
Death in Sight


While the entire city was engulfed in flames and the screams of the innocent rung in the air, the location where one would think undead would mostly occupy, the cemetery, was quite and tranquil the screams and cries only served as background noise that gave the area an eerie atmosphere that Kahijit was thoroughly enjoying.

Dark negative energy coalesced around him and filled the atmosphere as he stood right at the front of the entrance to the cathedral, in order for the ritual to properly work, he has to take a stride from the entrance of the building to the centre of the cemetery where all the tombstones were, a physical representation of him leaving behind his humanity and embarking on a path to be come undead, of course that is just the first step to becoming a lich. Despite the area being filled with negative energy, it was still not enough.

Before ritual can begin and before he can start walking he first must erase all life within the city and then plunge the whole area into an ocean of negative energy and currently there was still quite a few people left so he has to wait and it was that wait that caused the permanent frown on his face.

"Awww Khaji-chan, is something the matter?"

Besides him there was a woman, she had blonde short hair and she was tall, she was not the most beautiful woman in the world but her body was nice and slender and one easily could guess that it was nimble and agile from a single glance, her voice had spoken in a very feminine and sultry tone as she asked him a mocking question. The woman wore barely any armour, only black short pants, with adventurer rank plates covering her crotch and her shins covered by metal plates and beneath the plates was thigh highs, her pale, smooth and flat stomach was laid bare with her breasts being covered by a leather armour covering sad armour was more adventurer rank plates, it seems that has a habit of collecting them. On her arms, she had Vambraces, and her waist was 4 daggers that patiently waited in their sheaths.

"Clementine, I would advise you to flee from her. The ritual doesn't require your presence"

Khajit informed Clementine that he was quite tired of dealing with her, and her only job was to simply steal the crown of wisdom and kidnap the boy. The crown wasn't necessary for the ritual. However, it did increase the chances of the ritual being a success since the crown was an enhancer type of item.

"Aww that's rude, don't you want me around Khaji-chan?"


"Well too bad, you've basically turned this place into hell, an adventurer or two will eventually make here to stop you.

She explained as a devilish and wide smile was plastered across her face, Her sweet voice had turned from sultry to a course bur deep feminine tone. anticipation and excitement had filled her being, and she could hardly contain herself. The screams in the background only served to amplify her sadistic tendencies, but she held herself together.

"And when they do, it will be up to me to introduce them to new levels of torture, strong and brave men screaming as I rip out their entrails is one of the few joys in life"

She finished, her body squirmed and she could feel her loins become moist by each passing second, despite her very being screaming at her to go and torture those poor souls she held back torturing weaklings is fine but torturing the weak who have deluded themselves into thinking they're strong was the pinnacle of satisfaction. It's not uncommon for her to orgasm while doing so.

"I see"

Was all he said, but deep down he was thinking about the benefits of having her around, perhaps turning her into a undead will work in his favour although he should be careful considering her level she might be difficult to control.


The sound of horses galloping resounded throughout the area as Gazeff and his troops rode towards the city of E-Rantel, the horses moved at top speed kicking up a fury of dust in their wake, time was of the essence and speed was imperative. The force that was dispatched to provide Reinforcements to E-Rantel was Gazeff's warrior troops, soldiers that answer directly to the king but were separate from the royal army, a sort of special operations squad meant for wartime emergencies only but the situation at E-Rantel was an exception or rather the princess thought it better they be used for more than just wartime emergencies.

Of course it was not just Gazeff's troops that rode toward E-Rantel but there was also various adventurers from the capital's adventurers guild accompanying them, among those adventurers there was the Adamantite class adventurer party, Blues rose led by Lakyus. There was also a backup unit that was made from the armies of each of the high nobles, each army contributing at least two hundred soldiers.

Arthur could not help but feel a certain level of nervousness as his eyes saw the flames that lit E-Rantel like a night light, this was going to be his first ever battle and he wondered if he was capable, sure he had ultra instinct and Sukuna's technique but that didn't mean he had any battle experience nor did it mean his mind was prepared for such a life threatening event, within the overlord universe death was always guaranteed, as long as you weren't the main character and Arthur hadn't deluded himself into thinking he was one.


Gazeff shouted and warned, the men reciprocated his shouted with a war cry. Arthur, who was right beside Gazeff as he shouted, but he didn't respond like the rest, this made Gazeff curious.

"Sir Arthur, you nervous?"

"No, I'm a little excited, actually. Battle is something I always look forward to"

A lie, obviously as someone who supposed to be a leader of a whole knight's order and as a person who supposedly battled a witch, he shouldn't be nervous but unfortunately those were all lies he has told and because of that he has to keep lying, looking back on it now he is somewhat glad that there's at least one person he can be truthful to, unfortunately he was also aware that said person would most likely use that to manipulate him, he couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.

"but I can't lie, I am a bit tense after all this is my first battle in this w-continent, its an environment I'm not used to"

He further explained, At very least what he just said was closer to the truth, it was still a lie, but it explained why he was so quiet. While Princess Renner was someone he didn't mind being around and being close to, it wasn't really enjoyable to always be on guard trying to ensure you weren't being manipulated or was it?

"oh I see that is understandable, but I'm sure you will be fine. Your skill should speak for themselves"


Gazeff responded, and he simply gave him a single word response to end the conversation. In order to properly have a relationship with Renner he has to actively try and create a relationship that is more than just a transaction, he has to make her fall for him without her thinking of him as a puppy to control and in order to do that he has to make her free enough around him to reveal her true face instead of that whole façade she always showing.

'would it be manipulation if I tried to use that in order for her to fall for me?'

Using specific information you have on someone in order to control and direct their thoughts and actions was the definition of manipulation but she was definitely trying to manipulate him as well so it should be fair game or rather it was irrelevant whether or not it was okay to do it, but instead is he okay with doing it, nothing says he has to be around Renner he can always just leave, if he wants to avoid someone that always tries to make him move how she wants him to move he can go somewhere else but unfortunately he won't do that. Perhaps because he likes Renner and he really wants her or perhaps this whole thing is really exciting and he likes the feeling of excitement he doesn't know which is which.

'Living a normal life is insanely boring'

He thought this was an isekai. He had been transported in to a world with magic, dragons and manipulating princesses, to turn your back on that under the pretence of wanting a normal life was something he would never do, he already lived a normal life why would he want one again?


Sorry for the lack of updates, my laptop got fucked and I had 2 assignments that i had to do on the phone which was difficult to do but anyway we're back.
