
A word with Tengen

"Riko Amani."

"You... How do you know that name?" Tengen frowned at Toji's remark.

'Riko Amani's existence should have still been hidden. How did he find out?'

"Duh. She's the next star plasma vessel, making her one of the most important people in the world." Toji just glanced at Tengen like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"What do you want with her?" You know that if I don't merge with another star plasma vessel, my conciousness will cease to exist and my soul will merge with the world itself. I need her to force my evolution to stop."

'Hopefully he understands the importance of my existence.'

"Now now, obviously we can't let that happen can we? If you cease to exist and merge with this world who would guard jujutsu society? The jujutsu world would crumble in no time without your constant cursed spirit and object suppression."

"It's good that you understand. What do you w-

"What if I told you there was another way?" Toji said, abruptly cutting off Tengen's sentence.

"You. What do you mean?"

"Haven't you thought about it? Your evolution. What's the need to put a halt to it ? What if I told you, that there is another pathway of evolution that you can take? A whole new world?" Toji smirked, before a ball of chaos energy appeared in his hand.

"What is that? In all my years, I've never witnessed anything like it. It possesses the characteristics of cursed energy, yet behaves unlike anything I've encountered before."

"This right here. This is the key to offset your evolution. What if I told you that besides cursed energy there are other energies in this world? An entirely uncharted universe?" Toji threw the ball to her hand.

"Chi, chakra, the yin and yang. They are all energies that humans think exist within this world. But what if I told you that another, much more superior form of cursed energy exists?"

"And what should I do with that piece of information ?" Tengen threw the ball back to Toji.

"Oh, it has everything to do with you Tengen-san. Even you are uncertain about the outcome of your evolution. Maybe your conciousness gets completely erased and you become one with the world, but what if there's another path you can take?"

"Go on." Tengen's eyes started showing interest.

"If you don't merge with another star plasma vessel then the first thing that would happen is that your soul will slowly merge with the world, then your human body will slowly turn into that of a cursed spirit before finally even your physical body turns into dust. After merging with the world, you won't even have conciousness. Kenjaku can manipulate things however he wants."

"Tch. I already know that,get to the point Toji-san."

"Throughout your millennia of life, you've probably never come across this energy. But imagine if I told you it's present everywhere around us." Toji raised his hand, and chaos energy slowly materialized within it.

"It has the solution to your problem. Let's just say this energy, chaos energy is very sticky. It doesn't like to be dispersed. If your body is made out of chaos energy, then merging with the world would be impossible. Your soul would be trapped within your body, yet your evolution would still occur, isn't that what you want ?"

"Evolution... Without its consequences, wouldn't that be awesome ?"

"You.... How did you find something like this?"

'Something like this shouldn't exist within the world. The things I've seen it do are abnormal, even when compared to cursed energy.'

"Teach it to me."

"What? I didn't expect you to agree with it so easily." Toji threw the ball of chaos energy back into his purple blob.

"What do you want in return?"


"What do you want in return? I know you aren't some saint Toji Zen'in."

"You hurt my feelings. But yes I do have one condition. Don't interrupt my plans." A heavy bloodlust poured out of Toji.

"..... Fine, as long as it doesn't endanger the jujutsu world. I agree."

"Yay! Very nice." Toji clapped his nads before giving Tengen a thumbs up.

'This guy, he sure has a weird personality.'

"Since I'll be teaching you about chaos energy the first thing you have to do is read this book." Toji took out a book from his purple blob.

'Chaos energy.... For dummies?" Tengen's eyebrow raised at the title.

"Yeah. You pretty much know nothing about it. I have to teach my students now, so see you tomorrow." Toji dissapeared into a black portal beneath him.

Tengen couldn't help but be bewildered at the scene.

'What a weird guy....'

"Well whatever." Tengen then started reading the book on the chair Toji had made.


Meanwhile in the second grade classroom,

Masamichi was teaching Geto,Gojo and Shoko about curtains and how to make them around objects.

Out of all of them only Geto was paying attention. Gojo was sleeping on his chair with a bubble coming out of his nose, and Shoko's mind was focused on something else entirely.

"So basically a curtain is really just a complicated simple barrier. Ordinarily, applying enough force to the outer shell of the curtain will break it, as with any barrier wall. However, curtains can also be customized with bin-


You could see that Gojo who was dozing off had fallen down from his chair and into the ground.

"Gojo..... Just because you know how to make a curtain doesn't mean you can slack off in my class."

"Ahahahaha sorry I just uh.... Yeah it's because of my wounds. I'm still exhausted from my fight!" Gojo looked around confusedly before making an excuse.

" Whatever. I'll let you off the hook this one time." All masamichi could do is sigh.

"So where we left off, curtains can also be customised by adding binding vo-

The door to the classroom feel down fell down to the ground.

"good morning masamichi san!" Toji waved excitedly at masamichi.

"You....you're gonna pay for that right?" As he looked at the broken door he couldn't help but start getting depressed.

'what did I do wrong in my life, to deserve this god?'

"Oh uh yeah I will. Anyway I came here to take Shoko with me." Toji said while pointing at Shoko.

"Hmm? What are you going to teach her?" Masamichi raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's just my cursed technique." Toji said while rubbing his head.

"Are you sure you're allowed to do that?"

'a Powerfull cursed technique like Toji's..... The zen'in clan would never allow someone that's not from the clan to learn it.'

"Meh. The old foggey's at the zen'in clan can't really do anything to me so it should be alright. Anyways let's go Shoko."

