
74: A Broken Mind [Pt.2]

Elenia was once a kingdom that had an uncanny semblance of what a normal passer-by would think heaven was.

Elenia was now a hell filled with creatures that crawled from the depths of a dark hell.

Elenia was the most successful kingdom in terms of agricultural value and harvest.

Elenia now had its soil flowing with molten magma and other cruel acids that even the brave wouldn't think of touching.

Elenia had a king, a royal family and a long line of dukes, barons, and nobles.

Now they were all no different from struggling commoners.

Elenia had good food, good guards, security, and the general families.

Food had become a luxury, guards became meatpaste, security had turned into the object of derision, and the general families had become no different from a band of ants trying to survive the onslaught of a terrifying beast in a tight formation.
