


"And Hyoudou-san, I'm really looking forward to seeing you when you're late..." She said, a sweet smile plastered on her face and I knew one thing for sure. That was not a kind smile, no matter how sweet it looked and how cute it was on her face.

No, really. It was not just my imagination, clearly there were something strange and wrong with this woman.


issei POV

Few hours later in school

You're almost late again today eh, Ise?"

It was during lunch break, in the cafeteria where I usually sat alone and ate by myself. To be honest, it wasn't like I was anti-social, I just really enjoyed eating alone as it allowed me to focus on my meal.

Most of the time I got to enjoy eating lunch alone like this, but sometime there was this woman who kept coming and approaching me.

"Aika..." I greeted back and gave a nod to her. "Yeah, close one today." I told her, smiling slightly.

"Really Ise, you're always almost late. Just what the heck do you do every night?" Aika asked me as she sat on the opposite side of my table.

"Working..." I said simply as I began to eat again "Last night I worked until 3:00AM and went to bed at around 4 AM..."

Everyone, meet Aika Kiryu, one of my friends. We have known each other for a year already and while we're not that close, we're still quite good friends. And let me tell you one thing, if you're a man, never, ever let her stare at your crotch. I don't know what magic or trick she uses but she clearly can see the size of your genital organ just by looking at your pants!

"You took another shift?" Aika asked me with slight scowl.

"Well, he promised to give me his bonus for taking his shift, so..."

Aika only let out sigh at my response and shook her head, as if tired from dealing with me "If I didn't know why you are working, I would say that you are greedy, Ise..." She said while sighing "So you're going to visit them again today?"

"Yeah, Misaki-san said that she needs my help again today." I said and Aika hummed "Are you going to come too?"

"Eh? I wish I could, but sorry, no can do. I have promised Akane and her group to go shopping with them." She replied with a shrug.

"Shopping..." I murmured. Really, I didn't understand girls at all. Why the heck did they keep buying new dresses? I mean, sure new clothes were needed occasionally, but did they have to buy a new stuff every month? Didn't they know it was a waste of money?

"Hey! Hey! What's with that tone of yours? You must be thinking something like, 'Why the heck do girls always need to buy a new dress every month?', right?"


I stared at Aika with a bewildered look. Holy shit! That was almost true, how the hell did she do that?! It was really scary if you ask me, did she possess some kind of supernatural power or something like that?!

My expression must have been revealed my thoughts as Aika shot me a smug look.

"Unlike you Ise, we girls like to appear beautiful every time! We also take care of ourselves pretty well!"

"You're wasting money that could be used for things that are more useful." I deadpanned while shaking my head "Really, I don't get it. I mean, come on! You're already looked good enough just like that, why the heck do you need to make up or dresses?" I lamented and let out sigh. Then I heard a choking sound and I opened my eyes again to see Aika had choked a little on her own drink "Hoi, are you okay? Aika?"

"I-I'm fine! *cough* damn it!" She coughed while pounding on her chest, her face was slightly red as she glared at me "Really Ise! Don't say such a thing out of the blue! It's dangerous for health!"

"What the heck are you talking about?" I asked with a scowl and she scowled back before she huffed.

"Nevermind... Idiot..." She said while turning away and I sweatdropped.

I would probably never understand women.

Before our conversation could resume, something happened.

There was a squeal from few groups of girls that made me and Aika turn our heads to see what was wrong. And as soon as we saw it, we knew the source.

My eyes were staring at the girl with crimson red hair that walked into the cafeteria. She was our school idol whose beauty was beyond everyone else in this school. Her slim proportions weren't the shape of a Japanese girl as well. Of course, she wasn't Japanese after all. I heard people say that she was from Northern Europe. It seems like she was attending a Japanese high school due to her father's work.

Rias Gremory.

She was a 3rd year student of this school. So that made her my senior. And the reactions we had seen happened almost every time she walked around. Everyone looked at her when she walked past them. Some people stopped walking. Others stopped talking. Everyone always turned around to look at her.

Her long crimson hair which came down to her hips made her surroundings look like they were colored in crimson when the wind blew her hair. Her beautiful skin, which was as white as snow, was also remarkable.


That was the only word befitting of describing her. It was the only word needed to describe her.

Anyone would get their heart stolen away by her after witnessing her beauty. Even Aika at my side was showing a fangirl's behavior and she was a woman! Hello! Women should be with men! Not with another woman! ... That might have been jealousy speaking actually as there was nothing wrong with women liking other women! ... At that point I decided to stop thinking about this issue as my teenager brain was taking things into a direction not suited for public locations.

Anyway, everyone was clearly smitten with Rias Gremory. Well, everyone except me.

I had to admit that Rias Gremory was beautiful... I'd even dare to say that among students in this academy, her beauty was unmatched

But at the same time, something about her made me feel uneasy.

When I mentioned there was something strange about Souna, I did not mean it as a joke about her behavior. What I meant was that there was something strange with her... Aura... Or something like that.

In my eyes... No... Deep in my mind, whenever I saw Souna there was something that warned me and told me that she wasn't normal.

The same thing also occurred whenever I saw Rias Gremory... The moment I laid my eyes on her for the first time, a part of my mind told me to be wary of her. There was something strange about her. There was something... inhuman about her...

And not just her to be honest... Most people who were famous in this school were strange... Like Yuuto Kiba, Tsubaki Shinra, Akeno Himejima, even Koneko Toujo.

All of them, in my eyes, were not normal... And when I tried to talk with one of them there was something inside my mind that made me feel uneasy about them. No matter how perfect I hid it, when I was talking with them, to be honest, I couldn't stand near them for longer than ten minutes without feeling a strong urge to leave.

It was like the saying about humans being afraid of what they didn't understand. It happened to me the moment I made contact with any them. There was something that I couldn't understand about them, but the problem was that I couldn't figure out what it was.

Among those inhumane creatures my mind was mostly wary of Souna Shitori and Rias Gremory. Those two... caused me to feel anxious the most.

Kuoh Academy was strange, I said that before, right? And I didn't just mean it was strange due to having the Perverted Duo who were always peeping at girls at least three times each day, but there was something strange about it in general. Just like when I thought about Souna and Rias, this academy felt not normal in my mind, as if there was some kind of barrier around here, something that surrounded the entire school area.

I never got close or tried to find out more about them, the aura they radiated made me too uneasy to try. True, I talked to them if they started a conversation, but I always tried my best to make it short.

Rias Gremory... Souna Shitori...

Just what the hell are you two ?..

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