

The party is interrupted by the sounds of raised voices from the direction of the engine room.

"This is absurd!" thunders Evgeniy Cardoso. He is standing beside the asparagus patch in the engine room, his face red from drinking.

"Now, here comes the President," says Virginia Rein, who stands in the entrance to the engine room, the curtain pulled back (to save on weight, there are few doors on the Asterion). "I caught Mr. Cardoso tampering with the power hub."

"I was checking the levels! It's my job!" Evgeniy retorts, exasperated.

"Not at two in the morning with a bottle of vodka! I think we have found the source of that thrust malfunction," says Virginia.

"Why would I have wanted to kill us all? It's—"

"—well known that many in the G81 want this mission to fail."

You know this will need a proper investigation either way, but what to do with the quarrelers?
