
Chapter 115: The Kindness from Third

After returning home, Mutsuki glanced at the scroll Third had given him.

After finishing reading it, Mutsuki found it to be a kind of appointment letter equivalent to Special Jonin, with the signature of the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. It was more formal than when he became a Chunin; in the original host's memory, there was only a single piece of paper for promotion to Chunin, while the appointment as Special Jonin was written on a scroll.

Casually placing the scroll in the study, Mutsuki began to read the Sealing Jutsu data given by Kushina.

The Five Elements Seal was much more difficult than Mutsuki had imagined, truly living up to its status as an advanced Sealing Jutsu. It had been twelve days since he began practicing the Beginner Five Finger Seal, but Mutsuki's Five Elements Seal was still stuck at Pre-Beginner of around eighty points, unable to progress to Beginner.

Mutsuki was considering whether to use the Ninjutsu Proficient scroll on the Five Finger Seal, which should allow him to instantly master the Five Elements Seal.

After some thought, he decided against it. Using the Ninjutsu Proficient scroll on a practice Ninjutsu with almost no practicality would be too wasteful. After all, it's not like he couldn't learn it; his talent for Sealing Jutsu was indeed quite good.

This kind of thing that directly increases to Proficient level without considering the difficulty of Ninjutsu, Mutsuki wanted to save it for high-difficulty Ninjutsu.

If he had the chance to obtain the Flying Thunder God and successfully reach Beginner level, then the Ninjutsu Proficient scroll would come in handy.

Following the rule that obtaining the same Ninjutsu from the system can accumulate Proficient levels, maybe smashing several Proficient scrolls in a row could result in fully mastering a Ninjutsu.

After a while, Mutsuki heard knocking downstairs, so he set aside the Sealing Jutsu data and went down to the gate.

"Jonin Mutsuki, this is something Third-sama asked me to give you," the ninja handed three scrolls to Mutsuki.

Mutsuki thanked him and invited him in for tea, but the ninja politely declined and left.

Mutsuki thought that the ninjas under Third were still more refined than Danzo's; at least they wouldn't silently appear inside his house without knocking.

He sequentially opened the scrolls. The first scroll recorded two Ninjutsu: Water Release: Water Colliding Wave and Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu.

Both Ninjutsu were quite good. Water Colliding Wave not only required fewer hand seals but also combined offense and defense. It could either protect oneself by turning water into a water vortex or launch an attack on the enemy by controlling water like a waterfall. Great Dragon Fire was also a very flexible Fire Release.

However, Mutsuki had already reached the Proficient level with Great Dragon Fire, and he had also learned Water Colliding Wave during a lecture.

Nevertheless, it wasn't entirely fruitless; he could now freely use these two Ninjutsu in public.

As for the second scroll, it was a plain and simple three hundred thousand Ryo.

Considering an Academy sensei's monthly salary of one hundred thousand Ryo, this time Sarutobi Hiruzen had essentially given him triple the salary.

Mutsuki accepted it without hesitation; it was what he deserved.

He had been teaching eight classes of fourth graders along with some outstanding students from other grades and some graduating Genin on his own for a month. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen were to offer him ten times the salary, it would still be the compensation he deserved.

The third scroll contained Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrangements for his upcoming work.

The Academy would start in nine days; senseis started a week earlier than students. In a couple of days, Mutsuki would be heading to the Academy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen expressed his desire to promote Mutsuki to the position of vice leader of the teacher class. However, considering Mutsuki's short time at the Academy and his current role as a regular teacher, it might cause controversy. Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen suggested that Mutsuki first serve as a grade director for one semester and then be promoted to vice leader of the teacher class in the third semester.

The content of this scroll was what Mutsuki valued the most. He didn't care much about the salary increase from the promotion, but he could use the power that came with the promotion to seek more rewards for himself.

He learned from the summer special training that conducting large classes would result in rewards twice as much as regular classes.

He can certainly apply for reforms to the Academy curriculum and add some large classes to earn more rewards.

Increasing large classes can also ease the pressure of Academy sensei courses, such as Chitani Isamu, who teaches two classes and has a nearly full schedule.

Of course, not all classes can be large. Mutsuki is confident he can manage Ninjutsu and Taijutsu classes for hundreds of people, but ordinary Chunin sensei don't have that ability and would surely teach messily.

Mutsuki plans to apply for large theoretical classes, such as Ninja World History, Konoha History, and mathematics.

Theoretical classes are relatively easier to teach than Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. As long as students listen attentively, the results won't differ too much, as many people are in the same situation, standing and teaching below.

Through this scroll, Mutsuki can feel the goodwill from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen may tolerate a Root Ninja honestly being an ordinary sensei, but he won't actively promote a Root Ninja to a high position on the Academy.

Mutsuki estimates he'll soon be leaving Root, maybe he won't even need to remove his Cursed Seal himself, Danzo might have to help him remove it personally.

In Konoha, Danzo can't outmaneuver Sarutobi Hiruzen because the Hokage really can do whatever he wants.

During dinner, Mutsuki casually told Kushina and Minato about his promotion to Special Jonin.

"Did the Third old man ever move so quickly?" Kushina was somewhat surprised, not expecting the Third to arrange Mutsuki's Special Jonin status right on the same day it ended.

"Let's all go together to the meetings from now on," Minato said gently, feeling happy for Mutsuki becoming a Special Jonin.

Chunin and Jonin, even Special Jonin, have a big gap between them, they're on different levels.

It might not be apparent usually, but during war, their influence is completely different; Jonin can lead teams on important missions.

"I used to think Mutsuki, your Sealing Jutsu talent is quite good, you should be able to advance to Special Jonin with it. It seems I underestimated you as a teacher" Kushina sighed with a smile.

After testing Mutsuki's talent in Sealing Jutsu, she initially wanted to lend him a hand with Sealing Jutsu. However, Mutsuki's teaching abilities were so excellent that as soon as Sealing Jutsu began to take shape, he directly became a Special Jonin through his teaching skills.

"Compared to you and Minato, I still have a long way to go. Becoming a formal Jonin is my next goal," Mutsuki replied with a smile.

"If you practice diligently, you'll definitely make it," Minato encouraged.

Since Kushina mentioned Sealing Jutsu earlier, Mutsuki smoothly transitioned the conversation to the practice of Sealing Jutsu, bringing up some problems he encountered.

He wouldn't place all his hopes on others; he still had research work to do. He would continue to learn Sealing Jutsu.

Having many skills won't weigh him down. Even if it's not for breaking the Root Cursed Seal, mastering more advanced Sealing Jutsu can enhance his overall strength.


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