
Courage At Last

Scarlet had been down ever since their master, Azazel expressed her disappointment in her. There were so many students that she was far better than, she had no idea why Azazel singled her out in particular.

"You'll be alright, don't worry about what master Azazel said." Diogre tried to diffuse the situation, he couldn't have one of his best fighters be out of commission because they were told they are not good enough.

"I suppose." Scarlet sighed, she knew pouting about this ordeal only served to show her maturity but she couldn't help it, she was disappointed in herself too.

"Diogre is right..." A gruff voice said from a short distance, they all jerked their heads in his direction, he wasn't moving but he was awake.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Lieut mocked. "If it were up to me we'd have left you, you know?"

Simon attempted to laugh but abruptly stopped when a sharp pain shot from the side of his stomach. He instead coughed.
