
Pointless conversation

Mingshen was standing at a side, leaning on a pillar with a drink in his hand and watching his mother drag Jia out for a dance. If anyone were to be the happiest tonight, even more than the birthday woman, then he was sure that it was his mother.

"Did you find the cult leader?"

Wei approached and stood beside him, holding a plate of birthday cake in his hand.

"Turns out he or she is not so useless, after all."

Wei blinked.

"Also turns out that he or she is a doctor."

Wei raised his brow at that.

"He or she treated the ankle injury themselves without going to the hospital. He or she never needed to. Which means he or she has all the facilities at their disposal which you find at a hospital."

"Like your lab," Wei commented.

He smiled. "So apparently, a member of my scientific medical community is out there, brainwashing people with some spiritual gibberish and mutilating young girls' organs like a madman."

"I see."
