
Chapter 20

Howard was suspended in air, bright pink illumination all around him. He heard the powerful rush of water as if it was a waterfall. In the air, he could smell lavender and cherry, yet his mouth tasted of blueberry and caramel.

[You must be the new kid on the block, or how is the modern parlance?] a voice melodiously rung around him.

[Sorry I had to intercept the time displacement of my counterpart but this is the only way I could get your attention unhindered.]

"Who are you?" Howard finally asked.

[Who I am doesn't matter. But you have an idea of who I am, seeing you fought a rogue child of mine and won.]

"Are you Xylekitin? If you are then that would put you equal to or above Titan level. Why are you after the mirror?"

[You are sharp for a human. However, there is something strange about you. It's like there are two of you in that body. Also you are wrong, the human way of scaling gods is so distasteful and erroneous. You creatures oversimplify and complicate in all the wrong areas. As for the mirror I have my reasons.]

"Why am I here?"

[Did I touch a raw nerve?]

Laughter rung around him. [We wanted to see you in person and also to deliver a warning.]

The air around him dropped to ice-cold temperatures. The illumination turned to an angry dark red, the waterfall sound disappeared to be replaced by the sound of exploding volcanoes and the blueberry and caramel taste in his mouth turned to smoky and tarry coal.

Sulphur and burning iron replaced the lavender smell. He heard whispers in the air but couldn't make them out over the exploding sounds.

The air in his lungs was forcefully pushed out and he tried to breathe but he felt an invisible hand tighten around his neck.

The bracelet erupted into a warm golden bubble and encased him providing protection from the hostile elements.

As the golden light covered him, he heard the last whisper clearly: BEWARE!

He coughed and opened his eyes. He saw the rest of the Hunters had surrounded a cool as cucumber Aian. They were having a heated argument and even Juma's voice was heard. Aian threw a glance at Howard and he swore he saw a smile play on her lips.

His hearing was still affected so he couldn't decipher what the topic was. He let out a breath letting his senses to reset from the displacement. When they had stabilised he looked at the group again.

"So you lied to us?" Winjoy asked angrily looking at Aian. She wondered why she was mad at the girl. "Then these artefacts that you sent us to get weren't necessary?"

"I'm the one who told her not to reveal her identity," Howard spoke up testing his jaws. He groggily got to his feet and almost lost his balance, but Kuronike supported him.

"Steady there, it looks like you have the worst side effects."

"Is that because you have a blood bond with her?" Violette asked. "You two are too close for comfort and also when Aian was injured you felt the pain."

"If you want us to work as a team we need to know everything." Frank said. "Or at least vital information, we don't care what you do in between the sheet."

"Aian is the god of time." Howard started knowing that Aian was about to retort. He then went on to give a brief history of how he met Aian and her involvement up to the present.

The five listened in silence.

"Unfortunately now that you all know, you've placed in motion a divine cloak. Meaning with the exception of Howard, if any of you try to infer to my existence until I approve, dire consequences will follow immediately." She told them.

As the warning sunk in, Howard looked around. They had appeared in a dusty room. The room looked vaguely familiar, from the heavy wooden door that led out to the hallway to the big Bible-looking book resting on the mini lectern.

{You should have just let me turn them into dust or better yet transform them into blind naked moles.}

Howard looked at her shocked and she flashed a sweet smile at him. He shook this head and sighed. She then vocally asked him how he felt having time-travelled for the first time ever.

He told her but left out the part about the vision. She looked at him with sharp eyes but didn't say anything. Aian warned them that the time displacement and teleportation would have a physical toll on their bodies; however if they slept as early as possible she would mitigate the effects as they slept.

She had made adjustments to the single room and Howard received an open palm on his head for saying it was bigger on the inside.

They were each allocated rooms except for Howard and Aian who would occupy the current room. She enlarged the bed and changed the linen to that befitting her tastes.

Howard stifled a yawn trying to fight off the sleep. Aian twitched her pinkie finger and he succumbed. She carried him to a wooden bed and placed him on it.

She then looked around the room muttering words in the old language, putting up basic protection fields.

He woke up to find Aian sitting besides him on the bed, her eyes closed though golden light filtered through her eyelids. He got up gently trying not to disturb her.

{You do realise I am a god and can multitask in degrees unimaginable to you. I'm tracking the path of the armour.}

"Will we be laying an ambush?"

{Not we, you. I'd be identified if I intervened. Already Helios suspects something, look outside.}

Howard walked to the window and pushed tit open. The sun was still at the horizon but it was a strange orange shade as if it were sunset. He also felt his hairs stand as if he was being watched.

{That's why only you shall have direct physical contact with the items. Helios is always watching but he doesn't suspect who we are but you'd better be careful.}

"What is that?" Violette asked joining them. Howard looked at where she was pointing at. Apart from the floor being dusty he saw nothing.

"Looks like a sigil, from the colour, it could be a teleportation one," Kuronike answered. He was closely followed by the Winjoy and Frank.

Howard wondered what they were going on about. He heard Aian's finger snap and he then could see the glowing patterns on the floor.

She told them because they were being watched she wouldn't use her powers constantly. She'd made the sigil at night when the sun wasn't watching.

Juma joined the group at the table and pointed outside at the sun. Violette explained to him and he nodded. Aian then notified them because of the constant surveillance, she couldn't flaunt her powers. Instead she'd teleport them to the exact spot a few moments before the messenger arrived to grab the set.

Only Howard was to interact with the set given he didn't exist in time. The rest were just to support.

{It is time.}

The six stood close to the sigil Aian had made last night. It glowed right and vanished along with the team.

Just as the items flashed and Aian appeared, Nick saw a short figure appear and tried to grab the set. Howard's bracelet warmed up as he directed a telekinetic force shielding the set. He felt it wear away as the figure concentrated on one spot.

Before he could react the helmet of salvation has disappeared along with the figure.

The air below him vibrated and his bracelet put up a bubble to protect him as the ground started spewing off black smoke.

Aian grabbed him by force and they teleported away.

He tried to get up but Nike held him down.

"Trust me you don't want to stand up now."

"Did you see," he asked Aian groggily as the effects of the forced teleportation hit him. He noted the bubble only protected him from the heat. Or in this case time displacement again as he took a second look.

"I was more concerned with the unseen hyraxes arming themselves, but yes I can sense the helmet was taken away," she replied. She tapped his head and the effects washed away.

"Must be nice having a goddess in your pocket," Violette muttered. Howard chuckled as he had said those words when he'd met Aian in her watch form.

His bracelet warmed up and it disgorged the remaining items into his lap. Aian took the items and opened a small rift, depositing them in there before sealing it up.

"So where are we? Or is it when?" Winjoy asked.
