

Going to the lower deck of the ship, Galen came across many of the same Pokémon.

"This Pokémon is Magikarp, and as it is now, it is useless. However, despite how useless it is now, it will evolve into something special later."

Noland grinned and continued. "My crew and I have caught many of these Pokémon over the years, but we've run into a special one."

Noland pushed open a door to a room that had several fish tanks. Almost immediately, Galen noticed the Magikarp in one of the fish tanks and his eyes widened in complete shock!

He grew excited and quickly inspected the Magikarp.


<Name: Magikarp♂✨< p>

<Type: Water< p>

<Level: 10< p>

<Nature: Adamant< p>

<Aptitude: F< p>

<Ability: Swift Swim< p>

<Moves: Tackle, Splash, < p>


It was actually a shiny Magikarp, but the skin tone was off. Its body didn't give off the luster gold chromatic tint that it should have. 

Instead, its coloration was bronze and it seemed sickly.

"Just to tell you, this Magikarp is a bit sick, but it should get over it with a little care. My store sells all the things you need to get it back into shape."

"So you're giving this Magikarp to me?" Galen clenched his fist in excitement and asked. 

"Of course, if you want it." Noland didn't care to give it away to Galen and nodded.

"I'll take it then." Galen wouldn't miss getting a shiny Pokémon. Unfortunately, its aptitude wasn't something to write home about.

"You guys heard the young man, dismount the fish tank and bring it over," Noland ordered the few crewmen in the room.

"Look here, what about these Pokémon?" Noland pointed to another fish tank.

One fish tank held a Shellder, while the other housed a Staryu who lay at the bottom of the fish tank. 


<Name: Staryu< p>

<Type: Water< p>

<Level: 8< p>

<Nature: Jolly< p>

<Aptitude: E< p>

<Ability: Natural Cure< p>

<Moves: Tackle, Harden, Water Gun, Confuse Ray,< p>


<Name: Shellder♀< p>

<Type: Water< p>

<Level: 5< p>

<Nature: Bold< p>

<Aptitude: E< p>

<Ability: Skill Link< p>

<Moves: Tackle, Water Gun, Withdraw, < p>


These were Noland's best offers when it came to Pokémon. He had retrieved these Pokémon by sending his crewmates to dive. 

Moments later, Galen was standing outside of the ship. He was given the three Pokémon prior and chose the best Krabby he could find as well.

After all, they had caught a great number of Krabby. Galen naturally could spot the best Krabby among the group. Most were F-rank except one, which happened to be E-ranked.

Noland gave Galen a special V.I.P. card to his shop, which granted him a forty percent discount for purchases. He had shops in Cinnabar Island and Fuchsia City.

Galen had placed the Pokémon into regular Pokéballs except for Magikarp, who was placed in a Diveball. An expert on the ship stated that Magikarp rarely got sick and could withstand the most harsh environments. 

'So why is this Magikarp's coloration off and it's so sickly?' Galen wasn't worried because the expert told him what he needed to revitalize it. 

The expert handed Galen a list of things he needed and asked him if he could afford a fish tank for Magikarp. Of course, Galen could afford the fish tank. He just hoped that the storage space could hold it for the future.

Galen went to Noland's store and handed the list to the clerk. He didn't have long before he had to meet up with his brother and sister.

"It's a good thing that this place is down the street." In fact, most of the business-related industries in Pallet were around here.

The store clerk wanted to tell Galen where to get them. However, Galen flashed his V.I.P. card, which stunned the man. Afterward, the clerk retrieved the items Galen needed.

'Hehe, this saved me the time of having to search for these items myself.' Galen didn't have time to buy a fish tank, so he just got the items on the list before leaving.

He left the shop and quickly started walking down the street. The rain had suddenly come to a stop after he exited the shop.

Galen arrived at a massive building near the boardwalk and entered. The interior of the building looked better than any building in the city. At least, this was what Galen thought for the time being.

As soon as he entered, Galen spotted Gwen and Gavin sitting at a table waiting.
