
Chapter 17: A Map, A Library, A Granger

Chapter 17: A Map, A Library, A Granger


9 September, 1991 - Monday

Hogwarts - Ravenclaw Common Room

Johnathan Grey (MC)



[The Dragon's Map]


[A magical parchment that reveals a detailed layout of the 500-meter radius around the map, including every room, hallway, and corner. It also shows the location and names of everyone within that radius in real time unless they have a way to hide their presence, represented by small, moving footprints labelled with the person's name.]

[The map was created by Johnathan Grey during his first year at Hogwarts by combining the knowledge gained from studying the Marauder's Map from the Wizarding World reality and the Detect Life spell from the Elder Scrolls reality. To use the map, one must have an approved magical signature and simply will the contents to show, causing the map's contents to appear. To hide the contents, the user must will them disappear, making the map appear blank to anyone else who might see it.]

The map was done. I could continuously improve on the enchantments later. It will only work for me and anyone I approve of based on their soul and magical signatures. I got tired once I had completed the initial enchantments and went to bed, but I plan to increase the range significantly and add a few extra features at a later date… I'll also need to think of a better name for it.

"What's that?" Padma asked, gaining my attention. "Don't tell me you, of all people, haven't done the homework." She added in a scandalous tone, eliciting giggles from Su beside her.

"Ah, so I've already gotten myself the reputation of being a huge nerd," I replied half-jokingly, while putting the map away. I would need to send another letter to the twins to give back the one made by the Marauders. I didn't want to stray from Cannon too much. "That was quick. Just don't start asking me to do your homework for you, though."

"Awww," Padma whined, "But that's the best part about having a brilliant friend, don't deprive us of our rights." by this point, she was pouting like a spoiled princess, eliciting another.

"Wait," Micheal interjected, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Is that why we could barely find you over the weekend? Was it because you were escaping homework duty?" 

"'Duty', huh?" I rolled my eyes. "I can always help you with homework, but doing it for you won't help in the long run because I won't be able to help you when the exam comes up."

Besides, I don't get points for doing their homework for them. I tried in the past just to be sure. So even the system doesn't think it's helpful.

The conversation came to a halt when Professor Fitwick came through the entrance of the common room and started looking around, presumably looking for someone, if his darting eyes from one person to another were anything to go by. Having spotted me, his ever-chipper demeanour went up a notch as he started walking straight towards us. They must have approved of the exams.

"Mr Grey, it's good I won't have to wake you." Flitwick began with a twinkle in his eye. "Based on your practice tests over the weekend, I'm happy to say your application has been accepted, and we are currently arranging for a Ministry exam invigilator to schedule your tests."

The people closest to our group who must have been listening fell into stunned silence as my friends turned to stare at me. I didn't see a point in going around telling people because it would come off as bragging, so the fact that I applied to take advancement tests was entirely new for them, and the surprise was evident on their faces. They just thought I had questions regarding lessons for the teachers or exploring the castle over the weekend.

I nodded appreciatively at Flitwick. "Thank you, Professor. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know,".

"Of course, Mr. Grey. Congratulations, and best of luck in your preparations. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, alright?" Flitwick said, offering a small smile. To which I nodded appreciatively. With his task done, he turned to leave the common room.

As the professor made his way out, Padma immediately turned to me, her brow furrowed. "John, why didn't you tell us you were planning to advance?" 

"Honestly, it didn't seem like that big of a deal," I shrugged. "It wouldn't be the first time I've taken advancement tests. I didn't think much about it."

"Wait, is that where you were over the weekend?" Terry asked, to which I nodded. "I thought you said you were talking to upper years and exploring the castle?"

"Yeah, I was." I shrugged, "That's how I found out about the ministry programme, remember? It was a busy weekend, honestly."

"It doesn't matter what you were doing; this is a big deal; it's great even!" Padma exclaimed before blinking in confusion. "But isn't it a little early? I mean, we've only been at school for a week. Are you sure you're ready?"

"The teachers think so based on the practice tests, so I guess I am." I said, before a smile made its way to my face, "You wouldn't happen to be excited because if I pass, it would mean I will be able to help you with more homework, would you?" I asked in a joking manner, causing round of laughter as she pouted as she looked away, not deigning me with a verbal response. 

"Come on, let's get to breakfast. I'm starving," I said, looking at the time before making my way to my feet. The rest followed my example. 


13 September 1991 - Wednesday

Initially, the teachers were surprised and excited almost all the time. Professor Flitwick, in particular, used to be visibly more ecstatic whenever I managed to cast spells correctly on his first try, especially the more complex ones he would give me to pass the time while the others practiced. Where Flitwick would almost leap for joy before, now, his enthusiasm is a little more subdued reactions from other faculty members.

