
Nicknames II

Getting over the weird nicknames, Jason took up Mylo's phone again to read the article about him. 

The article just briefly recapped his performances over the two matches while also adding a few elements that were not exactly true, but then that was a normal thing from reporters and there was nothing Jason could do to stop them, neither did he want to.

"You going somewhere?" Jason asked Mylo who was all dressed up and even had a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah, school," Mylo replied as he took his phone back from Jason.

"Ah…!" Jason muttered.

"I forgot you were still attending high school,"

"Final year?" Jason asked, rinsing out his glass.

"Yeah, I'll be done with school after this," Mylo answered back, rinsing out his glass as well.

"Where's your school at?" Jason suddenly thought to ask as he began heading back to his room, intending to go have his bath.
