
Chapter 4: These [Healing Hands] of mine~

Author notes: 

I'm now moving towards the whole "purebloods keeping masteries to themselves" type thing, like how in the past education was kept to the higher class. With the wizarding world being so "behind the times" in some regards, it's making more sense as the ideas keep floating in my head. 

Or, Masteries just cost a ridiculous amount of money, along with a stupid amount of interest the goblins want due to their dislike of wizards, to the point that normal people just simply can't afford it. Let me know what you guys think. Whichever will be more fun for you guys to read.


Age: Considering the dumb decisions they made in the movies, starting at 11 does make a lot of sense. I don't see more 16/18-year-olds making those decisions either. With him having Essense Of Archmage though, he will still breeze through Hogwarts but just not like a one-year thing.

With that said...Enjoy the chapter!


Previously on Playing With Magic

To be a 'monster' is not a condemnation but an acknowledgement of potential. To learn how to control it is to embark on a journey of mastery, tempered by wisdom and guided by the timeless principles that govern the responsible use of power.

In recognizing the profound meaning behind Peterson's words, the journey into the realms of magic becomes a conscious embrace of the 'monster' within—a journey marked by discipline, responsibility, and the relentless pursuit of mastery over the boundless potential that lies at the core of magical existence.

Basically, be capable of being a badass when necessary, and don't be a bitch with your power. Hehehe!



St Mary's Hospital - Neurology Ward


The following day the soft click of the door signals the entrance of the nurse, her demeanour exuding warmth and professionalism. Her eyes meet mine, and she offers a reassuring smile as she approaches. With a gentle smile, she said "Good morning, Mr. Jonathan. I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I have some good news for you." 

"Oh?" I replied, with slightly raised eyebrows. A welcome interruption to the monotony of medical observations and constant spell spamming when no one was looking. Nothing destructive, just healing spells.

"I'm pleased to inform you that your condition has improved significantly. After 24 hours of careful observation, our medical team has determined that your issues are no longer deemed severe. This is certainly a positive step forward." she said.

"Oh, that's good," I replied, with a slight smile.

Her words carry a sense of relief as she continues to explain, "Considering your progress, we believe you're ready to transition to another room. It's a positive step as we continue to monitor your recovery in a setting that's a bit more comfortable and less intensive."

That makes sense, I am now deemed fit enough to move on my own so they probably need this room for the more grievously injured patients. This is most likely a transition to a phase of recovery room. I did hear once, that the presence of a supportive social network can influence both psychological and physiological aspects of recovery.

"I understand that any change can be a bit overwhelming, but please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We're here to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. Is there anything you'd like to know or discuss?" she continues. She tries to reassure me about the ongoing care and ensure that I feel informed and comfortable with the upcoming move.

Seizing the opportunity to gather more information, with a thoughtful expression, I turn my attention to the nurse, expressing my curiosity. "I appreciate the update on my condition. Out of curiosity, are there others here with injuries similar to mine, undergoing similar treatments or observations?" I inquired. Looking forward to spamming [Healing Hands] on other patients to heal them, increase the assimilation rate, and increase my magic pool. Win-win situation.

The nurse, with a kind smile, checks her chart and provides me with the information, "You'll be placed in a room with three other patients who have experienced situations similar to yours."

"Oh?" I inquired.

Her words carry a sense of warmth as she shares this aspect of the room arrangement. "The decision is based on considerations such as shared recovery experiences and similar medical conditions. It's an effort to foster a supportive environment and create a sense of camaraderie during the healing process."

"Your roommates have also been through comparable experiences, and we believe this arrangement will contribute positively to your recovery. If you have any specific preferences or concerns about rooming with others, please let us know." she continues.


The nurse, with a comforting presence, leads the way to the designated room. "Mr Jon-"

"Just John, please," I said with a slight smile.

"John", she said, with a smile, "your new room is just down this corridor. I'll introduce you to your three roommates."

As we approach the door, I start to think that I might not be able to fully heal them all in one go, without the nurse finding out. I would have to heal them in small doses to avoid suspicion.

The nurse opens the door, revealing a shared space where each bed is occupied by a patient recovering from the aftermath of similar head injuries. She then gestures toward each bed, introducing me to my roommates. "In this room, you'll be sharing space with James, Sarah, and Michael. Take your time to meet them, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," she said.

"James, Sarah, Michael?" she said as she gathered their attention. "This is John. He'll be joining our shared space, and I'm sure you'll all get along."

