
Ability and Memories

Alex felt a slight euphoric wave in his psyche as if a deep slumber had broken out. He massaged his eyes, trying to ease the itching feeling, but failed in the process.

His hand still massaging his closed eyes he forcefully rubbed his eyelids.

This gesture Instead of reducing his itching started to build a tormented sensation in his head, like it was splitting apart.

With a thud, he broke out from the lotus position, slightly kneeling on the ritual ground.

Dozens of flashes played in his mind, memories spanning 18 years of Raser's life.

He understood why he was having a splitting headache, but there was no answer for the itching in his eyes that increased in intensity with each passing second.

Suddenly, the itching transformed into tormented pain, like a hot red iron needle had been thrust onto his head through his eyes, he yelled in a wrenched, heart-splitting voice.


His face hung up, gazing at the empty ceiling of the basement, his golden pupils glowing in brilliant blond radiance.

A triangle appeared in his eyes, rotating around, and then it was carved into his pupils — a white-glowing triangle in circular golden pupils.

Now, armed with Raser's memories,

He understood: the pain in his head was due to a surge of memories, while the itching feelings in his eyes were due to enlightenment.

When he thought about ritual and enlightenment information related to that area surged in his mind.

The ritual process, and his current condition, everything became clear to him.

The Very first thing

Enlightenment and invocation are not the same.

Yes, the previous moment where he was thinking about enlightenment and invocation is the same; his myths were busted now in this very instance.

Enlightenment refers to a voice that informs us about the predefined profession that an invocar can choose through sacrificing certain things.

To hear this enlightenment, one had to awaken their spirit body that can perceive spirituality in all five senses.

When a person performs the enlightenment ritual for the very first time, he first invokes his spirit body.

Thus, the first ritual a person performs is the name invocation ritual. Simply put the 7nth enlightenment is known as invocation.

"There are a total of 7 types of enlightenment, divided into three parts: Base (7 and 6), Middle (5 and 4), and Higher (3, 2, 1).

Each enlightenment has distinct abilities, skills, strengths, and weaknesses that contribute to the unique nature of an individual.

Base Enlightenment acts like a building block; the middle and higher are based on this.

Then comes the true nature of enlightenment. It can be one simple word or a simple sentence, deciphering it can help in finding a path forward.

Like Alex has Seer.

He just has to comprehend the true nature of what Seer is.

If he did, he could perform the 6th enlightenment ritual and gain the next step of the Seer.

After achieving enlightenment, the invocar endeavours to comprehend the meaning, role, and essence of its invoke ability another name for its true nature.

The ability is determined by multiple factors: the nature of the main sacrificial ingredient, the wish, and the auspicious time.

Now that Alex has become an invoker, having seer enlightenment, he has gained some supernatural abilities.

Firstly, an ability of divination that allows him to understand or predict the future of his life through flashes that he gains when he activates this ability.

This ability also includes guidance to avert upcoming catastrophes.

It has its cons; it can't be used multiple times a day. He just has to learn about how divination works and which method he prefers; until then, crude random flashes are his only friend.

Secondly, there is the same ability as the previous one known as Reverse Divination. In this, Alex can learn about the past of any object he touches, and this has a cooldown of 7 hours.

Another thing he gained is the Seer's eyes which can see spirituality, including ghosts, curses, and blessings.

There is a mutation in his seer eyes, a triangle whose sole purpose is enhancement. It speeds up the deciphering process of any concept.

Every invocar can sense spirituality, but not everyone can see it. The only exception is when they are in spirit form, albeit not everyone can activate their spirit form at will.

To activate the spirit form some requirements need to be felt like to be in a higher enlightenment.

Even the spirit form has its stages, but that's not the subject of Attention because Raser also doesn't know about it.

Why worry about anything that you don't know? His current focus was on his ability.

His abilities don't sound overpowered, but they have their advantages.

Now, he can prepare for upcoming catastrophes, and he can see how powerful a person is or if an object is cursed or blessed.

As all things have a price and sacrifice, he also has a disadvantage.

While his spirituality is above average, his physical capabilities are not as considerable.

His physical capabilities are lacking compared to an average invocar but he is more powerful than a normal human.

Amidst absorbing the information, the itching and pain in his body disappeared, only to be replaced by a burning sensation.

The surrounding silver fog, now a little dim, was drawn into his body, circulating in his muscles and enhancing their capabilities.

Again, this warm feeling rushed toward his eyes, but this time a warm, soothing sensation embraced his mind.

A euphoric feeling...that marks the end of his information surge.
