
Chapter 13 Conversation

Peter was very depressed. Too much effort and uncontrolled mana distribution. Lucas already had another conclusion and answer in mind.

"Are you depressed?"

Peter thought for a moment and dropped his head.

Lucas had known Peter for a long time. Besides being a roommate and classmate, Peter was really trying hard to catch up. His martial arts skills were still poor, and his wind magic techniques were also poor.

"You must be calm and relaxed. Don't let anything bother you. Don't worry, I'll help you." Lucas smiled broadly, revealing a row of white teeth.

Encouragement is very good, especially for Peter, who is easily insecure.

The clock on the wall pointed to one. It's already one in the evening. It was very quiet, only Lucas and Peter were still practicing in the training room. Lucas yawned several times, unable to hold back his sleep any longer.

"Let's go back to the room," Peter said.

"Is that okay? You want to practice some more? No problem, I'll go with you."

"No, I'm tired too. It's better to go back to the dormitory and rest. If I arrive late tomorrow, Professor Bathilda will go crazy."

That's what Lucas was hoping for. He fell onto the bed and fell asleep in a sweet dream.

But something made Lucas stop his footsteps. Something that follows him to this day. In a quiet courtyard with no one around, there was only Peter. Lucas turned his head back. But there was nothing. Not even Peter's question was answered.

Lucas started walking again, his alertness increasing. Peter didn't notice anything and didn't ask any more questions. Someone is following them.

"Come here."

Lucas told Peter to turn behind the large trees at the edge of the yard. A dark figure was seen stopping at the spot where Lucas and Peter had disappeared. Lucas stayed hidden behind the trees, confirming the black figure, but because the lighting was inadequate and dark. He didn't know who the black figure was that kept following him.

Looking more clearly, the figure has petite and short body proportions. Not so short even if the figure is a girl. The figure of a girl with a ponytail that Lucas recognized very well.

Lucas asked Peter to stay where he was, but Peter still looked confused and scared. Just from what he said. Lucas walked slowly around the trees, turning his back on the small figure. A surprise. A scream that almost woke up the whole school, but made him laugh out loud, unable to hold back the laughter that just came out.

The girl paled and turned red when she realized who had shocked her.


Like someone tickling his stomach, Lucas couldn't help but laugh. Cloe is the girl who always argues with him. It was very funny to see him angry. Running around like a child, making Peter an obstacle. Peter was speechless. It turned out that Cloe was the one who kept following them.

"That's enough. Why are you following us?" Lucas asked. He neutralized his attitude again, even though he couldn't forget Cloe's cute, scared face.

"I wasn't following you. I was just passing by and happened to see you outside at night."

"Don't lie?!" Lucas brought his face closer. He can see that Cloe's face is very smooth and beautiful up close.

"Your face is too close." Cloe let out a small cry and pushed Lucas' face away. But from her words and the look on her face, Cloe wasn't lying at all.

There was something strange that kept bothering him. One thing always bothered him. Lucas was very sure that there was another figure following him. Although it's possible that Lucas could accuse Cloe.

Not Cloe, but another figure that disappeared so quickly.


The wall clock reads two o'clock. The sleepiness he had just felt disappeared. Something kept bothering his mind, a black shadowy figure following him and Peter, that figure just disappeared. Another black figure and not a small figure like Cloe.

Obviously the timing was perfect, the figure was trying to trick him, but Lucas had instincts and sharp eyes. He wouldn't just be lied to.

Lucas lay on the bed, his head turned towards the figure in the next bed. Peter had fallen asleep, but he hadn't slept yet. Until morning. Black marks under his eyes, someone who didn't sleep from night to morning.

He yawned a lot and tried to get rid of his sleepiness with a cup of coffee. There was still half an hour before class started, so Lucas spent the time in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee.

"I shouldn't have troubled you." Peter as usual, he will lower his head.

Lucas took a deep breath. Always like this. Peter easily feels guilty and uncomfortable. Actually Lucas didn't mind it and he was happy to help Peter. However, he has a very low level of self-confidence, to this day Peter is still the subject of bullying by Baul and the pig's friends.

"Do you consider me a friend or not?" Without even thinking about it, Lucas said it with a cold face. Even his cold words made Peter lower his head even more

"I ask again, are you his friend or enemy?"

There are always bullies everywhere. Lucas didn't need to mention it. Cloe really liked annoying them. That girl is always everywhere and making big problems.

Lucas put on the most ferocious and dangerous face. "Get away, bitch!"

But Cloe responded more fiercely. "Who are you? Bastard!"

With Cloe here, Lucas' mood got even worse. It would be better if Hannah accompanied him than that annoying girl.

"I won't let Hannah like a bastard like you."

Lucas choked while drinking coffee. Cloe's words were very ridiculous, even more than ridiculous they were jokes. Lucas really doesn't have time to look for a girlfriend, even if he just likes a girl.

There are one or two things that are different. Hannah is better able to make the atmosphere more comfortable, compared to Cloe's presence which makes it gloomy.

"So, what were you guys doing last night?" Cloe asked. He poured sugar into a cup of coffee.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Lucas, you want to pick a fight with me?" Cloe pointed the spoon directly at his face.

This morning she was already looking for trouble. He ignored Cloe as if the girl was just a statue. "So you're going to practice with me again, right? I'll teach you. Don't hesitate."

"Thank you, Lucas. Sorry I made you angry."

"You practiced all night? I thought you were checking out the girls in the dorm," Cloe said without feeling guilty at all.

Seriously. Cloe thought that Lucas and Peter were the kind of guys who liked to peek at girls, especially hot girls in bikinis.

For example, the beautiful girls in bikinis are Cloe and Hannah. The two beautiful girls have different qualities, different looks. Hannah has a sweet face and a big smile, wearing a bikini that shows off her big breasts. The face was red and embarrassed, unable to cover her chest. His style is shy and polite. Cloe wasn't like that. The girl gave a bold challenge, wearing the sexiest bikini, showing off her big tits and plump butt. She also had a cynical face and sharp eyes.

Either Hannah or Cloe. The guys will vote for the sexiest girl.

"Your brain is so rotten."

Cloe hit Lucas over the head with a spoon. The lewd fantasies in his head instantly disappeared.

"I wasn't thinking that at all."


Lucas snorted, unable to lie in front of Cloe.

Just be honest. Lucas only thought about it for a moment, more precisely, Lucas had his own criteria for the girl he liked. Maybe a cute and pretty face, and the girl shouldn't be taller than him. Maybe short and cute would be better. It's best to speak quietly.

I don't know, is this really his type of girl?
