
True History of Duchy

 When they woke up, they were greeted by the sight of the witch cooking them a meal. Sensing their presence, the witch gave them a nod of acknowledgement before continue cooking.

 Having a wry smile on their face, the two took a seat as they waited for the witch to finish making breakfast.

 Soon enough, the witch took out a tray with three plates on it. Accepting it, the two non-human dig in. To their surprise, the food taste excellent.

 "You are an excellent chef," Mina compliment, earning a wide smile from the older witch.

They continue their meal in silence until the witch decide to ask them a question. More specifically to the sole man in the room.

 "Why would a human help a witch? You should grow up to hear the tales of wicked witch that needed to be culled" the woman clearly distrust human greatly. Thankfully, he can easily answer the question.
