

Walking steadily on the red carpet, Zara passed a smile on her face. Never fearing the flashes directed at her at all, but rather enjoying it.

This was the third time she was in such a state, the one that placed her in the spotlight with so many cameras.

The first one was her birthday, followed by the show and lastly now. As for her daily life, she can't really put it under the same label as what is happening now.

However, it was all thanks to her daily broadcasts that she wasn't fazed by so much.

The walk on the red carpet didn't last long before she was safely sent into the venue, leaving the cameramen to deal with the others who were arriving.

As soon as she entered the building, she couldn't help but open her mouth in awe, amazed by the beautiful and intrinsic interior design. Whoever owned this place was truly dedicated and put in a lot of effort.
