
Prelude to Chaos

Ainz PoV:


"[Grasp Heart]!" Momonga, no now he should be referred to as Ainz, invoked the formidable 9th-tier spell, bestowing his target with the lethal blessing of instant death. But then he regretted his action a few moments later.


Naturally, Ainz didn't lament the demise of his unidentified target; rather, he regretted allowing them to perish too swiftly and without suffering. Due the seething rage within him, Ainz believed it would have been more fitting for the pitiful human, now lifeless on the ground, to endure a more agonizing fate.


After having reached this conclusion, he promptly issued a command to the tall demon with dark skin, neatly combed black hair, and round glasses that concealed his normally squinted eyes that was following him.


Adorned in a British suit with a tie, he maintained a gentlemanly appearance, a silver tail, adorned with metal plates and six spikes at its end. This was Demiurge, guardian of the 7th floor of Nazarick.


"It's my mistake for letting this human embrace death so quickly. Demiurge, capture all of those responsible for her suffering present in this facility alive. You will personally ensure that these people will suffer far worse than her." He spoke in a calm, regal voice.


But for a guardian like Demiurge who was known for his intellect, it was all too easy for him to make out the seething rage hidden within Ainz's voice.


"Of course, my lord. I thank you for giving me this opportunity. I could not have asked for more." The demon replied grinning widely. For a second, even Ainz felt sorry for what these people would face soon, but that was momentary. These people deserved such a fate for what they had done.


"As for this corpse, we can't let it go to waste. [Create Middle Tier Undead: Death Knight]. You can use it as you wish Demiurge." Ainz said looking at the dead body twitching and transforming into a huge death knight.


"As you command, Lord Ainz. I shall clear out the path ahead for you." Demiurge walked away with the newly created death knight in tow to fulfil his earlier command.


"Don't worry, we will save you soon. I promise in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown…" Ainz solemnly gave a quiet declaration that no one really heard. As he waited for Demiurge's return his thoughts drifted to the events up until now.





'Finally, I have gone over all documents.' Ainz thought as he felt relieved over finishing this menial work. While this was so, Albedo who was standing by the desk could not make out any difference on the outside.


This was all thanks to the hours Ainz spent practicing and perfecting his act as a perfect ruler, an overlord.


While Ainz had been distraught over YGGDRASIL, his favourite game shutting down, he was now stuck as his in game overlord character for better or worse. He would remain with the NPCs his friends created and look after their shared home.


Momonga choosing to take over the guild name Ainz Ooal Gown was simply to spread this name in the new world they found themselves in, in the hopes that maybe one day his friends would hear of it and return.


Everything proceeded smoothly until about a week ago when Nazarick found itself transported once more to this world. A world known as Earth just like the one Suzuki Satoru was from, but different. This was a world before the world was polluted and civilization was quietly approaching its end.


Ainz was certainly happy to a degree about this incident. He was an immortal overlord now. He could wait a 100 or so years until YGGDRASIL was created once more so that he could reunite with his friends.


Despite this happiness, his concern was also growing. They could not protect themselves against whatever was responsible for transporting Nazarick to different worlds. What if such an incident happened again? Ainz's ever cautious nature demanded that he prepare in some shape or form.


As usual, Demiurge was responsible for this job. And finally today seemed to be the lucky day as Demiurge made his presence known by entering the office.


"Demiurge, I assume you have found something very important since you have come to report to me personally?" Ainz spoke in a practised manner. He had gone over multiple variations of what this conversation might go like.


He could never be too careful about maintaining his act when it came to NPCs like Demiurge.


"I have indeed found very important and perhaps disturbing information. It might be better if you see it yourself, Lord Ainz." Demiurge handed over the sheets of paper in his hand to Ainz.


'Why does he look so grim?' Ainz thought confused over Demiurge's behaviour. His signature smirk was missing and concern was evident over his face. Even Abedo seemed shocked over his behaviour.


One had to know that Demiurge was amongst the most evil of NPCs created by his friends. He revelled in the pain he could give to others using horrific torture methods and that was just the tip of the iceberg.


Perhaps the only things that could cause him concern were related to Ainz's own safety and wellbeing of Nazarick as a whole.


'Has some powerful enemy capable of threatening Nazarick appeared?' Ainz thought as he lowered his gaze towards the sheet of paper Demiurge had handed over to him. It seemed to be written in the format of an experimental log:




Item #: The Eldritch Offspring


Object Class: Euclid (Formerly Keter)


Containment Procedures: SCP-9602 is housed within a secure chamber measuring 33 feet by 33 feet, situated in a maximum-security facility isolated from human-inhabited zones. Requests made by SCP-9602, primarily comprising confectioneries, must be fulfilled and delivered through designated D-class personnel.


It is advised that the facility maintains a comprehensive supply of treats as a precautionary measure. Unauthorized personnel are prohibited from approaching SCP-9602 without explicit permission from the O5 council.


Description: SCP-9602 is a humanoid entity outwardly resembling a 10-year-old girl, displays notable characteristics including white hair, red eyes, and curved demonic horns.


The subject's appearance is consistent with descriptions of supernatural entities, although the true nature and origin remain unverified. The subject's horns, while distinctive, do not appear to possess any harmful properties.


SCP-9602 was discovered in an abandoned subterranean chamber located beneath a dilapidated manor in [REDACTED], a remote area with minimal human activity.


