
The Relation

Scarlet was of course angry about what had happened. But in the end, there was nothing that she could do for the time being. She could only hope that Jaden would fight with Alfie.

She did not doubt that Lucas would be able to convince Harry so that Alfie would come to look for Jaden for trouble. At that time, they would be able to see who was stronger than who. Of course, she believed that Jaden was stronger than Alfie.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to be able to prevent Alfie from attacking. The attack that had been launched by Alfie at that time had been easily stopped by Jaden, which implied that unless Alfie possessed strength more than the one that he had exhibited at that moment, it was definitely quite an easy thing for Jaden to be able to deal with him.

And of course, she was not happy considering the fact that she had already lost the battle between her and Alfie. She had not expected that there was going to be a person like Alfie within the campus. Thinking about it, she could not help but get frustrated.

At this point, she decided that the moment that she went back, she would definitely begin training as soon as possible. It might be true that she currently held the black belt, but that was definitely only applicable to those in the same tier as herself.

If she met with a person holding a black belt from a higher tier, it was definitely quite easy for them to be able to defeat her. And she believed that Alfie might be the same. He definitely belonged to a higher tier.

Jaden followed behind Scarlet, maintaining a certain distance between them. He did not say anything, and simply remained silent as he followed her, while observing his surroundings.

He did not know where Scarlet was going this time, but nevertheless, he hoped that she would not begin causing trouble again. Otherwise, it was definitely going to be troublesome if she started looking for trouble, making him to handle it.

Johnsons Mansion

At this moment, Clifford was having a frown on his face. Of course, he had already received information about the attack that had been launched on Scarlet in the morning.

He understood that this was a move that had been made by the Williams. But even then, although he knew who it was that had made a move, he did not have any evidence that he could utilize in order to deal with them.

They had already investigated the situation, and they found out that the one that was behind ordering the gangsters to attack Scarlet was a person that was related to the Williams. It was just that the relationship between them was extremely vague, and it was difficult for them to be able to find open relationship between them.

In the end, there was nothing that they could do about it for now. But at least, they thought that it was good enough that Scarlet was okay. Otherwise, if she had been injured, they would definitely not let the Williams go.

Previously, afraid that the top bodyguard companies might be invaded by the Williams, they decided to look for a bodyguard in a small institution. This was just something that they had decided to do, so that the bodyguard could hold on for a few days before being replaced by another professional bodyguard.

But even then, it was true that they had never expected that they were going to get a person who had gone to that organization. Despite the fact that they did not understand the true capabilities that he possessed, but even then, the incident from morning was enough to be able to tell them that he was quite capable.

According to the information that they had received about Scarlet's condition at the moment, he was completely unharmed. And for that reason, Clifford had already began considering having Jaden remain as a permanent bodyguard for Scarlet, even if they dealt with the Williams.

"Father, what should we do? We cannot allow the Williams to continue running rampant like that. If we don't respond, they will definitely make a move again. After all, they think that we don't have the capabilities of acting against them." Anthony asked as he looked at Clifford.

He was the one that dotted on Scarlet the most. And of course, he was the one that was the angriest among everyone else, the moment that he received the information about Scarlet being attacked.

"You have to calm down Anthony. It is true that you know that it is the Williams that attacked, but do you have any form of evidence about it? Unless you possess enough evidence, you should definitely not make any reckless move. Otherwise, you will definitely give the Williams an opportunity to strike at us." Clifford shook his head as he responded.

Anthony also understood this fact. It was just that he was currently angry in such a way that he did not even want to think much about it. Had it not been for the fact that his father had prevented him from acting, he would have already made a move.

Anthony took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He understood that this situation was definitely not easy like that. They would definitely have to make preparations before making any move.

"Then, what about Jaden. Is he good enough to be able to protect Scarlet anymore? After all, with the Williams being like this, it is clear that they are definitely going to attack again. Should we consider adding another bodyguard?" Anthony asked after a moment of silence.

"It is a good idea what you are saying. But are you sure that there are many people that are as qualified as Jaden is? For him to be able to make sure that Scarlet is completely unharmed in that situation, it is clear that he is skilled.

But to be able to find a person like him, who has a clean background, and possesses the same capabilities, it is quite difficult. That is the reason why we decided to look for a bodyguard from small organizations, believing that the Williams will not be able to think that we will look for a bodyguard from there.

It is actually a good thing that we were able to find Jaden. This is pure luck. Otherwise, we would have definitely suffered a loss this time, considering that Scarlet would have been greatly injured today." Clifford responded.

Anthony thought about it, and thought that it made sense. After all, it was definitely difficult to be able to find a person like Jaden who was capable of dealing with a situation like the one that he had been in.

Even among the professional bodyguards that were extremely experienced, it was quite difficult for them to be able to handle that situation considering that the enemies were attacking from a distance.

"We can only have Jaden continue protecting Scarlet, while hoping that the Williams will not make a big move anytime soon. Otherwise, things are definitely going to get a little more complicated." Lynette stated.

She had been silent all this time, but Clifford understood that she was definitely among those that were furious about the issue. If an opportunity arises, he believed that Lynette would definitely not let the Williams go. The same could be applied to him.

At this moment, silence dominated the living room of the mansion. Then, about a minute later, Steven walked in. He possessed a solemn expression on his face.

After giving a slight bow, he said, "Master, I have investigated about the issue. Just like you had expected, the Williams are related to the issue. It is just that they used some kind of connection that is not that closely linked to them. So, if we take this issue to the police, there is no enough evidence to be able to sue them.

Additionally, the gangsters that had attacked have already been taken out of the police station. I have tried to investigate about their whereabouts, but I found out that they simply disappeared a little later on after they left the police station.

As for how they had been able to get out of the police station, it is simply because somebody came over and bailed them out. It would have been impossible to get them out of the police cells considering that those gangsters had attacked a member of the Johnsons, but it is definitely possible with the Williams getting involved."

Clifford remained silent after hearing that. Anthony on the other hand was already fuming. Of course, he was not happy about the fact that the perpetrators, the ones who had directly been involved in assaulting Scarlet had actually managed to get away.

But nevertheless, there was nothing that they could do. They had reacted a little late as compared to the Williams. This was a loss that they would have to suffer and endure for the time being.

"Forget about the issue for now. Just try to investigate all the movements that the Williams are making. Additionally, try to look deeply and find how this person that made the gangsters attack Scarlet is related to the main Williams family. We will have to know who it is that is in charge of attacking Scarlet specifically before we know how to handle him or her." Clifford responded after a moment of contemplation.

"Yes master." Steven responded. Then, after giving a bow, he turned around and left.

The living room was plunged into silence once again as everyone was thinking about the issue from their own perspectives. Nevertheless, each and every one of them was thinking of a solution.
