

While Luke and Leo played their games in peace, there was a massive riot taking place in sector E that they were completely unaware about.

On the second day of work, the workers' attendance was much lower than usual with many workers deciding to play Terra Nova and increase their level within the game instead of reporting for work.

Out of the people that did not go to work, less than 0.1% substituted their absence with paying MP as penalty as a majority of sector E workers did not show up to work without caring for the consequences.

What their absence did for the morale of other workers was that it created a chain reaction where the workers that did show up to work felt like they were fools for showing up for work and that they should have been playing the game themselves as well.

By lunchtime, a massive riot broke out as sector E workers refused to return to their duties and rebelled against their supervisors, defying their orders.
