
The colluding brother?

On the other side, Jia got to work. First, she thoroughly checked Ehuang's parents' claim that the doctor who originally did the surgeries had passed away. Unfortunately, that turned out to be the truth for her, but she didn't give up there. She pulled out his entire history.

The doctor's name was Xie Jietang, who was a gynecologist in a medium sized hospital in Beijing. He was a good and reputed doctor in the locality and his practice went well over the years.

Good and reputed? She sneered. I don't think any good and reputed doctor would collude with delusional parents to do such terrible surgeries on a child.

On the outside, there seemed to be no stain of any bad practice on his career as a doctor or any serious complaints ever registered against him.

But Jia wondered if what was being shown on the outside was really true?

If he had been a really good doctor, then would he have really urged a couple to for these surgeries because of the accident?
