
The Combat Class Ends. Planning

After we left, we didn't return for a while and just watched other groups' matches.

Group 7 - Aurelius and Lyra's team managed to win against Group 8 easily. They have consisted of mainly those under rank 50 after all, with only one of them being top 12th.

Aria and Emeric's teams also secured a win but they were reprimanded by the instructor for acting alone and overwhelming their opponents with their strength. She mentioned this was a team fight and they were practicing.

I could've done the same, but knowing the instructor's personality and not wanting to change teams again and again (Aria did so in the original) I restricted my strength and cooperated with my teammates. 

My sister and Ren's match however was quite interesting. Just like me, they restricted their strength and cooperated with their other members. Ren was obviously skilled both in team fights and individually, so he quickly took control of the fight.
