

Everything happened so quickly as the Silver Werewolf howled in agony, the smell of scorched fur filling the air!

However, Raze wasn't over yet as she spun, her sword tracing a deadly circle around her, fending off the other two Werewolves from its onslaught of claws and teeth.

Three Werewolves attacked her while the others focused on the young Dragon.

Each swing of her Fire Elemental Sword was accurate, each stab and slice were calculated to incapacitate and disarm.

The werewolves, though fierce, were no match for the Dragon Knight's prowess, even if the moon was up!

Raze's movements were fast, her Elemental Sword could barely be parried by the claws of the Werewolves!


 She ducked under a swipe, her blade finding the underbelly of another werewolf, the fire searing the wound instantly.

Another leaped at her from behind, but she pivoted, driving her sword upward through its chest, allowing the flames to consume its heart.
