

Maya left the burger store. She first took a cab far away from the restaurant and then waited for Victor to leave before she went to pick up Jason. She was really pissed off at herself for even being jealous. She didn't know why she wanted Victor to only pay attention to her when they weren't even dating.

"You must be delusional, Maya," she muttered to herself, rubbing her temples gently. When she got to Jason's school, the boy was already waiting for his mother.

Jason's eyes followed his mother's movement. Unlike the other day she had come to pick him up, today she didn't look happy. "Is Mommy sad?" the small one asked.

Maya shook her head. "Sad? No no, darling. I'm very happy, just a little tired from work. Let's go home," she muttered. "Look here, I got you a burger."

Jason's eyes sparkled when he saw the burger pack. "I love burgers!" He clapped excitedly, reaching for the small bag.
