

Meanwhile, her useless brother was indolently lying on the couch, sound asleep. His clothes were still in perfect order. Not even his hair was the slightest bit ruffled up!

There was no need to guess. There was definitely nothing "interesting" going on last night at all!

Clara sighed. These two had been dragging it out for close to ten years now, yet they were still stuck in this ambiguous "friend zone" after all this time. She was almost irked to death thinking about it!

"Ahem!" Clara dragged her feet into the room and yanked the curtain open, flooding the room with bright sunlight. "Wake up, both of you! Time to get up!"

Liam woke up with a grimace and promptly got up to his feet and grabbed his sister from the back by the collar of her shirt.

"You little sh*thead!" he hissed. 'So you finally opened the door, huh?'