Now, when I executed spells, the response would be a calm "Well done" accompanied by a few house points. Unless it was Snape. He seemed to maintain a critical, almost scrutinizing approach. Probably due to his time spent with death eaters. Whenever I brewed something more complex than requested, which was every single potion, Snape kept an eye on my methods and studied the completed potions with a critical look. He really was a potions nerd.

The only downside is that I now have a hater/stalker in the form of Hermione. She constantly gives me competitive glares in class before we get a task, then another when I do better than she does. She even goes as far as following me from time to time, not that she has seen me go anywhere important aside from the Library, Great Hall, or Common Room. It's a complete waste of time on her part.

"So, what did you want to study?" Padma asked, walking next to me as we made our way to the library with the rest of the Ravenclaw group.

"Whatever I can get my hands on, to be honest," I shrugged as we finally made our way into the library. Let's see if we can find a good spot before they're all taken." Receiving nods all around, we all scanned the room for an ideal spot as we walked past the towering shelves, and then my gaze caught familiar bushy hair tucked away in a corner behind a small tower of books.

"Hey, give me a few minutes, guys," I said to the group, nodding towards where Hermione was sitting. "I need to talk to Hermione about something."

"Sure, we'll grab a table over there. Join us when you're done," Terry said, pointing to a spot near the back of the library. Giving him a nod, I split off in Hermione's direction. She was so engrossed in the book she was studying that she didn't even notice my approach, jotting down notes and flipping through pages.

"So," I whispered, making her jump a little as she looked at me with a startled expression. "What are you reading?" I asked, before giving her an apologetic smile. "Sorry for startling you." 

She took a second to calm herself by taking a breath, "I'm just doing some light reading," she replied. "On Arithmancy."

"Do you mind?" I asked, gesturing toward the empty seat opposite her own. Receiving a nod, I took the seat opposite the girl while giving the pile of books an amused look. "An elective for our third year? Why Arithmancy specifically?"

"Well, I heard that it was the study of the magical properties of numbers. Growing up in the muggle world, we learned Mathematics, so I just wanted to see how similar they are. Maybe growing up in the muggle world might have an advantage there." I noticed she seemed really proud to tell me that, head held high and everything. 

"Ah, I see. That explains why you're doing so well in class…very studious," I said, causing her to look at me suspiciously.

"Thank you," she replied with slightly narrowed eyes as her demeanour became more guarded.

"Was it something I did?" I asked calmly, causing her to blink in surprise and confusion, so I continued. "You've been giving me some…odd looks," her face reddened. "In class, it makes sense, but outside of class, it seems antagonistic."

"Oh! Sorry!" Hermoine seemed to slouch in a dejected manner as she said that. "It's just- I was just surprised you know so much, and you're also a muggle-born. I just got a little competitive, that's all. And then you weren't well in Defence in the first lesson before you started missing Defence altogether, and I thought you were being naughty, but you still do so well in other classes and earned so many points, and everyone still likes you, and I thought you were cheating-"

"Breath, Hermione," I interjected, mimicking a slow, deliberate deep breath. "Just breathe." She did so, copying my actions.

"I'm a doctor," I stated matter-of-factly.

"What?" Her face seemed to twist in confusion, bringing a smile to my face.

"I'm a doctor, and I got my Doctorate in Mathematics before I even got my Hogwarts letter. It's a gift." I elaborated, "My mind," I said as I tapped my temple with my index finger. "It's a gift. I am still studying- don't get me wrong. But I also acknowledge that I was given a gift. Also, rest assured, there are anti-cheating spells."



"Oh, OK," Hermione said, still confused. Before giving an awkward, quiet laugh, possibly believing it was a joke of some kind. This is why I don't keep telling people. It's just too hard to believe and I just can't be bothered with trying to prove it. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"That's alright. No harm done, I was just confused and wanted to know where it was coming from." I said, accepting the apology for what it was. "You can look me up in the muggle world when you go back for the Holidays, I studies at Cambridge University. With that said…I guess I leave you to it then," With a small knowing smile, I stood to leave.

"How-" Hermione blurted out as she leaned forward, biting her lip as if contemplating the question she was about to ask. "How do you do it?"

"Er, what exactly?" I replied, as I made my way back to a seated position.

Hermione seemed to force herself to elaborate as she shifted in her seat, "How come everyone likes you even though you're doing so well in class?"

"What makes you ask that?" Honestly, this was some Gryfindore courage. Maybe she was so starved of conversation since she got to Hogwarts. Bless her.

"It's just," She seemed to scrutinise my expression before she continued. "It's just that I've always gotten the best scores in all my classes before and people never really seemed to like that, I expected it to be the same here but that wasn't the case. But then people still like you even though you're now the top student…" she trailed off expectantly.