Foundation operatives were alerted to anomalous energy readings in the vicinity, prompting an investigation. Upon entering the chamber, agents identified SCP-9602 lying unconscious amidst remnants of an intricate ritual circle.


Surrounding the subject were traces of ethereal energy, suggesting recent supernatural activity. The reason for SCP-9602's unconscious state remains unclear, and attempts to trace the origin of the ritual or identify involved entities have proven inconclusive.


SCP-9602 was subsequently secured and transported to Site-XX for containment. Analysis of the surrounding area revealed signs of previous occult practices, indicating a potential link to SCP-9602's anomalous nature. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding SCP-9602's discovery are ongoing.


The reason for the former keter designation is due to [Redacted] and [Redacted] incidents


SCP-9602 has displayed the power to summon objects or individuals in the aforementioned unconscious state which lasted for a week. Objects ranged from children's toys like soft toys to [Redacted]. The last known summon recorded was on date xx/xx/xxxx as indicated by a massive energy spike.]


Ainz paused for a moment after reading upto here. That was the date Nazarick was transported to this version of Earth. So it was due to this girl? 'Let's read on before making conclusions,' he thought.


[After the energy spike SCP-9602 woke up from her dormant state. It is crucial to highlight that SCP-9602 exhibited indications of progressive memory degradation, with the erosion of knowledge documented across multiple sessions.


Before the onset of memory loss, SCP-9602 demonstrated a more mechanistic demeanour. However, subsequent to the memory loss episodes, a mature yet noticeably childlike personality emerged in SCP-9602's behaviour.


An appropriate comparison would be AI gradually becoming more human. According to SCP-9602's own words prior to loss of memory this was due to [Redacted]. ]


Following that were multiple 'tests' conducted by this organisation on the little girl they had captured. Some of them were experiments to conducted to kill her. However, as Ainz delved into the details surrounding the girl, an uncanny sensation swept over him, akin to recollections of past conversations with a dear friend.


He needed to confirm his guess. And the last sheet of paper held exactly the information he required:


[Based on interactions with SCP-9602, she claimed that her name is 'Lilith Nyxshade' and that she is a so-called 'Eldritch Demon'. According to records, she is the daughter of an Apollyon class entity known as Tabula Smaragadina and unknowingly ended up on Earth.


SCP-9602 is showing records of ailments such as blindness, weakness etc It is also evident that she lacks control over her powers…] It was at this point that Ainz lost focus from what he was reading.


Ainz was now able to recall his interactions with Tabula where he spoke fondly of his daughter. He remembered about how he was able to obtain the race called 'Eldritch Demon' for her. It was all coming back to him.


His dear friends daughter was locked up somewhere enduring some horrific experiments while they were relaxing in Nazarick. No, this was not how it should be. He had to do his duty as a friend and bring Tabula's daughter to safety.

The emotion suppressors kicked in trying to remove any of the anger that was rising within him but to no avail. He quickly commanded:


"Find out all information about this organisation and make plans to rescue her immediately." Normally, Ainz would try to be more prudent but Nazarick and anything related to his friends was his reverse scale.


"As you command Lord Ainz." Demiurge bowed and then exited swiftly. Ainz then turned to Albedo who was cluless about what was happening and handed the sheets of paper to her. He then spoke:


"Tell everyone in Nazarick about this. Make preparations for welcoming your creator's daughter" Ainz used the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to teleport immediately to his room upon speaking, leaving Albedo confused.



For those of you who did not know about SCP object classification:


Safe: Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained. This is often due to the fact that the Foundation has researched the SCP well enough that containment does not require significant resources or that the anomalies require a specific and conscious activation or trigger. Classifying an SCP as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat.


Euclid: Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable. Euclid is the Object Class with the greatest scope, and it's usually a safe bet that an SCP will be this class if it doesn't easily fall into any of the other standard Object Classes.


As a note, any SCP that's autonomous or sapient is generally classified as Euclid, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own.


Keter: Keter-class SCPs are anomalies that are exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably, with containment procedures often being extensive and complex. The Foundation often can't contain these SCPs well due to not having a solid understanding of the anomaly, or lacking the technology to properly contain or counter it.


A Keter SCP does not mean the SCP is dangerous, just that it is simply very difficult or costly to contain.


Thaumiel: Thaumiel-class SCPs are anomalies that the Foundation specifically uses to contain other SCPs. Even the mere existence of Thaumiel-class objects is classified at the highest levels of the Foundation, and their locations, functions, and current status are known to few Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council.


Apollyon: Apollyon-class SCPs are anomalies that cannot be contained, are expected to breach containment imminently, or some other similar scenario. Such anomalies are usually associated with world-ending threats or a K-Class Scenario of some kind and require a massive effort from the Foundation to deal with.


There are more, I believe. Look it up if interested.


Too many ideas, not enough time and also not enough patience to focus on one project. Well, this is a new one I created after being confused over which idea I should go ahead with.


Trying to write a manipulative protagonist this time. Hope it does not fail, fingers crossed. Albedo will not try to eliminate the MC or anything like that and she will still be yandere for Ainz. SCP Foundation is just a minor part of the plot.


Honestly, I am not dependable so while reading any of my stories know that I might drop them the next second. Anyway, see ya!
