
We Shall Start The Missions

Chen Ming turned around and glanced at the direction only to see the elf soldiers were making way for someone to enter the scene. He looked over, and the first thing he noticed was dark blue straight hair tied up in a ponytail. His hair was adorned with a jeweled crown, shining in golden and silver with all kinds of gems decorating that thing. His shirt was even more exquisite, shiny purple with intricate black and gold designs. His belt was even more exquisite, shining molten gold as the pants he wore were long, heavy, and shining in black with blue designs all over the place.

He looked like a walking jewelry that needed to be kept hidden from the eyes of the public. The corners of his lips were curled up to form a cold and detached smile.

Why could Chen Ming say it was detached?

Just look at his eyes! He looked like he didn't feel a single thing, and yet he was smiling. There must be a reason behind it!
