
New Home I

"That's the last of it," Jason said to a big burly man who was more abundant than he was in size, both vertically and horizontally.

They had just finished packing the last of his stuff from the hotel into a black Mercedes SUV that would be taking both him and his luggage to Ronaldo's house.

Before they finished training for the day, Ronaldo had called some of the people from his security team to come over with an extra car that would help Jason move so immediately after training for the day was over, Jason headed to his hotel in the company of the people the abundantly sized guy.

His name was Gustavo, Jason had found out after a bit of conversation with the guy while they drove to the hotel.

While Gustavo headed back to the car to wait, Jason headed over to Adele's room to talk to her for a bit.

There he told her everything that happened and that he would no longer need a house for a while so she no longer have to stay around in Italy.