"Ah," I muttered as I leaned forward. "Listen, Hermione."

"Yes?" She said, giving me her complete attention.

"There will always be people that don't like those at the top, whether it's because of jealousy, greed or any assortment of reasons. Only a few days ago, I had a few students who wanted to 'teach me a lesson'-" I said with air quotes "-for doing so well while being muggle-born. So that's not going to change even if you were the top student."

Her shoulders seemed to slouch a little, but she nodded in understanding. 

"Now, do you always try to help people even when they don't ask?" I asked. "Do you always tell the teacher or correct people when they are doing something wrong?"

"Of course I do! I always try to help and let the teachers know what's going on so they can help. That way, they know they were doing something wrong and don't do it again." She nodded sagely.

"But people don't always like or appreciate that," I countered.

"But how else are they going to get better and learn that they're doing something wrong?" She frowned.

"Don't get me wrong. It's good that you want to help people. That's what makes you a good person," I said, bringing a small smile to her face. "I've learned that asking a person if they need help once is enough. That way, they know you are willing to help if they ask. From then on, just wait until they do. Otherwise, you only end up getting on their bad side."

Hermione acknowledged that with a nod. "But what about when they are doing something they shouldn't? They could lose house points if I don't tell. And then everyone suffers because of it."

"What exactly do you even need house points for? Why do we need to beat the other houses?" I questioned. That seemed to take the wind out of her sails as she really thought about her answer.

"For the house cup?" Hermione responded after a moment of thinking about it, her tone indicating she was unsure.

"You don't even get to keep it. They just change the banners at the end of the year in celebration, and the cycle repeats itself the next year." I withheld a sigh. "People are going to get into trouble anyway, and you telling the teacher only gets them in trouble quicker. So then they will be in trouble and dislike you. You also don't need to be the first one to answer questions in class. Have you ever even noticed me raise my hand to answer a question in class if someone else knows the answer?"

After a moment of thinking it over, Hermione shook her head.

"And yet, I was able to get so many house points," I continued. "Now, obviously, this doesn't apply to all situations. I wouldn't leave everyone to their own devices if their life were in immediate danger or anything, but sometimes it's better to leave people alone. They'll come to you when they're ready. Just think about it, I guess." I shrugged. Whether she took the advice or not wasn't really a huge problem, she would learn as she grew.

After saying my piece, we sat in silence for a minute as she thought over what I had said. "Actually, Hermione, would you like to join my friends and me for our study session? We just about settled down over there," I gestured towards where his friends had already claimed a spot. Hermione seemed to widen her eyes as she came out of her thoughts, recognising what I had just said. "We planned to do some homework and…some light reading too. You can join us if you want."

"Oh, er, that sounds lovely, thank you." She responded, her tone sincere. She began to gather her mountain of books, fidgeting with her book bag, as if I was going to rescind the offer at any point.

"Great," I stood up, reaching over to steady the pile and took half of the load in my arms. "I'll help you with these books." As we walked together towards the table, Hermione looked slightly apprehensive.

"Do you think everyone will be OK with me joining? I don't want to impose," she asked quietly as she held the books in her hands a little tighter.

I chuckled softly, reassuring her with a friendly nudge. "Of course they'll be fine with it, they're awesome. You don't need to worry so much," I said with a grin.

"Alright, if you say so," Hermione said, as she relaxed a little.

"Alright, guys and ladies. Hermione will be joining us for our study session today," I announced, not too loud, considering where we were, but loud enough to get the table's attention. When we got there, the group was already spread out with their books and papers strewn across the table.

Padma frowned a little as she looked up from her notes before her face lit up with a smile. "Hermione, why don't you sit here next to me?" she suggested, patting the seat beside her. "I'm dying to hear all the latest that Gryffindor has been up to."

The group chuckled at Padma's direct approach, the boys shaking their heads but smiling, amused by her enthusiasm. Hermione, for her part, blushed slightly but seemed pleased by the reception; her earlier apprehension seemed to melt away further.

"I'm not really sure there is much to say, really," Hermione replied, settling into the seat next to Padma. She arranged her books and parchment neatly in front of her as she did so.


"Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse… expelled!"

Hermione Granger


Author Here

So, John finishes his own map, has a little chat with Hermione in the library and invites her to join him and his friends' study session. Hermione may have been really annoying to me at the start of the series, but she deserved friends, at least.

Question: Can the room of requirements show the user books from the restricted section? I mean, it makes sense, right? Better yet, can it show books that aren't even in Hogwarts?

Either way, I planned to have John abuse the hell out of it. It would be strange for me not to, but then this chapter came out instead.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on Patreon. Any support is appreciated.

Pat reon (.com) /Lightest_Reader


Thank you for reading.

Stay awesome.

Until next time.
