
Ch-94:Last Mission[2]

While awaiting their last mission to be assigned to him, Raon lay in his bed relaxedly, taking rest from all the fights, searches, travels, cultivation, and all the events that transpired in the arduous last 1.5 years.

He lay down on his simple bed, inside his small room that was 15 by 20 meters in dimensions inside his abode that easily spanned beyond 600 square meters in area alone. 

His abode might seem big, but to a cultivator who needed absolute space for training in their weapon arts or combat arts, it required lots of free space, and this was the condition when he was just an Outer District disciple.

Raon contemplated the size of his abode while comparing it with Lia's since he had been there.

'It was more than twice mine... so around 1300–1400 square meters? Well, compared to the Core District ones, which have around 2500–3000 square meters of area, it's still small.'
