
Our Relationship With The Little One

Leslie kept her eyes closed, unable to look directly at Calix's reddened eyes. Her heart was torn seeing the uncertainty and fear swirling in his eyes.

His question echoed again in her mind.

"Have you known... about it? You knew... that the man... was me?"

Yes. She knew.

Or rather, she learned the truth through unconventional ways.

Slowly lifting her eyelids, Leslie nodded twice, non-verbally admitting to his question. Her response sank Calix's expression further.

"I didn't immediately... know..." Leslie fidgeted with her skirt, nervously saying the half-truths to Calix, "I only... vaguely remember that night... I didn't go looking... for that man too..."

Despite having more questions, Calix reminded himself to regain his calm. This was all too shocking to him. He expected nothing about this at all – of Leslie being aware of his identity.