"Hello, James. Hello, Sarah. Hello, Michael." I said, gesturing to each of them as I did so. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to getting to know each of you during our time here." I said, exchanging greetings with each of them.

James, with a friendly demeanour, appears to be in his early thirties. His dark hair is slightly tousled, and his eyes reflect a mixture of resilience and patience. Despite the signs of recent injury, there's a noticeable determination in his expression.

"Hey kid", he said with a slight smile. To which I returned with a nod and smile of my own.

Sarah, a woman likely in her late twenties, possesses an air of optimism. A bandage on her arm hints at the shared experience of healing. "Hi," she said. To which I returned.

Michael, perhaps in his forties, carries an air of quiet contemplation. His thoughtful gaze more on the stoic side, suggests a person who reflects deeply on his experiences. A small nod was all we shared before we shared.

We shared some small talk afterwards, but when I told them about the whole orphan situation we all decided to avoid family talk after they reassured me that "everything was going to be alright". I get the feeling that this phrase is going to be a constant thing for the next few days. 


As I settle into the room with my roommates, my mind begins to strategize about optimizing the time for practising magic, specifically [Healing Hands], without drawing attention. I calculate the intervals between the nurses' check-ins to find a suitable window for practising my newfound magical abilities.

With a keen sense of awareness, I observe the patterns of the nurse's rounds. Taking note of the frequency and approximate timing of their check-ins and that they had not removed any dressing, I analysed the gaps between each visit.

Late at night, when the hospital corridors are quieter and the chances of interruptions are minimised, was the ideal time for practising. Not only will these guys be asleep, but it will also be quiet enough for me to hear if a nurse is coming to the room out of schedule. I need to ensure, however, that my actions don't disturb the peaceful rest of my roommates.

It's a good thing that I don't have any preparation to do. Based on the information I got from the Dragonborn skills the night before, Elder Scrolls is more of a spell matrix-based system taking the place of wand movements. Which are already been done for me due to the assimilation. However, there is also intent-based magic.

Mages have to meditate and add the matrix for a particular spell to their mind/being, light getting the pieces of a gun and putting it together, ready to use when ready. While the caster magic is the ammunition, powering the spell. Can't shoot without bullets. Then point and shoot, or in this case, heal.

It's a good thing I assimilated enough to get [Mysticysym spells] last night, in the form of [Dispell] and [Detect Life]. I'm definitely going to spam [Detect Life] to let me know if anyone is close. As for [Dispell], it's basically the Elder Scrolls version of the general counter-spell, [Finite Incantatem].

Right, everyone is asleep and it's almost checkup time, I'll give them a few minutes when they leave… then it's time to grind


'These healing hands of mine~

I'm gonna let 'em shine~

These healing hands of mine~

I'm gonna let 'em shine~....'

After an entire night of spamming spells in secret, I couldn't help but create my own rendition of "This Little Light of Mine". It only seemed fitting considering the good deed I was doing. While constantly humming the song, I came to a few more conclusions regarding my magic and how it works.

At first, when I was done using [Healing Hands] to heal the other three, I could feel that around half of my magic was used up. But when it was regenerating I could feel that my total amount of magic had increased slightly, most likely due to [Blank] and its limitless potential.

The second thing was that the light that the spells release is still a thing, but I'm looking forward to [Quiet Casting], which was a perk in the game that makes sure all spells are silent to others. Although I'm hoping that this also means they can be invisible. A part of me wanted to heal them bit by bit, but considering that the Potterverse had Oblivators, I'm not that worried on that end. Just need to maintain stealth.

This brings me to the improvements in the current spells that I know and the other spells I assimilated as the night went on.


[Currently Assimilating: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Dragonborn) 34%(New)]

[Destruction(New): Firebolt, Ice Spike, Lightning Bolt, Fire Rune, Lightning Rune, Frost Rune]

[Conjuration(New): Conjure Flame Atronach, Flaming Familiar, Reanimate Corpse, Conjure Flame Atronach, Bound Battleaxe]

[Restoration(New): Fast Healing, Healing Hands, Steadfast Ward]

[Illusion(New): Calm, Fear, Muffle]

[Alteration(New): Magelight, StoneFlesh]

[Mysticism(New): Remote Manipulation/Telekinesis]

Along with the new spells, I can also feel the assimilated improvements to the spells I have already learned. along with the increase in magical control. If this is anything like chakra, it should mean less wasted magic when casting spells. I'll have to test them another time though. Might as well heal some of the other patients, if I am even able to get close without anyone knowing.

Back to the grind.


"The beginning is always today."

– Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective 



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Thank you for reading.

Until next time.
