
New Ability

Suddenly, Alex's eyes snapped open in the spiritual realm.

The sight was not unfamiliar, as it was the same place he performed the ritual. The only difference was his form, which was phantom, and multiple glowing orbs scattered throughout the entire place.

These orbs were milky white and beacons of light All of the orbs were the size of footballs, glowing as they appeared in front of Alex helping him to see, although they continuously moved back from him, afraid to come in contact with him. There were two orbs which seemed to approach him willingly.

The orb was like a crystalline ball, leaving behind a trail of light in the path it had just crossed, its speed continuously increasing. And in the next moment, it touched his phantom chest.

Alex rejoiced in his success, but it was premature. The orb that was about to be absorbed within him detached and ran away to his right side.