"Yes Toji-san." Shoko quickly followed him out of the classroom.

Geto simply looked at the exchange with intrigue while Gojo had fallen into sleep once again.

"Sigh, Whatever let's continue so basically you can add binding vows to curtains to.....


At Toji's dormitory,

"Mai why are you still standing here? You should still be recovering from your injuries." Toji frowned while looking at Mai.

"It's my duty Toji Sama." Mai said before bowing down to Toji.


"Well, whatever. Don't tell me that you regret it later." Toji couldn't help but sigh at Mai's behaviour. He had made her way too loyal to him.

Inside the house Both shoko and Toji sat on top of tatami mats laid on the ground while an awkward atmosphere slowly bloomed.

"Fine. So you know cursed energy right? What if I told you that there's another type of energy in this world?"

"Huh?" Shoko simply tilted her head in reaction.

'hmm how do I explain stuff like this? I'm not even a teacher.'

"Pour out your cursed energy into your right hand." Toji said to Shoko.

"You mean like this?" Shoko's hand was soon covered with a blue aura with a black lining.

"Yes yes exactly. Now look at this." Toji pointed his finger at Shoko's hand.

Slowly the cursed energy dissapeared from Shoko's hands and a small black orb appeared on top of her hand.

"Is this... The other energy you were talking about?" Shoko said while playing with the ball in her hand.

"Yes. It's called chaos energy, you can basically call it a more advanced, concentrated form of cursed energy."

"Hmm. But I can't feel anything from it, it feels just like a normal ball to me. It's nothing like cursed energy. I can't manipulate it." No matter how much Shoko focused on the ball she couldn't manipulate it.

"Pfftt if you could learn this in one day then i would gladly kill myself."

"So first of all. Don't panic about what I'm going to do." Toji approached Shoko before putting one of his fingers onto her forehead.

Slowly his finger was coated with black energy. The energy then spread from his finger slowly into her forehead from there it slowly made it's way down inside Shoko's body through her veins, her whole circulatory system was filled with tiny strings of this chaos energy.

"Y-you what are you doing?" Shoko could feel it. Something wrong was happening inside her body. Something Foreign had entered it. It felt like a worm slowly entered her body from her blood vessels.

"Good good. Since you can feel it, concentrate on this sensation. Try to move the energy inside your body."

'hmm. From her body the tiny strings of energy are merging with her blood vessels. If she can't control the energy then her blood vessels might rupture.

"W-what is going on?" Sweat could be seen pouring down Shoko's forehead.

'this this thing, it's merging with my body I can feel it, my blood vessels they're changing.'

"Don't panic. If you panic then things will only get worse. Try to move the energy into one point inside your body."

'let's see if she can do this.' Toji was keenly watching the flow of chaos energy inside her body. If anything bad happened he would immediately absorb the energy.

"I-im trying" Shoko felt all of her stamina slowly drain away while she forced the black energy inside her body to concentrate into one place.

"Yes yes just like that keep going. Concentrate it into your right chest."

'hoh? Amazing speed. She's close to forming a chaos energy core already.'

Slowly the black energy inside her body moved from her blood vessels towards her right chest, before they finally merged into a black ball right next to her heart.

"Amazing, Even I took a few days to concentrate chaos energy into my chest."

"But what was that?" You could see the tiredness in Shoko's eyes, manipulating whatever was inside her body was much much tougher then cursed energy manipulation.

"Hmmm. Think of it like this. You cursed energy users use your body as a medium for using cursed techniques. What you've essentially done is the same for chaos energy. That little ball you made inside your chest? It's supposed to be a medium for chaos energy. With it chaos energy manipulation is possible"

"How did you even find an energy like this in the air?"

"Hoh? I was simply born in it. My body doesn't accept cursed energy, so all I could do is try to find an alternative and here it is."

'that should be a suitable excuse. I can't just tell her I was born in a gap between universes can i?'

"Then.... This Ball do you have it inside your body too?" Just like cursed energy Shoko could feel the ball inside of her right chest.

"Nope. My body doesn't allow chaos energy inside it too. But I found a workaround for that so you don't need to worry."

"Then.... What am I supposed to do now?" Shoko tilted her head.

"Absolutely nothing. No cursed energy usage for the next week until I'm sure there will be no negatives to having a chaos energy core inside your body. " Toji approached Shoko and started streching her cheeks while saying.

"Okay Toji-san." Shoko nodded before leaving the house.

'looks like the experiment was successful, unexpected but whatever. Next step is testing it on Mai.'

*Knock* *knock*

Toji heard a knock on the door.

"Yes come in."

"Toji sama, i heard what you were talking about with Shoko..... Your cursed technique, can I learn it too?" She said while bowing on the ground.


Hearing nothing from the other side she couldn't help but bite her lip.

"Any specific reason why?"

"It's so that I can protect you Toji sama." She knew it was silly but she still wanted to protect her master that was much stronger than her.

"Awwwwwww you're gonna make me cry. How could I say no?" Toji knew the importance of loyalty, if he didn't agree to Mai right now it would only damage their relationship.

"But before that.... I think we've left something incomplete."

"What might it be Toji Sama?"

"We've still not explored the outside world after coming out of the zen'in clan!"

" That's where we are going first" Toji pointed his finger to the sky and picked up Mai on his shoulder before teleporting out of the campus.


'what a weird human being.' Tengen who was observing Toji couldn't help but be confused.

'does he care about others or not?'

'whatever' Tengen simply went back to reading the book in his hand.

